Coffee review

The difference between boutique coffee and espresso-mocha pot and espresso machine

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The difference between boutique coffee and Italian coffee-there are many kinds of Brazilian coffee with mocha pot and Italian coffee machine, most of the coffee has moderate acidity, its sweet, bitter and mellow taste is neutral, moderate concentration, smooth and special taste, is the best blending beans, known as the backbone of coffee, single drink flavor is also good. Colombian coffee: roasted coffee from Colombia

The difference between boutique coffee and espresso-mocha pot and espresso machine

There are many kinds of coffee in Brazil, most of which are moderately acidic, its sweet, bitter and mellow tastes are neutral, the concentration is moderate, and the taste is smooth and special. it is the best blending bean and is known as the backbone of coffee. Colombian coffee: produced in Colombia, roasted coffee beans release sweet aroma and have the benign characteristics of sweet in acid and flat in bitterness. because of the right concentration, they are often used in high-grade mixed coffee. Mocha coffee: produced in Yemen. Beans are small and fragrant, with strong sour and mellow taste, moderate sweet taste and special flavor. The washed coffee beans are famous for their high quality coffee, which are usually consumed separately. Mantenin coffee: produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, known as the fullest coffee beans, with a very strong aroma, spicy bitterness, but also with syrup flavor, but the sour taste is not prominent, but there is a strong mellowness, is the German favorite variety, coffee lovers mostly drink alone. It is also an indispensable breed of mixed coffee. Java coffee: Java of Indonesia occupies an extremely important position in the history of coffee.

The first generation drinks instant coffee, the second generation drinks espresso, and now let's enter the third generation to drink hand-brewed boutique coffee. As I mentioned earlier, it is impossible for a good baker to beautify mediocre coffee beans into high-grade coffee beans. Good beans can only be planted attentively, from the variety of trees, the way of cutting seeds, to the harvest of fully ripe fruits. These are good beans that can only be obtained by coffee farmers and good coffee farms and producing areas.

Coffee beans are washed and dried, flat beans and round beans. The coffee beans are dark and light in color. Through deep roasting, the coffee beans explode, doubling in volume and reducing their weight by nearly 1 inch 4. In the process of roasting, coffee beans gradually produce volatile flavor oil, so that various flavors can reach a perfect balance. Even in the same producing country, coffee beans will have a subtle influence on the flavor and quality of coffee beans, as well as their own characteristics, because of the differences in climate, altitude and soil quality in different regions.