Coffee review

A brief introduction to the History and Culture of the Origin and Development of transparent and Pure Candle Coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drima Zede means Best Approach in the local dialect. According to the information provided by the original factory, this Yega Xuefei is a series of tailor-made products based on 90 + years of experience. It is difficult to get a pure flavor in the ancient treatment of the sun, but Drima Zede is only hand-selected with the support of 90 + technology.

Drima Zede means "Best Approach" in the local dialect. According to the information provided by the original factory, this Yega Xuefei is a series of tailor-made products based on 90 + years of experience.

With the support of 90 + technology, Drima Zede only selects the most mature coffee cherries by hand, and the sun drying process takes pains to keep stirring to ensure uniformity. The end result is a very transparent and pure taste, hot and cold varies greatly, and the aromas of fruit, flowers and oak are very attractive.

Levelup's Ethiopian Sun Sidama-Drima Zede Candlestick

Product name: Drima Zede candle

Origin: Sidamo, Ethiopia

Altitude: 1750-2000

After strict regulation and selection, Ethiopian sun-dried beans and candles have avoided the annoying soil odor and high rate of bad beans in common sun-dried beans, while highlighting the glamorous sweetness of sun treatment. The charming fruit tone of the candle inherits the charming aroma given by the traditional Egyptian sun, unreservedly expressing round, full, long aftertaste sweetness and just the right fruit acidity.

Yejia Xuefei is mostly washed with water, while a small number of high-quality beans are deliberately treated in the sun, which is also one of the oldest treatment methods.

Drima Zede means "Best Approach" in the local dialect. According to the information provided by the original factory, this Yega Xuefei is a series of tailor-made products based on 90 + years of experience. With the support of 90 + technology, Drima Zede only selects the most mature coffee cherries by hand, and the sun drying process takes pains to keep stirring to ensure uniformity. The end result is a very transparent and pure taste, hot and cold varies greatly, and the aromas of fruit, flowers and oak are very attractive.

90 + Level Up series candle flavor: nectarine, tropical fruit, clean and bright taste, the first entrance is very amazing

Also known as Ethiopian sun-dried beans, candlelight, after strict supervision and selection, avoids the annoying soil odor and high rate of bad beans in common sun-dried beans, and on the contrary highlights the glamorous sweetness of sun treatment

Candlelight charming fruit tone inherits the charming aroma given by the traditional Egyptian sun, unreservedly expressing round, full, long aftertaste sweetness and just the right fruit acidity. The daily brewing of candles is also quite easy to use, and the bean itself is rich in flavor, whether it is fresh dripping or strong Italian cooking, which can show its own flavor very well.

With the support of 90 + technology, Drima Zede only selects the most mature coffee cherries by hand, and the sun drying process takes pains to keep stirring to ensure uniformity. The end result is a very transparent and pure taste, hot and cold varies greatly, and the aromas of fruit, flowers and oak are very attractive.