Coffee review

A brief introduction to the history and culture of the origin and development of crisp Sidamo G3-flavored coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The "Guji producing area" is located in the southeast of the Gedeo area where Jega produces snow caffeine, in the wilderness of 2100 meters above sea level, but it is higher than that of the Yega producing area, with the highest elevation of more than 2600 meters, much higher than the average Sidama, and a larger area. The coffee produced by Guji is very rich and unrestrained in flavor, which can challenge the recently favorite SOE (Single Origin) of Yega Chevy.

The Guji region is located southeast of the Gedeo region, which produces yega caffeine, at an altitude of 2100 meters, but it is higher than the yega region, with a maximum altitude of more than 2600 meters. Guji coffee flavor is very rich and unrestrained, can challenge yejia sherbet coffee

A recent favorite SOE(Single Origin Espresso)-uses a coffee bean to make espresso.

"Lion King" comes from Ethiopia's Sidama Guji region and is an ancient native premium variety: Heirloom, washed, moderately roasted.

Different from the regular American coffee or latte, this series of coffee will have fresh flowers, natural berries and sour, worth savoring.

1. After picking, the beans have not been specially selected and treated, and the uneven quality and maturity are mixed together. The process is relatively rough, so the quality of coffee beans is unstable and easy to have defective beans.

2. Coffee farmers usually find a vacant lot near their homes to deal with, so there are often a lot of impurities or dirty things on the ground, and coffee is easily contaminated with impurities.

1. After picking, the beans have not been specially selected and treated, and the uneven quality and maturity are mixed together. The process is relatively rough, so the quality of coffee beans is unstable and easy to have defective beans.

2. Coffee farmers usually find a vacant lot near their homes to deal with, so there are often a lot of impurities or dirty things on the ground, and coffee is easily contaminated with impurities.

Shakisso, located in Guji, south of Oromia region, next to Sidama and Gedeo. Shakisso/Shakisso coffee is quite unique, and the coffee produced has repeatedly received market attention. Ninety Plus 'legendary bean (nekisse) originally meant nectar from Shakisso, and its production area and name are from Shakisso.

Local smallholders in the area started growing organic coffee in 2001 and work closely with medium-sized coffee producers who know how to grow forest coffee in the upland. It is one of the micro-production areas with very regional characteristics in the Sidamo production area. The coffee produced in this region is quite unique, and the coffee produced has repeatedly received market attention. Ninety Plus 'legendary bean (nekisse) originally means Nectar from shakisso, and its production area and name are all from shakisso.

After obtaining the green coffee beans, sometimes in order to pursue the perfect taste, there will be a final screening, so this sun-dried sidamole can reach the highest level of G1.

Yirgacheffe, with its unique aroma, comes from a small town called Yirga in the northwest of Sidamo province. Yerga Sherphine (Yirgacheffe) Coffee beans are one of the most distinctive coffees in the world. They are rare and expensive. They are produced in the plateau area of Sidamo Province, Ethiopia, at an altitude of 2,000 meters. They are outstanding representatives of African washed coffee. They have always enjoyed a good reputation in the eyes of coffee connoisseurs all over the world. Rare washed high-quality Arabica coffee is suitable for various degrees of roasting. It perfectly presents fresh and bright floral aroma and beautiful complete bean type. Mocha is generally difficult to match the high-end coffee. Unique citrus, lemon fruit aroma, but also with jasmine fragrance, has a similar sour wine, taste clean and no miscellaneous feeling, just like drinking freshly cooked citrus fruit tea aftertaste lasting. Floral and citrus aromas are full, and the performance is amazing. After moderate roasting, it has a soft sour taste, and after deep roasting, it emits a rich aroma. Rich and uniform taste is the most attractive feature of Ethiopian Yerga Coffee. It is known as the best coffee bean in Ethiopia and is the representative of East African fine coffee. Yerga Coffee is the most unique coffee in the world today.

Washing-type coffee flavor is less likely to have wild flavor, with pure, refreshing characteristics, suitable for City to Full City roasting degree; some excellent Ethiopian washing-type coffee beans, sometimes can be perceived as obvious lemon, citrus essential oils, jasmine flowers, honey flavor, etc., sour more obvious, mellow feeling thin. Sun-treated mocha beans have wild flavor in basic flavor, but the degree or more and less difference, more suitable for Full City to Vienna baking degree performance. Excellent sun, mocha beans, with a distinct chocolate finish, some with a pleasant blueberry-like fermented fruity and red wine texture. Mocha is generally difficult to match the high-end coffee. Unique citrus, lemon fruit aroma, but also with jasmine fragrance, has a similar sour wine, taste clean and no miscellaneous feeling, just like drinking freshly cooked citrus fruit tea aftertaste lasting. Floral and citrus aromas are full, and the performance is amazing. After moderate roasting, it has a soft sour taste, and after deep roasting, it emits a rich aroma. Rich and uniform taste is the most attractive feature of Ethiopian Yerga Coffee. It is known as the best coffee bean in Ethiopia and is the representative of East African fine coffee. Yerga Coffee is the most unique coffee in the world today.

Lightly roasted Yirgacheffe, roasted on low heat for 15 minutes (210 ° C). Turn off the heat and slide for half a minute. Immediately cool the beans and blow off the silver skin. The coffee beans are roasted evenly (because the raw beans are washed and clean) and brown. When using the hand-operated coffee mill, it feels very good, smooth and moderate resistance. The dry aroma of coffee powder just started to smell a little earthy, and immediately there was a strong, restrained aroma. After brewing wet fragrance, there are obvious orange fruit, but also some similar hawthorn, fruit cortex moutan sweet and sour taste. The palate is slightly light and balanced, with a slight mild acidity, rich in oil and long lasting foam.

Medium dark roast Yirgacheffe, low heat roast to 17 minutes (230 degrees Celsius), turn off the heat and slide for half a minute. Immediately cool the beans and blow off the silver skin. There is a slight oil on the surface of the coffee beans. The beans are dark brown. The beans are light, the resistance is very small when grinding with a hand coffee mill, and it is not easy to get beans. The dry aroma of coffee powder has a strong burnt aroma and a faint African earthy smell. After brewing, the wet fragrance has a good scorched fragrance. After baking deeper, it seems that there is no regional characteristic of orange fragrance. However, after sipping coffee, it is very rich, fragrant and pleasant, rich in variety, gentle acid, bitterness and astringency are well reflected, the texture is thick, the viscosity is better than that of shallow baking, and the aftertaste is long.

Washing-type coffee flavor is less likely to have wild flavor, with pure, refreshing characteristics, suitable for City to Full City roasting degree; some excellent Ethiopian washing-type coffee beans, sometimes can be perceived as obvious lemon, citrus essential oils, jasmine flowers, honey flavor, etc., sour more obvious, mellow feeling thin. Sun-treated mocha beans have wild flavor in basic flavor, but the degree or more and less difference, more suitable for Full City to Vienna baking degree performance. Excellent sun, mocha beans, with a distinct chocolate finish, some with a pleasant blueberry-like fermented fruity and red-wine texture