Coffee review

Jasmine-scented Ethiopian Sun Yega Shifeiwaka Coffee Flavor treatment method

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Ethiopia is an ancient country with a history of 3000 years of civilization. The Hamite people who immigrated from the southern Arabian Peninsula were the earliest inhabitants. Monlinique I reigned in 975 BC. The Kingdom of Nubia was established in the 8th century BC. Anchor China Coffee Network from the 1st century to 976 AD, the Ethiopian Empire, also known as the Kingdom of Aksum, was established in Aksum in the north, in the 4th and 5th centuries.

Ethiopia is an ancient country with a history of 3000 years of civilization. The Hamite people who immigrated from the southern Arabian Peninsula were the earliest inhabitants.

Monlinique I reigned in 975 BC. The Kingdom of Nubia was established in the 8th century BC. Anchor China Coffee Network

From the 1st century to 976 AD, the Ethiopian Empire, also known as the Kingdom of Aksum, was established in Aksum in the north. Christianity was introduced into Ethiopia in the 4th and 5th century. From the 12th century to 1270, the Zagvi dynasty was established.

In 1270, the Abyssinian Empire was established. [3] Ethiopian anchor point

The early invasion period of western colonialism

Portugal and the Ottoman Empire invaded one after another in the 16th century. British troops invaded Ethiopia in 1867 and Sudanese Mahdi troops invaded in 1887.

In 1889, Mennelik II became emperor, unified the country, established the capital Addis Ababa, and established the territory of modern Ethiopia. In 1890, Italy invaded, squeezed out British power and declared Ethiopia a "sanctuary". In 1896, Menlinique II led the army to defeat the Italian army in Adua and was forced to recognize the independence of Ethiopia. [1]

During the reign of Emperor Selassie

Haier Selassie was made regent in 1916 and became king in 1928. On November 2, 1930, he was crowned Emperor Haier Selassie I. In 1936, Italy invaded again, occupied Addis Ababa, conquered Ethiopia, and Selassie went into exile in London. The allies defeated Italy in 1941 and Selassie I returned home on May 5 of the same year. Step down after a domestic coup in 1974

Sun Yega Chuefei: light fermented wine, spices

1. Natural solarization (Natural/Dried-in-the-Fruit):

The fruit begins the process of sun drying without treatment after picking. This is the oldest method of treatment in existence. The drying process usually lasts about 4 weeks. The method of handling must be very strict to ensure that the coffee does not lose any flavor. The natural sun method requires the local climate to be extremely dry. In some areas, people use dryers to assist in the drying process of coffee fruit (the hot air of the dryer can speed up the drying process and help people control the degree of drying).

two。 Complete washing method (Washed)

The peel, pulp and mucous membrane are removed by washing and fermentation. farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce an endless supply of live water. During the treatment, the finished beans are put into the pool and passed back and forth, using the friction of beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean. After washing, at this time, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the pericarp with a moisture content of 50%. They must be dried to reduce the moisture content to 12%, otherwise they will continue to be mellow, moldy and rotten. The better treatment is to use sunlight to dry, although it takes 1 ~ 3 weeks, but it has a very good flavor and is very popular.

Washed jasmine, lemon or lime acid

[soak the coffee in the cup according to the ratio of 8 grams of powder to 150 milliliters of 93 degrees hot water for 3-4 minutes until the coffee residue shell is formed]

The difference in taste:

Sun Yega Chuefei: the sun is a little complex, light fermented wine, bitter taste will be more intense, taste will be much more rich, honey sweet, cocoa with a hint of spice, body thick and long-lasting.

Water washing Yega Xuefei: the acidity of the water washing treatment will be brighter, like citric acid, the taste is more delicate, citrus flavor is more obvious, and there is some black tea in the latter part.

Same: both will have a sour taste, such as lemon and citrus.

[hand data]

[sun Yega Chuefei]: it is recommended to use 15 grams of powder 89 degrees water temperature, small Fuji grindability 4 V60 filter cup, water powder ratio 1:15, the first water injection 30g, steaming 25s, the second water injection 104g water cut off, the second water injection to 230g water, not the water at the end, the extraction time is about 212s

[washing Yejia Xuefei]: it is recommended to use 15 grams of powder at 92 degrees water temperature, the ratio of water to powder 1 to 15 V60 filter cup, the ratio of water to powder at 1:15, the first water injection 30 g, stewed 28s-30s, the second water injection 110g water cut off, the second water injection to 230g water, not the water in the tail section, and the extraction time is about 2Rd 15s.

In this way, the hands can feel the comfort of Yega Xuefei, just like flowers promote taste buds and olfactory cells in the nasal cavity. The coffee beans after harvest must enter the treatment program immediately, otherwise they will begin to ferment, making the coffee beans have a bad smell. There are two methods of treatment: "solarization" and "washing", which will cause different flavors. Sun-dried beans have a complete natural mellow flavor, gentle aroma and more gum; washing rules have a good mellow taste, high aroma and lively sour taste.