Coffee review

How to distinguish between the flavor characteristics of red standard rose summer coffee and blue standard

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to distinguish between the flavor characteristics of the red standard rose summer coffee and the blue standard how to distinguish the Panamanian emerald manor-the Esmeralda manor (Panama Geisha Hacienda La Esmeralda) is the new king of boutique coffee, commonly known as the red standard rose summer, the quality is relatively high, the price is also high. La Esmeralda Manor has won a total of 12 coffee competitions so far, which is open on the Internet.

How to distinguish between the flavor characteristics of red standard rose summer coffee and blue standard

Panamanian Emerald Manor (Panama Geisha Hacienda La Esmeralda) Rose Summer is the new king of boutique coffee, commonly known as "Red Standard Rose Summer", with high quality and high price. La Esmeralda Manor has won a total of 12 coffee competitions so far, setting a record of US $21 in 2004, US $50.25 in 2006 and US $130 in 2007. Of course, other countries have also played for good coffee close to $50 a pound.

Since 2004, SCAP has organized the first Best of Panama (BOP) Best Panama auction, with only 11 grades of beans, with an average transaction price of US $2.89 per pound. By 2012, this figure has reached US $24.83, which has greatly encouraged and promoted the development of boutique coffee. The famous Hacienda La Esmeralda, Don Pachi Estate, Carmen Estate and Elida Estate are all founding manors.

Rose is full of sweetness and cleanliness on the palate, with rich aromas ranging from berry and citrus to mango, papaya and peach. A very obvious lemon (bergamot) general aftertaste is also a typical cup test attribute. So far, Rose Summer has been the champion of coffee varieties.