Coffee review

Treatment method of baking degree of Lanshan boutique coffee beans A brief introduction to the characteristics of roughness and fineness flavor of hand grinding

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain Coffee on the market, or simply called Blue Mountain Coffee. Basically, these are all comprehensive products prepared by the store itself. There may not be a real Jamaican blue mountain bean in it. The Jamaican government set up the Jamaican Coffee Industry Committee in 1950.


Blue Mountain Coffee is very famous. Many friends have heard the name Blue Mountain Coffee, but they only know that it is very expensive. So why is Blue Mountain Coffee so famous, and what does Blue Mountain Coffee taste like?

Blue Mountain is a place (mountain range) located in the eastern part of Jamaica in the Caribbean. This is the only place in Jamaica where coffee is produced. Qianjie imported blue mountain coffee beans for roasting a long time ago. From the roasting point of view, the raw bean quality of blue mountain coffee belongs to the first echelon level, with few defects, large and full particles and uniform color. This kind of coffee beans are the best roasted.


As for why Blue Mountain Coffee beans are so famous and why they are so expensive! Qianjie believes that the main reasons are as follows:

1. Scarcity is the most precious thing. The annual output of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is less than 800 tons, accounting for 0.02% of the world's total coffee production. And Blue Mountain boutique in the boutique Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee beans will only account for less, then the price will naturally be expensive.

2. The quality at the time of fame is invincible all over the world. When Blue Mountain Coffee is famous, we don't want to pay attention to fine coffee now. Blue Mountain Coffee began to get real development in 1952, when the Jamaican Coffee Industry Committee was established, which is led by the government to co-ordinate the development of the coffee industry. Blue Mountain Coffee has officially established a boutique route. These include supporting planting, specifying standards, and unified management. At that time, the quality of Blue Mountain coffee was the best.


3. Japanese commercial propaganda. In 1969, Jamaica was hit by a severe hurricane and plantations suffered heavy losses. Japan's UCC company provided a lot of assistance to revive the Jamaican coffee industry. In return, Jamaica signed an agreement with Japan in 1972 to allocate 90% of the Blue Mountain Coffee quota to Japan and 5% each to Europe and the United States. as a result, the Japanese monopolized most of the Blue Mountain coffee beans between the 1980s and 2010. The end of the monopoly is the "God-making Plan", which pushes the reputation of Blue Mountain Coffee to a high point.

Since the 2008 financial crisis, Jamaica has also seen the economic weakness of Japan and is also interested in looking for other buyers to share the risks. China is their important target. In July 2010, the Hangzhou Coffee and Western Food Industry Association was invited to visit Jamaica and signed a letter of intent from the sole distributor of Blue Mountain Coffee and Raw Bean in China. In May 2011, the first cabinet of Blue Mountain Coffee beans arrived at Ningbo Port, which should be the first time that Blue Mountain Coffee beans have officially entered the Chinese mainland market.

Clifton Manor's Blue Mountain Coffee is the first to officially enter the Chinese mainland market, and the Blue Mountain coffee beans on the front street have always come from Clifton Manor. So look at the characteristics of the quality of Blue Mountain Coffee.


First of all, not all the coffee grown in the Blue Mountains is called Blue Mountain Coffee. According to CIB, only coffee grown in the heart of the Blue Mountains (6000 hectares) can be known as Blue Mountain Coffee, and other coffee can only be sold as Alpine Coffee or Jamaican selection Coffee. This core area corresponds to between 1000 and 1700 meters (peaks of more than 1700 meters are not allowed to grow coffee because of forest protection).

Blue Mountain Coffee uses Arabica Tibica, which has a large bean shape and high sweetness, but its fruit quantity is rare, even less than half of that of Kaddura, a popular bean variety in Central and South America.


The elegant and delicate flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee is not only related to tree species and planting environment, but also the exquisite washing method that has been used for hundreds of years.

The simple method of washing is to put the harvested coffee cherries into the pool, separate the mature and immature beans by flotation, and then use the water in the conveyor belt to send the mature coffee cherries into the peeling machine to peel off the peel. After removing the peel, the coffee beans with mucus and amniotic membrane are put into the pool to ferment. After mucus fermentation, the water flow is used to stir to remove the mucus residue, and then the clean coffee beans with amniotic membrane are dried. After reaching a certain water content, the coffee beans are placed in the warehouse.

Before export, we will carry out the processes of sheepskin removal, specific gravity screening, chromaticity screening, manual selection and so on.

Although this is the general process of washing treatment, the details of each treatment plant will be different, so the flavor of coffee will be different.

There is a COFFEE SPA sign hanging in the washing plant of Clifton Manor. After the hand-picked ripe red fruit is sent here, it will go through the processes of flotation, peeling, fermentation and cleaning within 10 hours, and every step will be carefully taken care of, just like coffee cherries enjoy a Spa service here.


The temperature on the mountain is low during the coffee harvest season every spring, and the clear and clean water quality is excellent but only about 15 degrees. Once the water temperature is too low and the fermentation time is too long, it will not only cause a waste of resources. Coffee may also be infected by bacteria during a long period of fermentation and deteriorate. The Clifton treatment plant has created an 8-hour fermentation method that heats the spring water to 26-28 degrees, which greatly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of fermentation.

Through technological change, the Clifton treatment plant not only increased the water consumption for treating 60 pounds of coffee and cherries from 1200 to 20 liters, but also through the water treatment station, changed the pH value of the wastewater from 3.4 to 5.5. although it does not meet the drinking standard, it can be used for agricultural irrigation. it not only saves water resources, but also solves the problem of acid water pollution.

When the water-treated coffee beans are sent to the drying ground, the moisture content is about 55%. It needs to be dried to 34% before entering the mechanical dryer to reduce the moisture content to 11%. 12% is stored in storage. The temperature of the drying process should not exceed 34 degrees Celsius, all the details are to maintain the activity of the germ of coffee beans, which is also an important secret to ensure the flavor of coffee. After careful treatment and preservation of coffee beans, the germ can survive for up to a year.


When the moisture content reaches 11-12%, the coffee beans will be placed in a special wooden house for a month. After a series of previous treatments, this static process is very important for the ripening of coffee flavor and the stability of internal structure and water activity. When the rest is over, the coffee can be transported to all parts of the world.

Blue Mountain Coffee roasting

Roasting is an important part of coffee. In the early days, Jamaica insisted on roasting in the country of origin and only exported ripe beans to ensure the quality of coffee. Later, because of the popularity of fresh baking, the external channel of raw beans was developed. The Qianjie baker thinks that the balanced and comfortable classic flavor of Blue Mountain should be preserved and medium-deep baking is used.

Cup test flavor taste performance: the entrance is round and sweet, the main notes are nuts, dark chocolate, almost no bitterness. Acidity, sweetness, alcohol thickness and bitterness reach an almost perfect balance.


Considerations for brewing

If you want to make a good Blue Mountain coffee, the degree of grinding and water temperature are very important! Grindness Qianjie recommends the use of No. 20 screen with a pass rate of 75%, which is about the size of coarse sugar. Water temperature in front of the street is recommended to use 87-88 degrees.

Proportionally, the powder-water ratio of 1:13-1:15 is recommended for Qianjie, 1:13 for those who want to be stronger, and 1:15 for those who want to balance.


On the auxiliary equipment, the choice of soaking filter cup is more likely to flush out the mellow feeling of Blue Mountain Coffee. For example, the Kono filter cup will be used when brewing Blue Mountain Coffee in Qianjie.

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