Coffee review

Coffee Culture Lists

  • The ancient Arabian coffee culture

    The ancient Arabian coffee culture

    When Europeans first came into contact with coffee, they called the seductive drink Arabian wine, and when conservative Catholics cursed coffee as the devil's drink, they never thought of what a precious thing they inherited from the pagans. As the first region in the world to drink and produce coffee, Arab coffee culture is like it.

    2014-05-14 Instant coffee coffee culture coffee history
  • The criteria for judging boutique coffee in the United States

    The criteria for judging boutique coffee in the United States

    At present, there is no clear judgment standard of fine coffee in the international community. Here, we will briefly explain the standards of the American Fine Coffee Association and the basic standards of coffee producing countries.

    2014-05-14 Coffee knowledge American Coffee Standard
  • Feel the coffee culture and taste the characteristic life

    Feel the coffee culture and taste the characteristic life

    Coffee has gradually become a culture and integrated into people's lives. In Luoyang, cafes are springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and coffee culture is increasingly accepted by more and more people in Luoyang.

    2014-05-14 Coffee culture characteristic life coffee life
  • What is the best way to taste coffee?

    What is the best way to taste coffee?

    Tasting coffee is to compare, compare and taste a variety of coffees.

    2014-05-13 Coffee knowledge coffee tasting
  • The origin of the history of lattes in coffee

    The origin of the history of lattes in coffee

    The first person to add milk to the coffee was Kochsky of Vienna, who also opened the first coffee shop in Vienna.

    2014-05-13 Coffee culture latte coffee history
  • History of coffee flower drawing

    History of coffee flower drawing

    The art of flower drawing has different development in different countries. According to the espresso and fine milk bubbles and the steps of making them, combined with coffee fat and milk bubbles to make patterns, perhaps the real birthplace of flower drawing art is in Italy.

    2014-05-13 Coffee culture
  • The development history of coffee in China

    The development history of coffee in China

    In China, people like drinking coffee more and more. The ensuing "coffee culture" is full of every moment of life.

    2014-05-13 Coffee Culture Development History China
  • Coffee, a wonderful drink popular in the world.

    Coffee, a wonderful drink popular in the world.

    The word coffee originated in the African Ethiopian town of Kafa, which grew the world's first coffee tree. Coffee, tea and cocoa are called the three largest non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Coffee first appeared around the 8th century BC, but coffee was recorded in the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer and in ancient Arab legends. Coffee was recorded as

    2014-05-13 Coffee history baristas coffee powder
  • The origin of ice drop coffee

    The origin of ice drop coffee

    Ice drop coffee originated in Europe, because the coffee distiller was invented by the Dutch, so some people call it DUTCH COFFEE. Ice drop coffee is extracted bit by bit by condensation and natural osmotic water pressure for about 5 hours due to the compatibility of coffee itself with water. Pure coffee powder is soaked and moist at low temperature, and the extracted coffee tastes fragrant, smooth and rich! The flavor shown.

    2014-05-13 Iced Coffee Coffee Culture
  • The spread and development of coffee

    The spread and development of coffee

    European historians argue that as early as 800 years ago, there were artificial coffee trees for trade in Yemen in the southern Arabian Peninsula, and there was historical evidence that at that time, there was indeed trade across the Red Sea between Yemen and Ethiopia.

    2014-05-12 Coffee salon barista
  • Freshly ground coffee VS instant coffee

    Freshly ground coffee VS instant coffee

    Freshly ground coffee: generally, coffee beans are imported in the form of raw beans, which are roasted to become ripe beans, and then grind the cooked beans with a bean grinder to become coffee powder. Then the coffee powder is extracted with special utensils, hot water or ice water, which is the coffee we usually drink. In order to ensure the taste of freshly ground coffee, we usually choose high-quality Arabica beans.

    2014-05-12 Freshly ground coffee
  • There is only one way to make coffee that is bad for your health.

    There is only one way to make coffee that is bad for your health.

    There is only one special way to make coffee that is bad for your health. In Scandinavia, according to tradition, people brew coffee for hours to extract more coffee oil from it. The coffee brewed in this way contains a lot of cholesterol and can easily lead to heart disease and cancer. The taste of this coffee is also very different from that of coffee prepared by other methods. Coffee

    2014-05-12 Coffee salon coffee beans
  • Espresso, the best choice for hope

    Espresso, the best choice for hope

    The bustling city is inseparable from the embellishment of coffee, and the busy streets are inseparable from the atmosphere of coffee, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as there is hope that everything is a new beginning. After seven years of gestation and development of espresso, this young eagle has full wings, is sprinting towards the blue sky, a journey full of hope, espresso cafes join the organization to look forward to your counterparts. With people's taste in life

    2014-05-12 Coffee net coffee salon
  • Coffee phenomenon who changes coffee from solid to liquid

    Coffee phenomenon who changes coffee from solid to liquid

    Once had the honor to be invited to a coffee player's shop, it is a very feel at home shop, the sofa is very comfortable, the light is very soft, but what moves me most is coffee. Watching the host demonstrate a handful of raw beans, after baking, grinding, cooking, and finally into the cup, indulge in the coffee phenomenon-- from solid to liquid process, and form this phenomenon.

    2014-05-12 Coffee salon barista
  • Caffeine allergy is a common side effect.

    Caffeine allergy is a common side effect.

    The common side effects and allergic reactions are skin eczema, urticaria or xanthine structural asthma, and pleomorphic erythema-like drug eruption. People with high allergies often experience sudden restlessness, loss of consciousness, cyanosis in the lips, and then respiratory and heartbeat arrest during the injection. Drug overdose poisoning is more common in children with overdose or misuse, exceeding the maximum treatment dose (6mg/Kg/ times), early stage

    2014-05-12 Barista make coffee by hand.
  • Why Blue Mountain Coffee has become the King of Price

    Why Blue Mountain Coffee has become the King of Price

    According to international practice, there are two main ways for coffee to get the right to speak, either quantity or quality. Throughout the world, for Yunnan coffee, there are mainly two models: the quantity of Vietnamese coffee and the quality of blue mountain coffee. Although Vietnamese coffee also has a long history of drinking there, it was only in the mid-1970s that large-scale production was realized. And in just a few years,

    2014-05-12 Barista coffee salon
  • Do not mix the two "incense", coffee and incense

    Do not mix the two

    A night of autumn rain, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance all over the city. A Starbucks branch opened in Hangzhou's Lingyin scenic spot on the 22nd, but it also caused a lot of repercussions. The doubt is nothing more than a concern about whether there is a conflict between commercial practices and the two different cultures of religious temples. Tease, make people smile, visitors not only want to worship the Bodhisattva, but also want to drink coffee, enjoy the feeling of the combination of Chinese and Western; donor, are you sad or small?

    2014-05-12 Coffee salon hand coffee.
  • All over the world, sometimes I always think of that wisp of coffee.

    All over the world, sometimes I always think of that wisp of coffee.

    Coffee may not be the only motivation and reason for you to travel, but it is a meaningful mental journey.

    2014-05-12 Barista the source of coffee beans
  • Brief introduction and Development of Nestle Coffee

    Brief introduction and Development of Nestle Coffee

    Nestle Coffee originated in 1930. When the Brazilian government came into contact with Nestl é, coffee authority Max Morgentel immediately set out with his research team to develop a way to mix with water while keeping the coffee authentic. After seven years of research in a Swiss laboratory, they finally found the answer. Nestle Coffee has first become a world-famous brand. two

    2014-05-12 Coffee salon barista
  • The cafe in the office

    The cafe in the office

    Xavier Unkwick (Xavier Unkovic) is used to drinking two cups of green tea in the office every morning and then a cup of coffee at noon. As global president of Mars Beverage, he found that most office workers, like him, have complex and diverse drinking habits in the workplace. Some people like coffee, some people like tea, and some people have a fondness for hot chocolate.

    2014-05-12 Coffee beans the source of coffee