Coffee review

Maan Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Reason for recommendation: although the signboard is inconspicuous, it is not difficult to find. The environment is really beautiful, especially the lamp, it is very delicious. Ate matcha star ice and mango mousse, not bad. I like all desserts that are not particularly sweet. Cheese mushroom Panini: there is a lot of cheese. It can draw silk. I like it very much. The salad next to it is also good. Per capita: 53 yuan address: Queen's Park 6, 277 Wulin Road, Xiacheng District

Reason for recommendation: although the signboard is inconspicuous, it is not difficult to find. The environment is really beautiful, especially the lamp, it is very delicious. Ate matcha star ice and mango mousse, not bad. I like all desserts that are not particularly sweet. Cheese mushroom Panini: there is a lot of cheese. It can draw silk. I like it very much. The salad next to it is also good.

Per capita: 53 yuan

Address: building 6, Queen's Park, 277 Wulin Road, Xiacheng District (near Xiaofeng Road)