Coffee review

Introduction to the taste characteristics of Colombian coffee varieties, planted in Colombian coffee bean manor

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of Columbia Premium Bean supremo (Supamo): mellow smell, moderate acidity, rich sweetness and very intriguing taste, unique aroma, bitter with sweet taste unforgettable. [variety]

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Located in northwestern South America, Colombia coffee beans are loved by coffee markets and consumers because of their dark chocolate-like mellowness and caramelized sweetness. Colombia, like Brazil, is the world's leading producer of Arabica coffee beans, and its geographical conditions are tailor-made for coffee cultivation.

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Although Brazil's coffee bean production is large, because the flat terrain cannot create a temperature difference between day and night, the flavor of Brazilian coffee beans will be relatively monotonous. Colombia, on the other hand, has a high altitude, and the surrounding volcanoes provide very nutritious volcanic soil for the country, so the flavor of coffee beans will be rich ~

Colombia coffee-producing region

The growing area of Colombia is divided into two parts, commercial coffee growing area & fine coffee growing area. Colombia is best known for its Medellin, Armenia and Manizales regions, commonly referred to as "MAM," which usually have a strong dark chocolate flavor and caramel flavor.


Colombia's fine bean producing areas are mainly in the south, above 1500 meters above sea level, including San Augustin, Huila, Popayan, Cauca, Nariño and Tolima. After testing a number of samples of coffee beans in the front street coffee cup, it was found that the coffee beans produced in these areas have delicate sour and berry aromas, and have caramel aroma, sweet feeling.


Today, the main varieties grown in Colombia are Cadura and Colombia (yes, the variety is called Colombia), Castiyo (Catim in Colombia), and a small number of summer varieties.

Kadura coffee variety: a natural variety of the bourbon variety. Compared with bourbon, it has the advantages of insolation (no shade forest), short size (easy picking) and many branches (high yield). And in flavor and bourbon is not comparable. Therefore, it has become the main coffee variety in Colombia. The coffee variety currently on sale at Front Street Coffee is Kadura.


Colombia coffee variety: In order to fight leaf rust, Cenicafé of Colombia National Coffee Research Center developed a multi-generation backcross improved variety of catim in 1980. After many generations of evolution, its Robusta gene was diluted more. The Colombia government named this coffee variety "Colombia" to emphasize the difference between the original catim and help promote national cultivation.

Castillo coffee variety: A new generation of leaf rust resistant coffee varieties developed jointly by Colombia Coffee Producers Association (FNC) and Cenicafé, Colombia National Coffee Research Center. Cenicafé hopes to further improve the variety. To achieve higher coffee yield, with higher resistance, and comparable quality and flavor of kadura.


Castillo beans have not been tasted in the traditional way (sun or water), so there are reservations about whether it tastes as described by Colombia officials. The Castillo variety currently on sale in the front street is the cherry blossom of Paradise Manor, which has been treated by double anaerobic washing to show aromas of wormwood, mint and eucalyptus, and flavors of berry and strawberry candy.