Coffee review

Which kind of coffee does Rosa belong to? is it Arabica? is it sour? is it sour?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Following Ka Pai (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop of its own, Geisha, which was discovered in the rose forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Research Institute in Kenya. It was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936.

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The Geisha species was discovered in 1931 from the forest in the Gesha region of Ethiopia, thus the variety belongs to Arabica (a member of the Ethiopian strain).


Subsequently, samples harvested at Gesha were sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya-introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936-introduced to Costa Rica in 1953 and filed under the number "T2722"-introduced by Don Patch of Panama from the Tropical Agricultural Education and Research Center in Costa Rica in the 1960s.

There has not been much attention to Guixia, because it is weak and has low yield, but it has good disease resistance, so it has been used for experiments and new variety breeding. Originally introduced to fight leaf rust, Don Patch also shared these varieties with other estates.


It wasn't until around 2000 that the owners of Panama's Emerald Estate discovered that the coffee varieties grown on the estate were uniquely attractive and fresh, so they spent several years isolating these unique flavor varieties and studying their origins. In 2004, the breed won the Best Panama BOP Competition alone, which made it famous.

After the rose summer variety became famous, coffee fans went to the Gesha forest where the rose summer coffee was found to look for native varieties similar to the famous rose summer variety. It was not until 2010 that a native variety with some relationship to Panama rose was found, so the "Rose Summer Village" was established here.

Although it is also called rose summer, one is rooted in Panama for 40 years before it is found to be of excellent quality. The plant itself will constantly optimize and change in order to adapt to the climate of a region. Ethiopia's rose summer varieties are native and have not crossed the region, so both genes and taste will be more primitive.


There is also an old saying that "orange is orange when it is born in Huainan, and orange when it is born in Huaibei." Panama rose summer and Ethiopian rose summer are actually two different varieties.

From the appearance of coffee beans contrast, Panama rose summer and Ethiopia rose summer also have a great difference, Panama rose summer green bean characteristics are better identified,"both ends pointed, long strip shape, bean body fat full, large particles"; Ethiopia rose summer is "slightly smaller, bean body is not so long".


After comparing the coffee in the front street, it was found that under the same sun treatment and the factors that could be traced back to individual plots, the flavor of the red label rose summer coffee beans in Panama Emerald Manor Mario plot was as follows: flower tea with ripe strawberries, roses, black tea and grapefruit sweet and sour, and the aftertaste had berry sweetness and lasting sweetness.


Sun-baked summer coffee beans from the Oma plot in Ethiopia's Guixia Village have a sweet berry flavor, a full-bodied taste with a nutty flavor, and an aftertaste of cantaloupe and tea.
