Coffee review

Brief introduction to the quality of Superior Coffee beans in Rose Summer Geisha Aristar production area of Panamanian Love Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mr Osorio (David Osorio) was born in 1865 in curacoa, a small island in the south of the Caribbean. In 1915, he moved to the Poquet region of Panama to start the family coffee business. In 2007, the second generation of the family members, Efran Alberto Osorio Baxter and Efran Alberto Osorio Baxter, took over the family coffee.

Emerald Manor can be said to be a manor worthy of pilgrimage for fine coffee. Qianjie believes that many people feel this way again, because the quality of Rose Summer Coffee produced is indeed good. But Front Street doesn't chase after an estate without looking for more pearls, and that's a small world view of fine coffee. This time, Front Street introduced a coffee from Panama's Castillo, not a rose but an iron pickup truck. The reason not to choose rosewood is because Panama rosewood is good enough to look for good coffee other than rosewood.

The Casa de la Casa de la Casa covers an area of about 12.5 hectares, which is a miniature small estate in Panama. According to the owner's dictation, 8.5 hectares of it are planted with varieties ranging from common iron pickup (typica), red Catuai (Red Catuai) and pacamara (Pacamara). Since 2008, a small number of plots have been planted with coffee of the summer variety (Geisha), which now accounts for nearly half of the total amount; the estate is about 1500 meters to 1675 meters above sea level, in addition to coffee cultivation, there are 3.5 hectares of primary forest and various fruit trees, including cypress, pine and eucalyptus trees in the mountains, which is a typical example of a self-sufficient estate. Castillo is best known for winning the 2011 Best of Panama contest with a cup score of 92.3 points, beating Emerald Manor, the most iconic and successive champion at the time, and breaking the record for the year to $70.25 per pound. In the following years, there have been countless excellent results, and the final competition batches of Panama have been selected for the year, including the fifth place in the washed summer group in 2012, the tenth place in the washed summer group in 2013, the twelfth place in the washed summer group in 2014, and the fourteenth place in the washed summer group in 2015.

Finca La Valentina, owned by the Osorio family, is located in Panama, Boquete,Horqueta, where the terrain varies greatly and the climate is humid. The average temperature is around 15-20 degrees. In addition, there is a forest surrounding the slate mine and two clear streams next to the estate. The resources are quite rich. It is a great planting paradise. Finca La Valentina is dedicated to the cultivation of fine beans. In addition to personal care, the unique microclimate of the area also creates their Arabica coffee beans (SHB), which are of outstanding high quality. In 2011, the estate's Geisha ARISTAR won first place in the Panama competition. In 2012, Geisha ARISTAR and Valentina also received high scores of 87.07 and 84.66 respectively.


Through water treatment, immature beans and defective beans will be selected due to buoyancy, and the fermentation process is better controlled, so the flavor is not as messy as sun-baked beans, but presents obvious acidity, slightly more complex and cleaner (without any negative flavor, such as astringency or sharpness) cup characteristics. But it is also because it is too "clean" and the richness of flavor is also slightly weaker. The estate adopts washing method and natural drying method. The clean, sweet mountain spring water provides the ideal conditions for washing, which gives the beans a clear appearance and a clean, fresh taste. The washed coffee beans are placed on huge plates and dried naturally by the sun.

Analysis of Qianjie Coffee Raw Bean

This batch is iron pickup truck, iron pickup truck species is characterized by two slightly upturned. In general, the harvest of fresh coffee beans called "new beans"(New Corp), mainly because of the water content of raw beans, because the new beans more water content (usually between 11%~13%), the appearance of more dark green or blue-green, while the old beans (water content 10%~11%) and old beans (water content 9%~10%) appearance color is lighter, weight and feel lighter, not like the new bean surface as shiny and tactile. Of course, different processing and refining methods and origin, varieties of raw beans will be different.

Front Street Coffee Roasting Analysis Roaster Yangjia 600g Half Straight Fire

This batch of Panama belongs to the high-altitude extremely hard beans SHB. The reason why the coffee beans at high altitude have higher hardness is that the coffee beans have more nutrients and a long fruit growth cycle. In fact, it is the same as the cultivation of most plants. The coffee beans themselves are the fruits of small shrubs, while the coffee beans with relatively low altitude and fast growth speed have loose bean texture and are not resistant to high temperature baking. Beans are dense in texture and resistant to baking at high temperatures. This coffee is intended to be medium slow roasted to best reflect its round, smooth, fruity and fruity characteristics. Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, open the damper for 3 seconds, adjust the fire to 160 degrees Celsius, keep the damper unchanged, return to temperature point 1 '33', adjust the fire once at 168 degrees Celsius, at this time the bean surface turns yellow, the grass smell completely disappears, dehydration is completed, the fire is adjusted to 130 degrees Celsius, the damper is adjusted to 4; 8 ′ 45 ′ ′, the bean surface appears ugly beard wrinkles and black stripes, toast flavor obviously changed to coffee fragrance, can be defined as the prelude to a burst, this time to hear the sound of a burst point, to 9 ′ 07 ″ to start a burst, turn down the fire to 80 degrees, throttle fully open 5 (adjust the fire to be very careful, not small to no burst sound), a burst after 3 ′ 00 ″, 198 degrees under the pan.

Front Street Coffee Panama Casanova Estate Iron Pickup

Production area: Poquet

Type: Iron Pickup

Altitude: 1500-1675m

Treatment: Washing

Front Street Coffee Cup Test Record

Dry fragrance: dry fragrance is orange and roasted almond slices, sip for citrus, orange, kiwi, lime and other fruit flavor, acid value clear and bright, clean and smooth texture.

Wet fragrance: osmanthus fragrance, sweet orange juice feeling

Brewing Analysis of Qianjie Coffee

Grinding degree: BG-6L Water temperature: 90°C V60 filter cup, 15 grams of powder, water temperature 89-90 degrees, grinding 3.5, water powder ratio close to 1:15

30 grams of water stewed for 30s. Staging: water injection to 110ml, water cut off, slowly water injection to 220ml, i.e. 30-110-80

Flavor description: Osmanthus orange honey