Coffee review

A brief introduction to the treatment method of grinding degree and baking degree of medium texture Peruvian boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peru is located in western South America, with a coastline of 2254 kilometers. The Andes runs from north to south, and the mountains account for 1% of the country's area. it belongs to the tropical desert region with a dry and mild climate. Peruvian coffee is mostly grown at the foot of the Andes, where it is rich in traditional Central American top coffee beans. Peruvian coffee beans grown in the central part of the country and Cusco in the south

Peru is located in western South America, with a coastline of 2254 kilometers. The Andes runs from north to south, and the mountains account for 1% of the country's area. it belongs to the tropical desert region with a dry and mild climate. Peruvian coffee is mostly grown at the foot of the Andes, where it is rich in traditional Central American top coffee beans.

Peruvian coffee beans are best known for their coffee beans from Chimacha Mayou in the middle and Cusco in the south. In addition, some areas in northern Peru also produce characteristic organic coffee. Organic coffee is made of beans grown in the shade of trees. Although the yield of coffee beans is not high because of the method of planting in the shade, its quality can reach the level of gourmet coffee. This is because shading trees can slow down the ripening of coffee trees, help coffee grow fully, make it contain more natural ingredients, breed better flavors, and reduce caffeine content.

Peruvian coffee is grown in a planned way, which has greatly increased coffee production. Peruvian coffee has a mellow taste and proper acidity, and this lukewarm coffee attitude has made more and more people like it. Peruvian coffee has always been used as one of the stable mellow mixed beans of comprehensive coffee. Its rich acidity and mellow smoothness are its most prominent features. Peruvian coffee has a soft sour taste, medium texture, good taste and aroma, and is an indispensable ingredient in the production of comprehensive coffee. Peruvian coffee of outstanding quality, with strong aroma, smooth, layered, rich sweet, elegant and mild sour taste, will quietly awaken your taste buds.

In 1542, the Spanish royal family set up the Government House in Lima and established the Governor's District of Peru, which became the center of Spanish colonial rule in South America. At that time, Peruvian commerce was prosperous, merchants controlled most of South America's import and export trade, and the precious metals and other goods looted by the Spaniards from South America were shipped out of Peru. The colonists seized land wantonly in Peru and forced the "Mita system", forcing the Indians to engage in slave labor in the mines, resulting in a large number of Indian deaths. The Indians held many uprisings against Spanish colonial rule, including the Manco uprising in 1535, the Juan Santos uprising in 1742 and the Tupac Amaru uprising in 1780-1781. After peaceful negotiations between the two sides in 1929, Peru reclaimed the province of Tacona. In 1933, there was a border war with Colombia and the Secret War was defeated. In October 1948, Audrey launched a military coup and came to power. Belaunde Terry of the people's Action Party was elected president in June 1963. On October 3, 1968, Lieutenant General Velasco became president after a coup. General Morales took over power on August 29, 1975 and announced in 1977 that "political power would be returned to the people". In 1980, democratic elections were held to restore the civilian government. From 1990 to 2000, the leader of Reform 90, Fujimori (of Japanese origin), resigned and went into exile in Japan in November 2000. From 2001 to 2006, Toledo, leader of the Peruvian feasible party, served as president. From 2006 to 2011, Garcia, leader of the Apra party, served as president. On July 28, 2011, Humala, chairman of the Nationalist Party, became president for a five-year term.

Peru is located in western South America, with a coastline of 2254 kilometers. The Andes runs from north to south, and the mountains account for 1% of the country's area. it belongs to the tropical desert region with a dry and mild climate. Peruvian coffee is mostly grown at the foot of the Andes, where it is rich in traditional Central American top coffee beans.

Peru is a huge and diversified land for them to produce a large number of different kinds of coffee beans, Peru can produce very high-quality Peruvian coffee. In general, these coffee beans have the gloss of Central America, but they are all packaged in South American flavor. High-quality organic venues do have more rural coffee characteristics. As long as these coffee beans continue to add interesting flavors rather than weaken them. Such a cup of Peruvian coffee has all the bright and deep tastes. When a cup of ordinary Peruvian coffee is in your hand, you don't have to try to taste whether it is good or not.

Peruvian coffee beans are best known for their coffee beans from Chimacha Mayou in the middle and Cusco in the south. In addition, some areas in northern Peru also produce characteristic organic coffee. Organic coffee is made of beans grown in the shade of trees. Although the yield of coffee beans is not high because of the method of planting in the shade, its quality can reach the level of gourmet coffee. This is because shading trees can slow down the ripening of coffee trees, help coffee grow fully, make it contain more natural ingredients, breed better flavors, and reduce caffeine content.

Peruvian coffee is grown in a planned way, which has greatly increased coffee production. Its rich acidity and mellow smoothness are its most prominent features. Peruvian coffee has a soft sour taste, medium texture, good taste and aroma, and is an indispensable ingredient in the production of comprehensive coffee. High-quality Peruvian coffee, with strong aroma, smooth, layered, rich sweet, elegant and mild sour taste, will quietly awaken your taste buds.

Compared with high-quality organic Peruvian coffee, the difference between ordinary organic Peruvian coffee and high-quality organic Peruvian coffee is huge: relatively cheap beans are not only poor in quality, but often have obvious defects in the cup. Especially the grass flavor, overfermented flavor. It takes a lot of work to find good Peruvian coffee beans among a lot of middlemen or other people who can buy them. However, it also takes a lot of hard work to pick sample beans. But that's better than working hard in piles of papers.

Peru is also a big coffee producer. Up to 98% of Peruvian coffee is grown in forest areas, and most producers are small farmers. Coffee is high-quality and balanced and can be used for mixed drinks.

Peru has good economic conditions and a stable political situation, thus ensuring the good quality of coffee. In the mid-1970s, Peruvian coffee production was about 900000 bags a year, and then steadily increased to about 1.3 million bags a year. Although private exporters buy coffee in remote areas through middlemen, the main market is still monopolized by the government. Later, the private Comera de Exportadores de Cafe del Peru was established, which is committed to improving the quality of coffee. Its primary task is to set standards and eliminate inferior products, so as to create an atmosphere of quality supremacy. This positive move heralds a bright future for the coffee industry. Since then, rising prices have encouraged farmers to actively grow coffee rather than cocoa, the region's traditional cash crop.