Coffee review

Sidamo Coffee single Bean Flavor description Variety planting Development History production area treatment method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Ethiopia is the hometown of Arabica coffee, it is in the forests of the Kaffa region that you can see wild Arabica coffee. In Ethiopian, coffee is called Bun or Buna, and coffee beans (coffeebean) may be translated from Kaffa Bun. Ha

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ethiopia is the hometown of Arabica coffee, and it is in the forests of Kaffa that you can see wild Arabica coffee. In Ethiopian, coffee is called "Bun" or "Buna". Coffee beans (coffeebean) may be translated from "Kaffa Bun". Arabica coffee has long been found in the Harald area, probably from the Kafa forest.

Essel coffee is processed by two processing methods: sun and water washing. The flavor of coffee processed by different processing methods is very different. Generally speaking, the alcohol thickness and soil taste of washed Sidamo, Yirgacheffe and Limmu coffee are slightly lower, and the taste of sun-processed coffee is more wild. But Essex coffee may taste different from batch to batch, which requires more cup tests in order to find really good coffee.

Grade of Ethiopian coffee:

Ethiopia washed coffee Yega Chuefei G1 G2

The highest levels of Sidamo (Yirgacheffe, Sidamo) are level 2 and level 3 (G2, G3).

Most of the sun-processed coffee in eastern Ethiopia are grade 4 or grade 5 (G4, G5).

In many cases, level 4 coffee is marked as level 5 in order to reduce taxes. The current classification is not uniform and messy, because there are also first-and second-tier (Grand G2) Yirga Cheffe processed by tanning, but the highest level of Harald (Harar) is level four (G4).

The coffee producing areas of Ethiopia are Sidamo, Harald and Sidamo, Harrar and Yirgacheffe. Sidamo and Harrar are provinces and divisions, Sidamo is located in the south of Ethiopia bordering Kenya, and Harrar is bordering Somalia in the east of Ethiopia. Although Yirgacheffe is a community in the Sidamo region, its coffee is considered to be the best in Ethiopia because of soil composition and water content.

In the West, Ethiopian coffee is generally labeled and (Yirgacheffee, Sidamo and Harrar) sold on the market. In the field of boutique coffee, there are also five other small places of coffee, namely Lim, Gemma, Le Campdi, Becca and Limmu, Djimmah, Lekempti, Bebeka and Wolega. The most common is Essesidamo or Harald coffee (Either Sidamo or Harrar coffee).

Harald Coffee (Harrar Coffee) comes from the eastern highlands of Ethiopia, with medium bean size, green yellow, medium acidity, full alcohol thickness and typical mocha flavor (mocha flavor). It is one of the most famous coffee in the world.

Wollega (Nekempte) coffee comes from the west of Ethiopia, with medium to large beans and is famous for its fruity flavor. The color is green and brown (greenish, brownish color), and the acidity and alcohol thickness are good. Can be made to match, can also be individual products.

Limu Coffee coffee is famous for its aroma and wine taste (spicy and Winnie flavor) and is very popular in Europe and the United States. The acidity and alcohol thickness are good, and the water-washed lim coffee is also the favorite of fine coffee. The bean shape is medium, greenish blue, mostly round.

Sidamo coffee (Sidama Coffee) has medium bean shape and green gray. Hidamo washed coffee is known as sweet coffee (sweet coffee) because of its balanced taste and flavor. it has delicate acidity and good alcohol thickness. it is produced in the south of Ethiopia and can be mixed with fine products.

Yirgacheffe Coffee coffee has a strong floral flavor.

Water washing is one of the best high-estate coffee in the world, with soft acidity and rich alcohol thickness. Top and Bebeka coffee, with low acidity but high alcohol thickness, are indispensable members of the blended coffee.



Introduction of coffee producing areas that do not worry about pesticides (1) | Ethiopia

Coffee is already a necessary drink for many people every day. If there are pesticide residues in coffee, it will be harmful to human health if it accumulates for a long time. Therefore, consumers with a sufficient budget will specialize in buying organic or sustainable coffee beans, but if the budget is insufficient, don't they have to take care of their health? That's right! In fact, there are several producing areas in the world that almost do not use pesticides. Hey, hey-- the petty bourgeoisie can enjoy coffee at ease!

Today, the editor will first reveal to you a producing area that does not use pesticides, that is, the famous Ethiopia! Why do Ethiopian producing areas not need to use pesticides? Let me answer your doubts one by one.

Ethiopian coffee has a global market share of 5% and is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world. This is where the familiar Arabica coffee originated, and Ethiopia also has the most diverse variety of coffee. There are so many native species that the number is not clear, it is estimated that there are 6,000 to 7,000 unknown varieties of coffee.

Ethiopia itself has many high mountains, which are tropical cloud forests, and coffee is mainly grown on the plateau. The largest number of rainforest is tall trees, coffee trees with these trees as canopy, fallen leaves as root nutrients, enjoy an excellent growing environment. On the other hand, the temperature at high altitude is lower, so there are fewer insect pests, less pesticides are needed, and the ripening rate is slower, so coffee trees can take longer to absorb nutrients.

(that's right-- just like the cabbage grown on the mountain will be very sweet and crisp, exactly the same reason

The diversity of the original species of coffee, after long-term elimination, natural hybridization, so strong resistance, where does the need for pesticide protection? Although the amount of coffee produced in Ethiopia is huge, 98% of the coffee growers are small farmers, with a total of about 700000 households. The economic situation of small farmers is poor and local infrastructure is inadequate, so even if they want to buy pesticides, it is not as easy as in advanced countries.

After understanding the reasons why Ethiopia does not need pesticides, the editor will also sort out the coffee characteristics of various Ethiopian coffee producing areas as a small guide for you to buy coffee in the future!

Sidamo producing area

Sidamo is located in southern Ethiopia, the landscape is changeable, coffee flavor is also ever-changing, sometimes fruity, citrus, sometimes nutty, herbal, bright acidity. Sidamo Coffee used to include Yirgacheffe and Guji. But the ECX trading system has separated Yejia Sheffield and Guji from Sidamo.

Flavor: flower aroma, cocoa, grape sweet rhyme

It is not only the main producing area of Ethiopian boutique coffee, but also the birthplace of sun treatment, where most sun-dried beans with both quality and flavor are produced. Because of its different soil composition, regional microclimate and numerous native coffee varieties, Sidamo has a diverse and unique flavor, moderate acidity and high quality, with an annual output of about 37000 tons.

Sidama is located in southern Ethiopia. The landscape of this area is so varied that each town has its own unique and diversified coffee flavor. Shakisso is located in Guji, Morri, Xida.

(Guji) production area, located in the southeast of Yejia Sheffei, with an average altitude of more than 1800 meters, has fertile black soil and a significant temperature difference between day and night, so that the local has all kinds of local conditions for producing high-quality coffee. Guji − Shakiso's coffee is quite unique, and its coffee has repeatedly won market attention, and scored a high score of 94 in the 2016 Coffee Review coffee evaluation.