Coffee review

What do you need to pay attention to the Arabica coffee beans bought by Starbucks?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Follow Kaipai (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Fairview Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Do you need to cook the Arabica coffee beans bought by Starbucks? Related instructions: it says 10 grams of ground coffee beans, pour 180ml of water ~ 10g 180ml should be VIA, VIA then do not need to cook. But if it is coffee beans, of course, it must be boiled 10g.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

Do the Arabica coffee beans bought by Starbucks need to be boiled?

Description: it says 10 grams of ground coffee beans and 180 milliliters of water

10g 180ml should be VIA, VIA then do not need to cook.

But if it's coffee beans, of course it's definitely boiled.

10g 180ml should be VIA, VIA then do not need to cook.

But if it's coffee beans, of course it's definitely boiled.

However, Italian coffee generally uses mixed beans, mocha pots, there are many ways to make coffee, siphon, Italian coffee machine, etc., generally use a special coffee machine coffee beans are ground to be boiled, there is an American coffee machine, what you buy is not suitable for use

Or you can use the water temperature of 88-92 °to extract the coffee for 1 minute and then filter it once. The taste is different.

Single coffee tastes best when made with siphon, and even better if there is technology.

Espresso is even more particular.

1. Make sure you don't have the equipment to make coffee. You can buy a French pressure kettle (available at Starbucks). That one is the simplest and tastes good. 2. Tell the Starbucks clerk about your equipment and ask him to grind it for you. It is recommended to grind it one week at a time, otherwise it is easy to get damp. 3, according to the instructions, use the coffee utensils you bought to brew. If it is legal pressure, put the powder directly in it, and inject about 97 degrees (that is, just boil for a while) in the proportion of 10 grams of powder: 180 milliliters of water (do not press down the strainer). After 4 minutes, press down the strainer and pour it out to drink. If it is too strong, you can finally add water to dilute it, but do not change the ratio of coffee to water.

It needs to be ground into powder before cooking.

It is necessary, and the fried beans also need to be boiled.

Coffee beans need to be boiled.

1. In a broad sense, there are two kinds of coffee beans in the world, Arabica beans and Robosta beans. The earliest Arab way to eat coffee was to chew the whole fruit (Coffee Cherry) to absorb its juice. They then mixed the ground coffee beans with animal fat as a physical supplement for long trips, and it was not until about 1000 AD that the green coffee beans were boiled in boiling water to make an aromatic drink.

2. Three centuries later, the Arabs began to bake and grind coffee beans. Because drinking was forbidden in the Koran, Arabs consumed a lot of coffee, so religion was actually a big factor in the popularity of coffee in the Arab world.

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Practice 1: dry type

First of all, spread the freshly harvested fruit on the sun field for a week or two until the fruit crackles and dries naturally. After that, the dried pulp, endocarp and silver peel are removed by a sheller. Coffee beans refined in this way are slightly sour and slightly bitter. Almost all coffee beans produced in Brazil, Ethiopia, Yemen and other places are obtained in this way. The disadvantage of this method is that it is easily affected by the weather and is easy to be mixed with defective beans and other impurities. Therefore, it must be carefully screened.

Practice 2: washing type

Put the harvested fruit into a flowing tank, remove the floating fruit, and peel off the skin and flesh with a pulp remover. Then put it in the sink to remove the emerging pulp. After that, move into the fermentation tank, soak for half a day to a day, and then dissolve the gum on the surface of the fermented coffee beans. After washing with water, drying it for a few days, drying it with a machine, and finally using a sheller to remove the endocarp to become a commercial raw coffee bean. In this way, it will be more beautiful in color and less impurity than dried coffee beans.

Practice 3: comparison of ways

The coffee beans are treated after harvest, otherwise they will begin to ferment, making the coffee beans smell bad. The main treatment methods are "drying" and "washing", these two methods will cause different flavors. Dry beans have a complete natural mellow, gentle aroma and more gum, while water washing has a good mellow taste, high aroma and lively sour taste, which is also the source of sweetness in espresso.