Coffee review

Yunnan fine coffee bean varieties planting geographical location climate altitude profile

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yunnan coffee is said to have been handed down by the French 70 or 80 years ago. The main production variety is Arabica Arabica, that is, the so-called Arabica coffee, commonly known as Yunnan Arabica coffee. Yunnan's high-quality geographical and climatic conditions provide good conditions for coffee growth. The planting areas are Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other prefectures. Yunnan's natural conditions are very similar to those of Colombia

It is said that Yunnan coffee came from the French 70 or 80 years ago. The main variety is Arabica Arabica, that is, the so-called small seed coffee, commonly known as Yunnan small grain coffee. Yunnan's high-quality geographical and climatic conditions provide good conditions for coffee growth. The planting areas are Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other prefectures. The natural conditions of Yunnan are very similar to those of Colombia, that is, low latitude, high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night. The small grain coffee produced is mellow by cup quality analysis, and its quality and taste is similar to that of Colombian coffee.

Although Zhu Kula is poor and backward, it has an inextricable bond with coffee. In addition to growing coffee all over the country, the villagers all have a tradition of drinking coffee: self-growing, self-grinding and self-brewing, and now men, women and children in the village have the habit of drinking coffee. The villagers here have a special feeling for the coffee tree, even if the coffee beans do not bring them any economic benefits, the villagers are not willing to cut down a coffee tree.

Zhukula Village receives guests with local coffee and walnuts, although the coffee made from earthen cans is not the best, but this primitive drinking method reflects the love of coffee among Zhukula villagers and is the highest etiquette reception for guests. The unique and rich original coffee culture makes everyone who knows Zhu Kula have to sigh that it is worthy of the first coffee village in China.

Ancient church

Ancient church

Zhukula coffee forest belongs to Arabica bean (Arabica) Yunnan small grain Bobang (bourbon) and Tiebika (Typica) varieties.

By 2014, the coffee planting area of Yunnan Province is 1.83 million mu, and it is estimated that the coffee planting area of Yunnan Province will reach 2.8 million mu by 2020.

Main producing area

Small-grain coffee is suitable for growing in the mountains at an altitude of 800 to 1800 meters. If the altitude is too high, it will taste sour, and if it is too low, it will taste bitter. Small grains of coffee are mostly planted in dry and hot valleys about 1100 meters above sea level, so they are moderately sour, rich and mellow. There is a unique environment suitable for the growth of small seed coffee in many areas of Yunnan, and the quality of small seed coffee is excellent.

The planting areas are mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Nujiang and other states.

The average temperature of Lujiangba in Baoshan is 21.5℃, and the highest is 40.4 ℃, which is basically frost-free all the year round. It is recognized as the best producing area of small-grain coffee. The small-grain coffee cultivated here is famous at home and abroad for its strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, well-proportioned small noodles, mellow and fruity. Although the environmental problems of coffee cultivation can reach the standard of hot areas, they are far away from the equator, evaporation, large-scale coffee cultivation in Yunnan is less than 1100m above sea level, the severe drought in Yunnan in recent years, and the frost period in the producing areas, and so on, all make coffee planting can not be guaranteed normally, which directly affects the quality of coffee production. As for other processing problems, not to mention the quality of farmers, tea farmers drink tea for generations, but farmers may not drink coffee all their lives, so we do not increase too much interest in planting. Since the early 1990s, in order to improve the enthusiasm of farmers, Baoshan Rezuo has introduced a Katim variety bred by the Portuguese Coffee Rust Research Center with Timor (medium grain, Tim) and Caturra (small grain, Kaddura), and has been popularized and planted with numerous titles. This variety has solved many factors such as disease and insect disasters and drought resistance, and the important thing is that the yield per mu has nearly doubled. Although it has increased the enthusiasm of farmers to grow coffee, it has also become the reason for the low quality of Yunnan coffee from now on. At the same time, Nestl é and Maxwell entered China and began to promote coffee varieties suitable for instant coffee in Pu'er and other places: S288, natural hybrid of large seed and small seed and S26 of kent hybrid of Arabica Kent in India, which had first-class rust resistance, but with low planting difficulty and adaptability, it basically stopped planting at the beginning of the 20th century.

Catimor: Katim is not pure Arabica, it is a hybrid of Timor (which belongs to Robusta) and caturra (a variety of Bobang), so catimor has 25% Robusta blood, and its Robusta blood also determines its taste defects: the aroma is not rich enough, and the overall taste is bitter, prone to astringency and more irritating mildew.

All the varieties planted in Pu'er area of Yunnan are catimor (Katim). In Baoshan City, typica and bourbon were introduced as early as the 1950s, and the locals called them "old varieties". Because the old varieties have low disease and insect resistance and yield, and the management is relatively expensive and manpower, coupled with the market purchase price does not have many advantages, brown farmers have changed to a new variety catimor in recent years. From the botanical point of view of coffee, Yunnan small-grain coffee and recognized as the best blue mountains in Jamaica (Jamaica Blue Mountain), Hawaii (Kona) are genetically close to coffee is a short-day plant. Coffee has the characteristics of multiple flowering and concentrated florescence. The florescence of small seed coffee in Yunnan is from February to July, and the flowering period is from March to May. The flowering of coffee is greatly affected by climate, especially rainfall and temperature. Coffee flowers have a short life span of only 2-3 days. Small seed coffee is generally opened at 3: 5 in the morning, and Yunnan small grain coffee is of good quality from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning. Lujiangba small grain coffee is taken as an example: the percentage contents of the main components are as follows: crude fat 17.1, reducing sugar 0.93,starch 3.07,nitrogen 2.27,crude protein 1.419, ash 3.70,19.33,2.14,9.20,6.87 respectively.

Although the environmental problems of coffee cultivation can reach the standard of hot areas, they are far away from the equator, evaporation, large-scale coffee cultivation in Yunnan is less than 1100m above sea level, the severe drought in Yunnan in recent years, and the frost period in the producing areas, and so on, all make coffee planting can not be guaranteed normally, which directly affects the quality of coffee production. As for other processing problems, not to mention the quality of farmers, tea farmers have been drinking tea for generations, but farmers may not have had coffee in their lives.

Say so much, but it doesn't mean that you haven't had a cup of good Yunnan coffee, and if the post-processing and roasting is good, as a friend here said, the coffee from several hills, such as Pu'erman Laojiang, Kaddura of Manzhong Tian, Tielinka of Baihualing of Lujiang, Baoshan, and Boben of Lujiang, Baoshan, are still good, especially resistant to the old varieties at an altitude of 1800m.

Flavor description of Yunnan Tieka Coffee beans Taste treatment Variety characteristics of producing areas introduction Anchor Point

Typica: the oldest native variety in Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan. All Arabikas are derived from Tibika. The flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor, the fruit yield is less. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika. Tiebika top leaf is red copper, called red top coffee, Tiebika belongs to Arabica Yunnan organic iron pickup coffee, is the oldest variety in Yunnan, 2011-12, the annual output of the bean in Yunnan is only 30, 000 tons, very rare. More than 15 mesh, altitude: 1200 meters above, fruit acidity: strong, characteristics: fresh coffee in this season raw beans, mellow, delicate and lubricated taste, good acidity and personality. Growing on Gaoligong Mountain in Lujiangba, Baoshan, Yunnan Province, natural high-quality coffee uses a variety of natural technologies to ensure the growth of coffee trees, because the natural ecological environment is the goal of organic coffee consumers. Quenching suggestions: hand cup, siphon pot, mocha pot; baking degree: medium

The topography is mainly mountainous and sloping, with large ups and downs, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, rich rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night, these unique natural conditions form the particularity of Yunnan small grain coffee taste-strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity. As early as the 1950s, Yunnan small seed coffee was very popular in the international coffee market and was rated as the top grade of coffee.

The history of coffee cultivation in Yunnan can be traced back to 1892. A French missionary brought coffee to Yunnan from abroad and successfully planted it in a valley in Binchuan County, Yunnan Province. The coffee plants of this batch of coffee seeds are still blooming and bearing fruit in Binchuan County.

Yunnan coffee was planted on a large scale in the mid-1950s, with a planting scale of 4000 hectares at one time. By the end of 1997, the planting area of coffee in the province had reached 7800 hectares. At present, the planting area of the whole province accounts for 70% of the national area, and the output accounts for 83% of the whole country. Yunnan coffee has established the dominant position in China in terms of planting area and coffee bean production. Yunnan coffee cultivation is concentrated in Yunnan and Hainan provinces. Yunnan has a large output, with an annual output of about 26000 tons in recent years, accounting for 90% of the national output.