Coffee review

Video tutorial for beginners in foam-how to do well in video tutorial

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Video tutorial for beginners on how to make a good foam-the first step is to do a fast and low hit until there is obvious resistance and a sense of consistency; then you do a medium hit, and you also have an obvious sense of resistance and a sense of consistency; finally, you do a high hit and there is a sense of resistance and a sense of continuity as a whole. Tip: pay attention to the height of the twitch. Step 2: repeat the first step. In this way, the process of manual milking is completed. If you want to

How to make a good milk foam video tutorial

The first step: first do fast low hit, hit to have obvious resistance and soft feeling; next do medium hit, hit to have obvious resistance and soft feeling; finally do high hit, hit to have overall resistance and soft feeling. Tip: Pay attention to the height of the twitch.

Step 2: Repeat step 1. This completes the manual milking process. If you want your foam to be less thick and have a certain flow, just do the first step. After frothing, pull out the piston vertically to help drive out a lot of rough foam. (Because I didn't download the picture, I don't know the specific samples of the author's low, medium and high hits)

Making of Handmade Hot Milk Foam

Heat milk (which froths and holds, Nestle recommended) to a temperature that is hot (60 to 70 degrees) but manageable. What kind of heating method is used is not important, the key is to reach this temperature (why to reach this temperature, will be discussed later). The heating method used in the store I directed was the microwave oven. At first, I slowly tried to find out how long it took to heat the milk to the target temperature with a big fire. Later, I directly put the milk in and heated it according to the time after the test. It was very convenient and very fast.

Handmade cold milk foam making

Cold milk foam is the fully refrigerated milk directly into the manual milk machine, with the manual milk machine hit the milk foam. This milk foam is used in large quantities on iced coffee and works well. However, the author occasionally added it to hot coffee, and got the different performance of cold and hot effects in a cup of coffee. It is worth a try.