Coffee review

Coffee beans from which region of Latin America do you belong to? high school regional geography Latin America

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee beans belonging to which region of Latin America-High School Regional Geography of Latin America in 1721 French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu went through difficulties and difficulties to bring the first coffee sapling from Africa to the Latin American island of Martinique, all of which was the origin of coffee cultivation in Latin America. Because France was king of Bourbon at that time.

Coffee beans from which region of Latin America do you belong to? high school regional geography Latin America

In 1721, French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu went through difficulties and obstacles to bring the first coffee sapling from Africa to the Latin American island of Martinique, which was the origin of coffee cultivation in Latin America. Because France was under the Bourbon dynasty, Arabica coffee grown in Latin America had another name, bourbon, which is now famous in the coffee industry. Bourbon is now an important branch of coffee in Arabica.

Starbucks Leisure Coffee combines the taste of coffee with a selection of special beans from Latin America, which are roasted for a shorter period of time to bring a more refined and subtle cocoa taste, as well as a soft roasted nutty flavor. The flavor is unique but not too strong, and this elegant and pleasant cup of coffee is a wonderful choice for you to share with your friends or start a new day.

Costa Rican coffee is praised as "complete coffee" by many gourmets, because it is very balanced, the flavor is very clean and tight, the delicate sour taste with green apple (sometimes citrus or plum fruit), the body is tight but not thin, and the sweetness of the coffee will stay in the throat for a long time, so some people describe it as "perfectly balanced"! The best Costa Rican coffee has a chocolate flavor in its aftertaste. There are a total of 130, 000 coffee farms in Costa Rica. The most famous producing areas are Tarrzu, near the southern Pacific coast, and Tres Rios, north of San Jose, the capital. These areas have high altitude and good soil, so they have the densest planting density and stable coffee quality. Among these many coffee farms, the most famous is located in Tarasu. LaMinita Manor, which tastes as clear as a bell, and LaMinita Manor's coffee is so excellent because everything from the planting of coffee trees to the handling of coffee beans is extremely careful and strict.