Coffee review

A brief introduction to the origin, development, history and culture of Lindong boutique coffee beans in Sumatra

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In ancient times, Arabs first dried and boiled coffee beans and drank the juice as stomach medicine, thinking that it could help digestion. Later, it was found that coffee also had a refreshing effect, and because Muslims strictly prohibited drinking, coffee was used instead of alcoholic beverages as a refreshing drink. After the 15th century, Muslims who made pilgrimages to the holy land of Mecca brought coffee back one after another.

In ancient times, Arabs first dried and boiled coffee beans and drank the juice as stomach medicine, thinking that it could help digestion. Later, it was found that coffee also had a refreshing effect, and because Muslims strictly prohibited drinking, coffee was used instead of alcoholic beverages as a refreshing drink. After the 15th century, Muslims who made pilgrimages to the holy land of Mecca brought coffee back to their places of residence, and coffee gradually spread to Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey and other countries. The entry of coffee into Europe should be attributed to the Ottoman Empire of Turkey at that time. Because the coffee-loving Ottoman army marched westward to Europe and was stationed there for several years, when the army finally withdrew, it left a large number of supplies, including coffee beans. People in Vienna and Paris were able to develop European coffee culture based on these coffee beans and the cooking experience gained from the Turks. The war was originally occupied and destroyed, but it unexpectedly brought about cultural exchange and even integration, which was unexpected by the rulers. Coffee culture matured in Europe. In the early sixteenth century, coffee spread to Europe. King Clement VIII of France at that time once said: "although it is the devil's drink, it is delicious." It is a pity that this kind of drink is only monopolized by pagans. Therefore, it is accepted that Christians can also drink coffee. There were countless coffee houses in England, and only men could enter at that time. Coffee is very popular in gentlemen's social places. Men talk a lot about politics, literature, business and other issues here, and some of them don't even go home. As a result, in 1674, many housewives petitioned to close the coffee shop. Coffee culture has a profound impact on the citizens of Paris, and a large number of coffee shops on street corners have also begun to grow. In countless coffee salons, new literature, philosophy and art all appeared, during which countless thinkers and philosophers were born, such as Balzac Luling and so on. Intellectuals continue to gather and are famous for gathering in the intellectual coffee salon to talk. ESPRESSO began to appear in Italian espresso, causing a change in the way coffee is consumed. Coffee is becoming more and more popular, so more and more people are interested in cultivating coffee. A 13th century manufacturer who brought coffee cherries everywhere and planted them. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the French admiral de? Crewe used his own drinking water on the ship to irrigate the coffee seedlings in buckets and then planted them on the French island of Marchinique. Soon after, coffee spread to Central and South America, and coffee cultivation expanded to all parts of the world.

Encyclopedia business card

Manning Coffee: Manning Coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatran Coffee". Her flavor is very rich, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweetness. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, but it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee.

Basic Information Manning Coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatran Coffee". Her flavor is very rich, sweet, pure bitter, mellow, with a little sweet and slightly sour, with a long aftertaste and aftertaste. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, but it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee. Taste

Manning Coffee: the palate is rich and solid, with a pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma. The gentleman of coffee-Sumatra mantenin is a first-class coffee bean growing in the plateau and mountain area at an altitude of 750-1500 meters, and the first-class mantenin produced by Takengon and Sidikalang is of the highest quality. Because of Mantenin's irreplaceable mellow taste, UCC Ujima Coffee, Japan's largest coffee company, partnered with PT Gunung Lintong, a famous coffee maker in Sumatra, to operate their first coffee plantation in Asia in 1995, which shows how important Mantenin is in the coffee field.

It is said that during World War II, when the Japanese occupied Indonesia, some Japanese soldiers went to a cafe run by the Mantenin to drink coffee. They thought the coffee provided by the owner was very good, so they asked the owner about the name of the coffee, and the owner mistakenly thought they were asking who they were, so they answered that they were from Mantenin. So the Japanese soldiers thought this kind of coffee was called Mantenin. After that, one of the Japanese soldiers thought that the coffee they drank in Indonesia was of great commercial value, and he wanted to introduce it to the Japanese market, so he contacted an Indonesian businessman. buy "Manning" coffee from him. Instead of rejecting the deal because there was no coffee called Mantenin, the shrewd businessman shipped 15 tons of coffee from Sumatra to Japan. Before that, the high-quality and delicious Indonesian coffee had never been exported to any country, and since then, the name "Mantenin" began to spread around the world. The history of growing coffee in Sumatra began in the 18th century and was first introduced to the northern part of Sumatra. The region has Lake dopa, the largest freshwater lake in Sumatra, which is still the main producer of Sumatran coffee. Since coffee produced in Sumatra does not vary greatly in taste due to different producing areas, and even coffee from different producing areas, their harvest and processing processes are very similar, therefore, Sumatra is not named as a variety of coffee according to the producing area. In fact, most of the coffee beans produced in Sumatra are sold under the product name of Mantenin, and the origin of the name is very ethnic. In Indonesia, coffee is not usually labeled "Indonesia". Instead, the name of the island that produces the coffee is added before the coffee, and people usually regard Sumatran Mantenin, Java and Sumatra Ancorra as one of the best coffee in the world. Manning, in particular, is more loved by the world. Coffee gourmets around the world once commented: "Sumatran Mantenin Coffee is the best caffeine in the world."

Most Indonesian coffee is called "Manning".

But in fact, Sumatran coffee, which is beloved in the boutique coffee industry,

Except for Manning in Jiangsu Province.

And Arabica coffee from Aceh.

And our search for beans is focused.

And put it on a very special bean--

By the Gayo people of Lake Tawa in Aceh Province.

Intoxicating scenery on the shores of Lake Tawa in the Gayo Mountains of Jember Coffee

Jember grew up between 1200 and 1800 meters above sea level.

Takegon producing area on the banks of Lake Tawa in the Gayo Mountains

Have full 20-mesh large particles

In addition to keeping the representative of Indonesian beans

In addition to the characteristics of low acid, smelly and mellow, sticky

Unique wet planing treatment

But also released its sweet, rich fruit aroma.

Mixed with looming

Sequoia, woody flavor

It has achieved a distinctive style and unforgettable entrance

"Lake Tawa, Sumatra.

Holding a large cup of Sumatran coffee, a wonderful warmth and mellow smooth feeling arises spontaneously. To me, this feeling is different from any other coffee. After drinking this wonderful brew of coffee for the first time, I feel comfortable and refreshing. In this wonderful experience, I slowly relaxed, completely immersed in this moment, my thoughts drifted far away, and then a drop of coffee unwittingly spilled on my shirt. It's worth it. It's my favorite coffee!

-Gary Elbaum, Business partner, Northwest region, USA

Excerpts from decaine Sumatran coffee:

Low Sumatran Coffee is the perfect companion for Italian cheesecake midnight snacks after the movie is over.

-Karla Bjorklund, store partner, Vancouver, Washington, USA

Country Information:

Population: 214.9 million (estimated in 2005, 4th in the world)

Area: 190 square kilometers

Education ratio: 88%

Average life expectancy: 70 years


■ Indonesia has 17000 islands, of which about 6000 are inhabited.

The main cities of ■ are the capital Jakarta (population 8.8 million), Surabaya (population 3 million), Medan (population 2.5 million), Bandung (population 2.5 million), and the other 3 million people in the surrounding areas.

The distribution of the ■ national economy is 14.6 per cent in agriculture, 45 per cent in industry and 40.4 per cent in services (estimated in 2004).

■ agricultural products include: Rice, cassava, peanuts, rubber, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, poultry, beef, pork, eggs.

In ancient China, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and recorded them one by one, so that later generations could have a systematic understanding of many plants. There is no such person as Shennong in the western world, let alone any written record, so there are different legends about the origin of coffee. Among them, the most common and popular story is the story of the shepherd. Legend has it that there was a shepherd who happened to find his sheep jumping and dancing while herding sheep. If you look carefully, it turns out that the sheep ate a kind of red fruit that led to their funny behavior. He tried to pick some of these red fruits to boil, but the room was full of fragrance, and the juice was even more refreshing and refreshing after drinking it. Since then, this fruit has been used as a refreshing drink and has been well received.

The price of Sumatran coffee beans (Sumatra coffee) the story of Sumatran coffee the origin of the word "coffee" comes from the Greek word "Kaweh", meaning "strength and passion". Coffee tree is an evergreen shrub of Capsaceae. Daily coffee is made from coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of coffee trees, which are then roasted with appropriate roasting methods. important