Coffee review

Coffee Bean Basics

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Without high-quality coffee beans, there will be no good coffee---Wozki Cui De Xiaobian is very happy that more and more people realize that coffee is not bitter, coffee can be sour, sweet, salty, but also more and more people like single coffee, go back to enjoy fine coffee beans, to understand the cultural customs of Africa, America and Asian islands, and the quality and flavor of coffee beans. So let's have one.

There can be no good coffee without high-quality coffee beans-Wozkitred

The editor is very glad that more and more people realize that "coffee is not bitter" and that "coffee can be sour, sweet, and salty." more and more people like individual coffee and go back to enjoy boutique coffee beans. to understand the cultural customs of the islands of Africa, America and Asia, and the quality and flavor of coffee beans. So let's make progress together!

The most important thing about coffee beans is that they are fresh and not fresh. You just find the world champion and take out the best utensils and drink them all. I don't know.

So what exactly are high-quality coffee beans? You can recall that you used to drink coffee that tastes good, which probably has two characteristics: first, it has a charming aroma, and second, it tastes good. Different varieties of coffee beans have different tastes, of course, personal preferences vary, but there are certainly high-quality coffee beans. High-quality coffee beans should be able to retain the aroma and flavor of the coffee as much as possible and give off completely at the end of brewing. (basic editor I myself is the default high-quality coffee beans = boutique coffee beans)

Coffee roasting produces coffee aroma

The aroma and taste of coffee are produced after roasting. In the roasting process, the moisture of raw coffee beans is slowly reduced, the weight of coffee beans is slowly reduced, the color will be darker and darker, the volume will continue to expand, and the aromatic oil will be slowly released. In addition, the large amount of chlorogenic acid originally contained in raw beans will gradually disappear with the baking process, releasing good-smelling fruit acid, and the taste of coffee beans varies with the baking time. In the following picture, you can see the change in the shape of coffee beans during roasting.

Coffee bean V.S. Coffee powder

At this point, many people want to ask the editor, buy coffee home to make, buy coffee beans or coffee powder is better? Well, let me tell you, the editor has only one suggestion: buy coffee beans. Don't buy coffee powder.

Why on earth is this? Because the aroma of coffee comes from roasted oil, which is sealed in holes in coffee beans, and after grinding into powder, the aroma and oil begin to volatilize, so, if you want to drink the most perfect hand, you must grind it into powder at the last minute before drinking. If you buy coffee powder at the beginning, the flavor of the final brewed coffee will be greatly reduced. In addition, the coffee powder contact area increases, it is vulnerable to moisture or deterioration. Under the same conditions, coffee beans can be preserved nearly twice as long as coffee powder.

However, coffee powder is not useless. The only advantage of coffee powder is its convenience, especially if you always oversleep in the morning and don't have time to grind your coffee slowly, or if you haven't bought a tool to grind beans. Coffee powder allows you to quickly enjoy a nice cup of coffee. So if you decide to buy coffee powder, we suggest you: buy about two weeks at a time, and keep the coffee powder in a good sealed jar. Only in this way can we retain the flavor as much as possible.

And some lazy people said, Xiaobian, magic beans are so troublesome. If you want to buy a bean grinder, you have to grind it yourself. Well, the editor has a word for you: why don't you go to heaven!

If you want to drink good coffee, it's like getting a wife. You can't get a wife without spending some money! There is no wife if you are not industrious.

╮ (╯▽╰) ╭, you are like editors who have no money, then buy a hand mill, cheap, don't ask me if it is easy to use, it must be worse than the electric bean grinder, after all, the electric controllability is high!

Moreover, if you buy coffee powder, some manufacturers will mix coffee from different sources in the same bag of coffee powder. It is difficult for you to ensure the source of coffee, which may affect the flavor of coffee.

Grinding beans is also a major branch of knowledge, as I said yesterday, the degree of grinding is also an important factor affecting hand-brewed coffee, their own study of different degrees of coffee is also fun!