Coffee review

Bitter Weak Clean Brazilian Fine Coffee Bean Origin Development History Culture Introduction

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Brazil has many large farms, operating endless coffee plantations, they use machines to harvest, and use machines to dry, automated efficiency is very high, as if coffee as a general agricultural material, completely abandoned flavor and disregard. As a result, many specialty coffee companies simply do not sell Brazilian beans, lest they demean themselves. Brazil's Santos occasionally appears in select coffee shops

Brazil has many large farms, operating endless coffee plantations, they use machines to harvest, and use machines to dry, automated efficiency is very high, as if coffee as a general agricultural material, completely abandoned flavor and disregard. As a result, many specialty coffee companies simply do not sell Brazilian beans, lest they demean themselves. Brazilian santos still occasionally appear in select coffee shops, but they are bourban santos rather than the cheaper flat bean santos. Santos is a descendant of the Bourbon species, hence the name of the Port of Santos exit. This coffee tree in the first three or four years of the beginning of the fruit, the beans produced small and curved, excellent flavor, known as "Bourbon Santos." After that, the beans become larger, flat shape, no longer curved, become "flat bean Santos", flavor has been much less than before. In Taiwan, Brazilian coffee can be seen everywhere, but mostly flat beans Santos, in fact, Brazil still has good quality coffee beans, will be sold to the market under its own name, no longer known as "Brazilian coffee". Some farms still retain the old bourbon seed, the raw beans are small in size, curved, red in the center line, and marked with a red center. Bourbon beans taste full, thick aroma, like drinking old wine in general, is worth a try.

Brazil Chacal Estate Yellow Bourbon

Specifications: 227 g

Country of origin: Brazil

Location: Minas Llicinea

Village Garden: Waterfall Manor

Type: Yellow Bourbon

Class: 2d/300gr, 17-18 mesh

Height of origin: 1200m--1380 m

Treatment: Sunlight

Degree of baking: medium deep baking

Palate characteristics: sweet soft fruit sweet, obvious nutty flavor, balanced soft acidity, bitter slightly clean, rich chocolate aroma and nutty flavor, bright and refreshing taste.

In addition, in 2005, taking into account the certificate of origin, the priority of coffee in the designated area of Cerrado, Kaseru Cerrado coffee origin quality certification (name Cerrado certification) has been issued.

Serrado is a brand of high quality coffee.

In 2005, due to the certification of origin in the Cerrado coffee area designated the first right in this area of production, coffee meets the standard,"appellation Cerrado", and claims that it is recognized.

Like wine, coffee-producing regions allow only limited quality "identity" for the successful acquisition of world-class coffee regions, the name "Serrado" is now known.

"Serrado appellation" is called and you have to pass certification tests and produce quality. For production, the conditions of the so-called project rules of production (certification area, elevation of production area, confirmed variety, best soil, best agricultural technology, participation in the guarantee obligation scheme) have been met, so that, as in the designated certification cultivation, the farm can accommodate signs of Kaseru certification.

In addition, the quality, condition, and number of SCAA evaluation methods scored more than 75 points. All our coffee is delivered with only those premium coffee beans.

Serra multi-field environment

In Cerrado, in addition to the temperate climate, irrigation facilities enable businesses to maintain a consistent quality of production supply at all times.

In addition, in planting, the balance of the whole environment, sprinkle herbicides, nourishing enough to sprinkle fertilizer nutrients of weeds dare to fill the land rich in humus of the harvest weeds production coffee trees will be reduced, while nature's careful operation, go in an earth-friendly and safe way.

Therefore, small animals and earthworms are often seen on the ground, with unique characteristics of Serrado agricultural groups.

Also visible next to a pig farm and pasture estate is one of the typical agricultural Serrado landscapes.

So, chicken, pork, can easily be obtained by composting on cow dung organic fertilizer, plus they are all composted on fruit cherries and parchment. These environments edify the organic ecology of nature on the ground, making it a strong Serrado coffee.