Coffee review

A brief introduction to the cultivation of delicious Jamaican boutique coffee beans, geographical location, climate and altitude

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is about 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. At the same time, it also created the world.

The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and the second most expensive coffee in the world. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, so there is no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste when it comes to Jamaica, everyone's eyes immediately brighten, because it produces the best "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee" (Jamaica Blue Mountain) in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, its acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness are well balanced, fragrant and smooth to drink, but its price is so high that although it is worth a try, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffee also has its own characteristics, and the taste is delicious, the price is also reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaican Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Warren Ford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former of the best quality; today, the Jamaican Blue Mountain refers to coffee beans growing in the Blue Mountain area (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now Mawei is the largest manor, its barrel is printed with M.B.C.F, and its products are often found in Taiwan. The quality control of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica is very strict, and the certification work is carried out by the government's "Coffee Industry Committee".

Coffee beans that generally grow at low elevations and other areas can only be called "Jamaican mountain beans" or "Jamaican waterwashed beans". Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, they have a lot of flavor, but, these producing areas are twice the size of the real blue mountain areas, and the output accounts for 75% of the country's output, so when you buy Jamaican coffee, don't think you bought blue mountain coffee.

Because the Jamaican Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain Coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Basically, this is a comprehensive product prepared by the store. there may not be a real Jamaican blue bean in it.

Coffee is grown outside the Blue Mountains and is called Jamaican coffee. It turns out that people in the coffee industry in China generally have a wrong understanding that only coffee grown in the Blue Mountains above 1800 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee. In fact, there is only one manor on the top of the Blue Mountains above 1800, that is, Amber, which is of Chinese descent. The owner of the manor is surnamed Lyn (Lin). Originally from Guangdong, China, the manor has a land area of only 30 hectares and its output is very small. Blue Mountain Coffee is mainly distributed in 5 mountainous areas such as John Crow,St.John's Peak,Mossman's Peak,High Peak,Blue Mountian Peak in the Blue Mountains.

In the decades after 1872, Jamaica's economy gradually prospered, but its social and cultural development was always suppressed by the colonial authorities. Especially during the Great Depression, all walks of life in Jamaica were very dissatisfied with the depressed social situation. In 1938, workers in Jamaica revolted. After that, the colonial authorities were forced to grant local autonomy. In 1944, Jamaica held a universal suffrage for tropical rainforest climate for the first time. The rainy season is from May to June and from September to November every year, with the most showers in January and May. The dry season is from December to March next year, and the weather turns cooler. The half-year period from June to the end of November is often hit by hurricanes and tropical storms. The north-central region is rich in rainfall, the climate is generally between 22 and 32 degrees, and the annual average temperature is 27 degrees. Kingston is also a tourist resort. It is located at the southwest foot of Lanshan, the highest peak on the island in the southeast coast bay, and there is a fertile Guaneya plain nearby. The area (including the suburbs) is about 500square kilometers, with a population of 970000. It is like spring all the year round, and the temperature is often between 23 and 29 degrees Celsius. On three sides of the city are green hills and peaks, and on one side are blue waves in the far sea and picturesque scenery. The reputation of "Queen of the Caribbean City" is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives for a term of five years. There are 21 senators, appointed by the Governor, including 13 recommended by the Prime Minister and 8 recommended by the leader of the opposition. 63 members of the House of Representatives are elected by universal suffrage. The current House of Representatives was elected on December 29, 2011, with 42 seats for the people's National Party and 21 seats for the Dental Labour Party. Senate Speaker Freud Morris (Floyd Morris) took office on May 17th, 2013. Speaker of the House of Representatives Michael Peart (Michael PEART) took office on January 17, 2012

Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee brewed from beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea.