Coffee review

A brief introduction to the flavor, taste and aroma characteristics of Jamaica Blue Mountain boutique coffee beans.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The quality control of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica is very strict, and the certification work is carried out by the government coffee industry committee. Coffee beans that generally grow at low elevations and other areas can only be called Jamaican mountain beans or Jamaican water-washed beans. Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, the flavor is very different, but the area of these producing areas is twice that of the real blue mountain areas. The output accounts for 75% of the country's output, so buy Jamaican coffee.

Jamaica Blue Mountain is a very strict quality control, by the government "Coffee Industry Council" certification work.

Coffee beans generally grown at low altitudes and other regions can only be called "Jamaica mountain beans" or "Jamaica washed beans." Compared with Jamaica Blue Mountain, the flavor is much different. However, these producing areas are twice the area of the real Blue Mountain region and account for 75% of the country's production. Therefore, when buying Jamaica coffee, don't think that you have bought Blue Mountain coffee.

Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Basically, this is a comprehensive product prepared by the store itself. There may be a real Jamaica Blue Mountain bean. Blue Mountain coffee is the most superior coffee in the world. The weather, geological structure and terrain of Jamaica jointly provide an ideal place. Ridges running through Jamaica extend to the east of the island, and the Blue Mountains rise to more than 2100 meters. The weather is cool, foggy and frequent, so use this rich soil to reconcile rain. Here, coffee trees are grown in a mixed cropping system, alongside banana and avocado trees on terraces. Some small farms are also planted. But even the region's largest planters are small-scale farmers by international standards, many of them smallholders whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica faces a number of problems, such as the impact of hurricanes, increased labour costs and difficulties in mechanising terraces. Many small estates and farms are difficult to rationalize.

Since Japan has always invested in Jamaica coffee industry, Blue Mountain coffee is mostly controlled by the Japanese, and they have also obtained the right of first refusal to buy Blue Mountain coffee. In 1992, Jamaica sold 688 tons of Blue Mountain coffee to Japan, 75 tons to the United States and 59 tons to Britain. 90% of Blue Mountain Coffee is purchased by Japanese. Since the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain coffee, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply regardless of price.

Blue Mountain Coffee is undoubtedly one of the best coffees. While price can guarantee an adequate supply of Blue Mountain coffee, it does not guarantee the coffee has the best flavor. Also, this coffee tastes a lot more expensive than it looks. To taste its best flavor, the coffee beans put in more than other coffee, otherwise the flavor is a little inconsistent, so the flavor lies in it than the price of coffee after it more than 10% to 15% of coffee beans Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee harvest period is June to November, generally used is hand-picked method, after picking in turn through washing, peeling, fermentation, dehydration, drying, shelling, baking and other processes, in order to get a Blue Mountain coffee ripe beans. In the green bean processing process, each step has a special person responsible for quality supervision. For the very precious Blue Mountain coffee, the packaging and transportation methods adopted by the Jamaica government are also different. Blue Mountain Coffee is not packaged and transported in bags like other coffees, but in barrels with a standard of 70 kg/barrel. Blue Mountain Coffee is "cold" in the United States, which is related to American habits. Since the 1970s, flavored coffee has gradually become a favorite. It is to add spices to coffee beans, or to add coffee partners to brewed coffee, flavoring coffee up to hundreds of kinds. Flavoured coffee is mostly made from cheaper coffee beans. When Blue Mountain coffee is typically $80 a pound, Maxwell's costs $3 a pound. One might ask why Jamaica's Blue Mountain coffee is so special. The answer is everything about it. The real Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the world's best grown coffees, and Jamaica's weather, geology and terrain combine to provide the ideal location. Designated Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee can only be grown in the Blue Mountains region, north east of Kingston on Jamaica Island. Coffee is grown on hills up to 1800 meters (almost 6000 feet) high, which is quite high for Arabica, and the hills are very uneven, making the harvesting process very difficult (coffee is harvested almost exclusively by women). The trees are mainly small seed species "Geisha High Bred" type. Seeds from these trees have been exported to other countries such as Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, but there they have been unable to recreate the flavor of Blue Mountain coffee beans

By the time Europeans arrived in Australia, the Blue Mountains had been occupied for thousands of years by the indigenous Gundungurra, who are now represented by the Gundungurra Tribal Council's indigenous corporation in Katoomba. According to indigenous legend, Blue Mountain originated from the legendary battle between Mirigan and Garangatch, a semi-aquatic, semi-crawling creature that split Jamison Valley. The gondongula tribal council is a nonprofit organization that has been fighting to claim ancestral territory since 1995, even posting a virtual video on its website. The traces of indigenous ancestors can still be seen in many parts of the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains of Sydney were once praised as "the most beautiful place in the world" by Queen Elizabeth II of England. Blue Mountain is a long mountain range covering an area of almost one million hectares. Blue Mountain gets its name from eucalyptus trees (locally called Gali trees) in Manshan. Because eucalyptus leaves always emit a strong fragrance, in the refraction of sunlight, this fragrant volatile vapor makes Blue Mountain shrouded in blue mist, not only on the hillside there is a faint layer of blue smoke, even the sky is also transpiring blue mist, Blue Mountain therefore obtained a beautiful name as its scenery The most famous scenery of Blue Mountain is the Three Sisters Peak, Dan Cliff reflects the blue sky, there is a special charm. In the old days, three Australian aboriginal sisters fell in love with three brothers descended from their enemies and staged an Australian version of Romeo and Juliet. Brave three sisters in order to resist the feudal evil forces, rather into three stubborn rocks, namely three sisters peak

When you say Jamaica, your eyes light up because it produces the best Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, it has a good balance of acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness, it tastes fragrant and tastes very smooth; however, it is too expensive, and although it is worth trying, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffees also have their own characteristics, and taste delicious, the price is reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Wallenford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former having the best quality; today's "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountain area (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now the largest estate in the country, M.B.C. F is printed on its barrels, and its products are often found in Taiwan.