Coffee review

How is coffee grease formed?-how does hand brew coffee get grease out?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How coffee oils are formed-how hand-brewed coffee flushes out "Italian concentrate" is a multiphase drink that can be made with roasted and ground coffee powder and water. The concentrated surface is covered with a layer of foam made of tiny bubbles and has a special imprint like a stripe on a tiger's tail. At the bottom of the foam is accompanied by tiny emulsified oil droplets.

How is coffee grease formed?-how does hand brew coffee get grease out?

"Italian concentrate" is a multiphase drink that can be made with roasted and ground coffee powder and water. The concentrated surface is covered with a layer of foam made of tiny bubbles and has a special imprint like a stripe on a tiger's tail. At the bottom of the foam are particles with tiny emulsified oil droplets that dissolve sugars, acids, proteins, caffeine, bubbles and solids.

Emulsification: the role of a liquid in which tiny droplets are uniformly dispersed in another liquid that is immiscible. Emulsification is a liquid-liquid interface phenomenon, in which two insoluble liquids, such as oil and water, are divided into two layers in the container, with low-density oil in the upper layer and high-density water in the lower layer. If the appropriate surfactant is added under strong stirring, the oil is dispersed in the water to form an emulsion, which is called emulsification.)

(phase state: that is, the state of matter (or phase for short, also called physical state), refers to a set of states of a macroscopic physical system. A substance in a state has simple chemical composition and physical properties (such as density, crystal structure, refractive index, etc.). The most common states of matter are solid, liquid and gaseous, commonly known as "three states of matter".)

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A series of complex chemical changes occur during coffee roasting to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide. Most of the carbon dioxide will be released naturally during the storage of ripe coffee beans, but more carbon dioxide will remain in the cell wall.

The pump pressure correlation of 9 bar is the insoluble oil in emulsified coffee. In fact, water pressure has another function, which is to make water supersaturated to carbon dioxide, increasing the solubility of water to carbon dioxide, thus dissolving more times more carbon dioxide than normal natural pressure. That's why hot water forms thousands of tiny bubbles when it passes through pressed powder.

The formation of the foam layer requires bubbles, as well as compounds or particles that like to surround these bubbles to make the structure of these bubbles stable and more elastic. The coating effect of these chemical components will involve surfactants. The formation of vesicles is mainly related to melanoidin (melanoidin). Melanoidin is a general term for a series of compounds formed during coffee roasting, and scientists know little about it.