Coffee review

Comparison of authentic and fake hario siphon pots

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Japanese hario is the first choice for siphon pots. What's so good about it? In addition to exquisite workmanship, the last step of siphon production is to use a cold wet cloth to cool the next pot. This step is to prevent the high temperature of the next pot from causing the reflux coffee to zoom and affect the taste. Domestic glass may crack because of instant cooling. This is rarely the case with Japanese products. Also because of the excellent quality and reputation of hario, it leads to

Japanese hario is the first choice for siphon pots. What's so good about it? In addition to exquisite workmanship, the last step of siphon production is to use a cold wet cloth to cool the next pot. This step is to prevent the high temperature of the next pot from causing the reflux coffee to zoom and affect the taste. Domestic glass may crack because of instant cooling. This is rarely the case with Japanese products. Also because hario is famous for its excellent quality, fakes fly everywhere, and fakes are divided into imitation and fine imitation, which makes it difficult to distinguish between imitation and fine imitation. Recently, many new beginners have asked me how to tell the true and false of hario siphon.

In fact, do not resist fake goods, imitation goods, but do not like to sell fake goods seriously or shoddy behavior, this post is welcome to reprint, the less you buy fake goods, the fewer people will sell fake goods, if it is to save money, you can buy domestic ones directly.

True and false usually need to be compared, the physical store has a fake hario siphon kettle used as a negative example, bought in Taobao a few years ago, used to make a comparison for customers. This time it really came in handy to use the remaining heat. This is a general imitation, fine imitation goods have been contacted before, here will list the same and different points with the real goods one by one. At first glance, the real goods and fake goods are similar, so it is necessary to compare the details step by step. Authentic hario siphon pot lid with clear font

The imitation is not clear, the font is not quite the same, fine imitation can also achieve close to the authentic font level, so just look at the lid can not be sure that it is genuine, step by step, step by step can not be wrong is the authentic.

Take a look at the sealing rubber on the upper seat of the siphon pot, the genuine product is printed with the word hario, smell this part, the genuine rubber has no peculiar smell, the imitation does not have the word hario and has a bad smell, and the fine imitation is also printed with the word hario, the taste is not great, so continue to look.

Look at the bottom of the siphon pot bracket, the imitation is relatively rough.

And the fine imitation can also achieve the technological level similar to that of the authentic, so we have to continue to look at the alcohol lamp of the imitation.

Authentic alcohol lamp, the difference between this and imitation is very obvious, the shape of lid and windshield are completely different, but only positive, fine imitation can also achieve the appearance of authentic goods. At this point, we should be able to understand that it is easier to distinguish between imitation goods and authentic goods, but it is more difficult to distinguish between fine imitation goods and authentic goods, but the obvious is about to appear.

Through the comparison of the above details, I believe you are not so easily deceived. In fact, in addition to the comparative photos taken by Brother Bird, the physical object can also be clearly judged by looking at the glass and touching the handle of the bracket, but this is more difficult to express through the photo.

So, for those of you who are ready to buy a hario siphon pot, you can start. For those who have bought a hario siphon pot before, see if they have been cheated. Don't lose heart if it's a fake. Fakes are an inevitable experience in one's life. Calm down.