Coffee review

Introduction to the treatment method of planting and Development History of single Coffee Bean Flavor description in Ethiopia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Ethiopia is an important boutique coffee producing area and is currently the place where coffee is grown. If you mention Ethiopia, you must know Yegashafi. Today, let's take a look at the special feature of this producing area. Ethiopia is the birthplace of Arabica species and has diversity.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

Ethiopia is an important producer of fine coffee and is currently the origin of coffee. When Ethiopia is mentioned, you must know Yejia Shefei. Today, let's take a look at the special place of Yejia Shefei.

Ethiopia is the birthplace of Arabica species, has diverse native species and is an important gene pool for native coffee. The production season is from October to December every year, with an annual output of about 8 million bags, making it the top five coffee producers in the world. Ethiopia's coffee cultivation pattern is similar to Taiwan's agricultural cultivation method, less large plantations, mostly small-scale cultivation, and therefore mostly in the form of small-scale farmers 'cooperatives. However, don't underestimate the amount of coffee in Ethiopia! It is estimated that from coffee harvest to export, about 15 million people are involved in Ethiopia! Therefore coffee is not only a crop that small farmers rely on for survival, but also an important source of foreign exchange for the whole country!

Ethiopia Ethiopia

Population: 93877000

Ethiopia's appellation is the most recognizable in the coffee world, and is currently the country with the most appellation as coffee. Today, the future is predictable. In addition, the Arabica gene potential of the original species and wild species will also be a major advantage for Ethiopian coffee.


Shidamo and two other regions, Hara and Yegashev, registered trademarks in 2004 with the approval of the Ethiopian government, increasing the recognition of the region's reputation and the distinctive characteristics of the local coffee beans. Sidamo uses a combination of washing and sun treatment to gain popularity among consumers who like fruit and strong aromas. After Italy withdrew from Ethiopia in 1942, the area was known locally as Sidama. Sidamo or Sidama is the generic term for coffee beans from this region. The area is also home to some of Ethiopia's high-quality coffee beans.

Altitude: 1400-2200m

Harvest: October-January

Breed: Heirloom


Even without the fame of Sidamo and Yegashev, Lim still produces amazing coffee. Most of the area is small farmers, but there are also some large estates belonging to the government.

Altitude: 1400-2200m

Harvest: November-January

Breed: Heirloom


This area is surrounded by small towns around Harrah and is the oldest production area. The coffee in this area is very special and is not in an environment that requires additional irrigation. Harrah's reputation has long been high, although the sun treatment can modify the original cloudy, woody, earthy taste to a bright blueberry flavor. Coffee beans are so special and memorable that those who have worked in the coffee industry have been opened to the variety of flavors of beans.

Altitude: 1500-2100m

Harvest: November-February

Breed: Heirloom


Yegashev coffee in short: diverse, unique. Many of these great washed beans show explosive aromas, citrus, floral and have a light and elegant essence. Admittedly, this area is a good and interesting coffee producing area, where the best beans naturally fetch higher prices. Yegashev's characteristics are recommended for those who like Earl Grey tea. Some of the beans were sun-treated, which was also unusually interesting and enjoyable.

Altitude: 1750-2200m

Harvest: October-January

Breed: Heirloom

Ethiopia's coffee-producing area is divided into two walls by the Great Rift Valley, east and west, each evolving separately.


West: Lake Tana, Gimbi, Nekemti,

Iruba, Limu and Jimma of the Kafa Forest

Bonga, Teppi, Bebeka.

East: Harar, Sidamo, Yirgacheffe


Due to the obstruction of the Great Rift Valley, the coffee beans in the two halves are different in type.

The eastern half of the Hara variety → beans thin and pointed, there are long and short body difference;

West half of the original forest varieties complex, northwest of Iruba Bai, Tana Lake

And the beans are stronger than gold.

Coffee farmers in the Harrah highlands in the east and the Kafa forest in the southwest,

There is a bright plot, and eastern farmers claim that Arabica originated in the Harrah Highlands

Instead of the Kafa Forest in the southwest.

Kafa Forest: Kimma, Tibi and Bebeka.

The disease resistance is higher, but the flavor is inferior to the eastern half.

Strong in the west, weak in the east, elegant in the east and vulgar in the west

In 1975, 227 resistant varieties were found in Kafa forest, which was obviously higher than that in eastern part.

The flavor is that the eastern Hara, Yega Shefi and Sidama win.

maximum diversity of cultivation system

Forest Coffee (Forest Coffee)

Wild coffee trees in virgin forests. Protected by the government, there are special personnel to harvest.

The total yield is only 5- 10%.

Semi-forest coffee

Semi-wild coffee. Farmers come into the forest regularly to prune shade trees or coffee branches.

Increase transparency and fruit yield. Total production is 35%.

Garden Coffee

A small farmer who grows his own crops mixed with other cash crops, mostly in elephant legs.

Below. Total production is 50%.

Plantation coffee

State or private development of land, similar to Central and South America's entrepreneurial and scientific management.

The total output is only 5- 10%.


Altitude 1,800--2,000 m| Garden coffee system

Yejia Xuefei exploded red international:

Treatment method: washing mainly

After 1970, washed yega sherry unique floral and citrus flavor burst red international,

It is known as "Yega Sherffi Flavor".

In 2003, a chemist named "Dr. Illyley"(deceased), presented at the American Fine Arts Association

During the speech, it was pointed out that certain aromatic ingredients of Yega Shefi are in Chanel No. 5 perfume

This aroma is also found in Darjeeling tea, known as Darjeeling black tea and champagne.


But beginning in 2006, solarization treatments blew the horn of counterattack at the "Gold Co-op Coffee Contest"

(Gold Cooperative Coffee Competition) Sun-dried beans, pain-killed washed beans, top three

The high scores are all wrapped up in sun beans.

Coffee trader "Adullah Baghi" in the highest elevation of the Yega Valley (MistValley) to

Small farmers acquire specific varieties of ripe extra red fruit and concentrate them in Idido, where they operate.

Sunlight home factory processing. Strict quality control process of yega-sherry sun-dried beans, in the category of fine coffee

It has repeatedly blossomed and become a famous product for gluttons to try.

Sun-washed Coffee Bean Grading

Sun-baked beans taste: fruit acid fragrance, thicker, better viscosity, larger amplitude.

Washed beans taste: floral, clean better

Ethiopian coffee beans are graded according to the number of defective beans and are divided into 5 grades:

G1--G2 for washed beans: G1 for the highest level, every 300 grams of raw beans defective beans shall not exceed 3.

G3--G5 is sun-baked beans: G5 is the lowest grade of Ethiopian coffee exports.


Altitude 1,900--2,000 m| Garden coffee system

Kocher is located 25 kilometers southeast of Yegashefi in Ethiopia. It is a small production area.

Coffee and rich areas are also one of the three famous micro-producing areas in Yejia Shefei. The local residents are about

100,000 people, coffee beans as the main source of income, the processing equipment of this production area is very advanced.

Coffee Review rated Kocher's beans 94 points.


Flavor: plum citrus aroma obvious, fruit acid is balanced not irritating, taste on the conversion to sweet taste,

The latter part has a light cocoa mellow feel, suitable for people who like a fresh taste.


Altitude 1,400--2,200 m| Garden coffee system

Flavor similar to Yega Shefi, fine washing method or sun method of Sidamo, also has a floral

With citrus flavor, sour and supple, the price is not lost to Ye Jia Xue Fei.

The three most common varieties in this area and Yejia Shefei are Kurmie (poor disease resistance),

Tall and strong Wolisho; medium-sized Deiga, this "three heroes" is a fine sun

The main variety of the series Beloya and Aretha.

According to the new grading system, Sidamo is divided into five groups A, B, C, D and E according to bean source and flavor.

Sidamo A costs the most, and so on.


The production cooperative is located in Guji district, Sidamo province, Ethiopia, where farmers use

Handpicked coffee cherries of moderate maturity are sun-cured for 15- 17 days

During the left and right sun exposure process, the coffee cherries on the trellis are turned once every two hours to

Make sure the coffee cherries are evenly and completely dried before shelling and packing.

photo 1


Dry/rich floral aromas with sweet notes of dried peach fruit and lemon peel.

Moist/citrus, berry sweet notes with hints of clove, ginger and other spices on the palate, acidity

It's surprisingly bright.

Ethiopia's largest coffee brand TO.MO.CA

Ethiopia is not only a coffee grower and exporter, Ethiopians are major coffee lovers.

If one day you are lucky enough to arrive in this coffee country, you will find that the streets of Addis Ababa are full of coffee shops. According to statistics, in 2013 and 2014, Ethiopians consumed a total of 3.6 million packets of coffee, accounting for 71.6% of their total domestic consumption and 8% of their total exports.

TO.MO.CA, Ethiopia's largest coffee brand, has six branches in its capital, in fact, the brand has been operated by the same family for three generations, more than 60 years, and in May this year, they selected Tokyo, Japan, as their first international outpost.

"Ethiopians have been drinking coffee for more than 1000 years, and there is no one here who doesn't drink coffee," said Wonderwossen Meshesha, 28, grandson of TO.MO.CA's president. He added: "Ethiopia's coffee culture is not just about buying a cup on the way to work. Ethiopians always talk about work and socialize in cafes."

"Only 20 percent of Ethiopia's coffee is grown commercially," Meshesha said."The rest is grown in the forest by smallholders." The local coffee merchant adds: "Ethiopian coffee places more emphasis on consistency than on mass production."

It's not just coffee, it's spiritual satisfaction.

In Ethiopia, drinking coffee has a deep spiritual significance and even has a very traditional ritual. After three meals, they light incense and paint 20 minutes of roasted coffee beans at home, attracting family, neighbors and other guests with rich aromas.

Then they grind it with a mortar and pestle, and when it's done, it goes into a pot, and then it moves up and down from the top and pours it into a small cup. If the cup is just filled to the rim, it means that everything is good for the guest. Everyone usually has to drink three cups. The last cup is usually called "balaka" or blessing. If you leave before drinking three cups, it is very rude behavior.

Meshesha said: "Ethiopia's traditional coffee ceremony is very sacred, not just coffee drinking, it penetrates into a spiritual, spiritual level, for spiritual, family, social purposes, even Christians and Muslims do this ceremony."

Meshesha said he was certain that even as modern life speeds up, the ritual will not disappear because it has a very special place in Ethiopian culture. As coffee shops have sprouted in Ethiopian cities in recent years, Meshesha has also begun to try to recreate traditional Ethiopian coffee in a modern way.

The government built a railway to help coffee exports

In addition to Ethiopia's large local consumption, the Ethiopian government is also committed to building Ethiopian coffee into a high-quality brand for marketing abroad. In 2013 and 2014, exports increased from 190837 metric tons to 200000 metric tons, which is expected to generate revenue of up to 1 billion yuan. "Ethiopia has 5000 varieties of coffee, and there's a lot of potential for growth in the future," Meshesha said.

Ethiopia is a landlocked country, so it is not easy to transport it. Of course, freight costs are also high. However, the authorities began to build a railway connecting the port last year, with a total length of 750 kilometers to help coffee and leather export. It is expected that this railway will not only make the coffee supply chain rise rapidly, but also become Ethiopia's economic lifeline.