Coffee review

Beginners pull flowers in coffee-pull flowers with four hearts

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Such a cup of coffee, sniffing the strong aroma of coffee and enjoying the closely connected four-heart shape, are you curious about how to pull such a beautiful pattern on the coffee? 1. The flower cup hangs from the center of the coffee cup. two。 Pour in Grandma Niu and soak to the edge of the cup to form white. 3. To form the first heart. 4. The flower cup swings to the center of the cup to form a second heart shape. 5. Pull

Such a cup of coffee, sniffing the strong aroma of coffee and enjoying the closely connected four-heart shape, are you curious about how to pull out such a beautiful pattern on the coffee?

1. The flower cup hangs from the center of the coffee cup.

two。 Pour in Grandma Niu and soak to the edge of the cup to form white.

3. To form the first heart.

4. The flower cup swings to the center of the cup to form a second heart shape.

5. Move the flower cup to the left to form a third a heart shape.

6. Move the flower cup to the right and swing it to form a fourth heart.