Coffee review

A brief introduction to the description of the flavor, taste and aroma characteristics of blue mountain boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The same coffee tree species, whether planted in Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea or anywhere else with a similar climate, cannot produce the flavor of blue mountain coffee beans. Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet, mellow and other flavors of coffee to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor, which is unmatched by other coffee. Love Blue Mountain Coffee

The same coffee tree species, whether planted in Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea or anywhere else with a similar climate, cannot produce the flavor of blue mountain coffee beans. Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet, mellow and other flavors of coffee to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor, which is unmatched by other coffee. People who love Blue Mountain Coffee say: "it combines all the advantages of good coffee & # 39; Coffee Beauty & # 39;" Jim, general manager of Pitt, which is famous for its coffee and tea business in the United States, said of Blue Mountain Coffee: "it tastes fragrant, smooth and mellow, and it makes me feel as precious as a gem. It is precisely because the taste of Blue Mountain coffee is moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee." Its liquid is golden in the sun and tastes smooth. According to the coffee book, Blue Mountain is the only bitter and sour coffee in the world that people can enjoy. Just drink it. Because of its high price, Blue Mountain Coffee has a relatively fixed consumer group, and its market is mainly concentrated in Japan, followed by some European and American countries. Coffee beans are full in shape and slightly larger than ordinary beans. Its taste is very subtle, sour, fragrant, mellow, sweetness is uniform and strong, slightly bitter, harmonious taste, excellent flavor, suitable for individual coffee.

It uses medium roasting (Medium Roast), which maximizes the original flavor of the coffee and enhances its aftertaste. Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. Jamaica's weather, geological structure and topography provide an ideal place. The ridge that runs through Jamaica extends to the eastern part of the island, with the Blue Mountains rising to more than 2100 meters. Cool weather, foggy, frequent precipitation, use this rich soil Rain Water to reconcile. Here, a mixed planting method is used to grow coffee trees to accompany banana trees and avocado trees on terraces. Some small estates are also planted. But even the largest landowners in the region are small-scale growers by international standards, many of whom are small landowners whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica faces a series of problems, such as the impact of hurricanes, increased labor costs and difficult mechanization of terraces. Many small estates and farms are difficult to rationalize.

As Japan has always invested in the Jamaican coffee industry, Blue Mountain Coffee is mostly owned by the Japanese, and they have also obtained the right of preemption of Blue Mountain Coffee. In 1992, Jamaica sold 688 tons of Blue Mountain coffee to Japan, 75 tons to the United States and 59 tons to Britain. 90% of Blue Mountain coffee is bought by the Japanese. Since the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain coffee, regardless of the price, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply. When it comes to Jamaica, people's eyes immediately brighten because it produces the best "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee" (Jamaica Blue Mountain) in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, its acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness are well balanced, fragrant and smooth to drink, but its price is so high that although it is worth a try, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffee also has its own characteristics, and the taste is delicious, the price is also reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaican Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Warren Ford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former of the best quality; today, the Jamaican Blue Mountain refers to coffee beans growing in the Blue Mountain area (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now Mawei is the largest manor, its barrel is printed with M.B.C.F, and its products are often found in Taiwan. The quality control of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica is very strict, and the certification work is carried out by the government's "Coffee Industry Committee".

Coffee beans that generally grow at low elevations and other areas can only be called "Jamaican mountain beans" or "Jamaican waterwashed beans". Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, they have a lot of flavor, but, these producing areas are twice the size of the real blue mountain areas, and the output accounts for 75% of the country's output, so when you buy Jamaican coffee, don't think you bought blue mountain coffee.

Because the Jamaican Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain Coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Basically, this is a comprehensive product prepared by the store. there may not be a real Jamaican blue bean in it.

When it comes to Jamaica, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, because it produced the best "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee" (Jamaica Blue Mountain) in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, its acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness are well balanced, fragrant and smooth to drink, but its price is so high that although it is worth a try, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffee also has its own characteristics, and the taste is delicious, the price is also reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaican Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Warren Ford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former of the best quality; today, the Jamaican Blue Mountain refers to coffee beans growing in the Blue Mountain area (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now Mawei is the largest manor, its barrel is printed with M.B.C.F, and its products are often found in Taiwan. The quality control of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica is very strict, and the certification work is carried out by the government's "Coffee Industry Committee".

Coffee beans that generally grow at low elevations and other areas can only be called "Jamaican mountain beans" or "Jamaican waterwashed beans". Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, they have a lot of flavor, but, these producing areas are twice the size of the real blue mountain areas, and the output accounts for 75% of the country's output, so when you buy Jamaican coffee, don't think you bought blue mountain coffee.

Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain Coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Basically, these are all comprehensive products prepared by the store. there may not be a real Jamaican blue bean in it. The Jamaican Coffee Industry Committee (the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board) was established by the Jamaican government in 1950, which sets the quality standards for Jamaican coffee. And supervise the implementation of quality standards to ensure the quality of Jamaican coffee.

The Commission awarded special official seals to raw and roasted coffee exported from Jamaica, which is the highest-level national coffee institution in the world. The origin of Blue Mountain Coffee can be represented by Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (M.B.C.F), Blue Mountain Coffee Co-operative Factory (M.H.C.C.T.), Portland Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Factory (P.X.X.S.H.), Coffee Industry Association (Wallenford), Coffee Industry Association (St. John Peak) and J.A.S.

By 1969, the situation had improved because the use of Japanese loans had improved the quality of production, thus ensuring the market. By now, this kind of coffee has reached the point of being feverishly loved.

By 1981, about 1500 hectares of land in Jamaica had been reclaimed for coffee cultivation, followed by the opening of another 6000 hectares of coffee land. In fact, today's Blue Mountain area is a small area with a planting area of only 6000 hectares, and it is impossible to grow all the coffee marked "Blue Mountain" there. Another 12000 hectares of land is used to grow two other types of coffee: Alpine Top Coffee and Jamaican Superior Coffee Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. Jamaica's weather, geological structure and topography provide an ideal place. The ridge that runs through Jamaica extends to the eastern part of the island, with the Blue Mountains rising to more than 2100 meters. Cool weather, foggy, frequent precipitation, use this rich soil Rain Water to reconcile. Here, a mixed planting method is used to grow coffee trees to accompany banana trees and avocado trees on terraces. Some small estates are also planted. But even the largest landowners in the region are small-scale growers by international standards, many of whom are small landowners whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica is facing a series of problems