Coffee review

Usage of coffee cloth powder-method of brewing coffee with coffee powder

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee cloth powder machine usage-using coffee powder to brew coffee ①, light pressure even with the weight of the cake hammer itself; ②, heavy pressure even with man-made external force. Due to too much artificial force, packing is one of the biggest factors in the whole process of ESPRESSO extraction, so experienced baristas choose ① to ensure the consistency of the product.

Usage of coffee cloth powder-method of brewing coffee with coffee powder

①, light pressing even with the weight of the cake hammer itself.

②, heavy pressure, even if the use of artificial external forces.

Due to too much artificial force, packing is one of the biggest factors in the whole ESPRESSO extraction process, so experienced baristas choose light pressing to ensure product consistency.

①, ensure that the extraction filter bowl is clean and dry

After Espresso extraction, you need to clean and dry the filter bowl, and every once in a while, do a deep cleaning of the filter bowl, first remove the filter from the handle, and then soak it with powder and water.

②, put the ground coffee powder into the powder bowl

Single Espresso usually 7g powder, double 14g powder, triple 21g powder, with single handle and double handle to choose from, double head is the most commonly used, the amount of coffee powder is the first thing you need to grasp.

It usually takes a while to find a good bean grinder (usually very expensive) to ensure the quality of Espresso. Recommend three better bean grinders: Baratza Virtuoso and Rancilio Rocky and the Mazzer Mini.

When we put the coffee powder into the powder bowl, we finally need to ensure that the coffee powder is evenly distributed. As you can see from the photo below, the coffee powder has been piled into a hill so that there is enough coffee powder to fill the gap when powdered.