Coffee review

How to brew coffee without acid? Introduction to brewing parameters of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Pay close attention to the coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom) and find that the beautiful cafe opens its own small shop. The sour taste of Ye Jia Xue Fei is mainly caused by the baking degree. But Yega is known for its high quality acid. Secondly, the brewing method, water temperature, scale, brewing time will have an impact. why


Yejia Xuefei Coffee has a bright and delicate fragrant flower and fruit flavor, which is an entry-level product for many coffee people. it is very suitable for extraction by hand, ice drop and so on. However, some friends said that they could not get out of the fragrance they drank in the store at home, and the sour taste was not fresh enough, so they asked why in front of the street. So this article answers for this friend in front of the street.

First of all, Yejia Xuefei belongs to medium-shallow roasted coffee beans.

The so-called Yega Chuefei flavor, is a beautiful citrus, lemon, berries and rich flowers, but also with a clear sense of tea, unforgettable. To show such a delicate flavor and taste, coffee's high-quality growing environment, variety, treatment, as well as roasting and brewing are indispensable.


Ethiopia, located on the African continent, has underdeveloped water resources, so it has traditionally been treated with raw beans in the old sun, that is, drying directly in the sun. Because the technique is too rough, the quality of coffee is generally low. Until 1972, Ethiopia introduced Central and South American washing technology and equipment to improve the quality of coffee beans. Different from other producing areas, Yega Xuefei is a wetland, which is more suitable for washing treatment.

What is washing?

The producing area where the water washing method is used must build a washing pool and be able to introduce an endless supply of running water, resulting in higher production costs. During the treatment, put the mellow beans into the pool and pass them back and forth, using the friction of the beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean. In the washing step, the removal of bad beans in several links greatly reduces the defect rate of coffee, showing a higher cleanliness, and the more clear and thorough its own aroma. This move also magnifies the citrus lemon aroma of the Yejashifi coffee bean itself and makes it more fresh and bright on the palate.


In the past, most of the coffee we drank was bitter, and the reason why the coffee was bitter was mainly because the roaster roasted the coffee beans deeply, and the main flavor was nuts and dark chocolate. Due to the small size of Yega Chuefei coffee beans, it is easy to be heated unevenly or even zoom if deep roasting is used, so roasters tend to bake medium and shallow. Unexpectedly, Yega Xuefei, which uses shallow roasting, not only shows rising acidity, but also has a highly recognized fruit flavor, which can be said to have ushered in a new era of sour coffee. Like sweet and afraid of bitterness, which is precisely the popular taste, which is why Yega Xuefei is so popular all over the world.

Qianjie wants you to drink the classic Yejasuefei taste, so the Yejasuefi coffee beans on the bean list belong to medium-light baking, and here Qianjie uses a washed fruit Tintin cooperative to show you how to break out of the classic Yejasuefei flavor.


Cooking parameters of Yega Xuefei

Filter cup: V60 water temperature: 92-93 degrees Celsius powder: 15g powder-water ratio: 1:15 Grinding degree: fine sugar size (No. 20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 78%)

Water injection mode: three-stage type

Because Yejia Chuefei coffee beans grow at high altitude and have a hard texture, in order to stimulate more floral and fruity flavors in the coffee, Qianjie will use 92 ℃-9 hot water with 3 ℃ for extraction. Grinding degree Qianjie recommended medium fine grinding degree (the pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 screen is 78%). Too thick to extract mellow substances, brewed coffee will appear thin. Too fine is easy to be over-extracted at high water temperature, and the coffee brewed is prone to bitterness.


In the process of cup testing, Qianjie noticed that the bean showed different flavors at different temperatures, so three-stage extraction was used to make different flavor substances show better when the powder layer warms up. In order to highlight the fresh and charming aroma of washing Yega, the front street uses a V60 filter cup for cooking. The spiral design of the filter cup allows coffee powder to exhaust better and maximize the volatilization and dissolution of sour substances.


In terms of brewing ratio, Qianjie thinks that either one, 15, or 16 is OK. If you want a stronger taste, use 1:15. If you want to feel the sweetness of the flowers more clearly, you can use 1:16 to spread the flavor.

Reference to the cooking techniques of baristas in Qianjie

According to previous cooking experience, Qianjie suggests beginners to use three-stage water injection. Three-stage extraction is beneficial to dissolve flavor substances more fully, increase the level of taste, and avoid excessive extraction of coffee after soaking for too long.

If 15 grams of coffee powder, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 225ml total water, three stages of water is divided into: 30ml, 95ml, 100ml, the weight on the electronic scale shows: 30g, 125g, 225g.

First put the folded filter paper in the filter cup and wet it with water to better fit the filter cup. Prepare the hot water and the thermometer, and pour 15 grams of ground coffee powder into the filter cup to clear the weight of the electronic scale.


The first stage is injected with 30g water for steaming for 30 seconds, and the timing starts at the same time when the water is injected, and the injection at the center of the small flow begins to circle outward, paying attention to the need to moisten the whole powder layer.

After 30 seconds, the second section of 95g water is steadily injected with a larger flow, in order to raise the entire powder layer, and the water column needs to be injected vertically and evenly. At this time, the chronograph shows 125g, which is finished in about 55 seconds.


When the liquid level drops to half of the position, start to use a small flow around the small circle to inject the third section of 100g, try to control the flow is too large, easy to break up the coffee powder layer and cause insufficient extraction. The final amount of water injection is 225 grams, and the completion time of drip filtration is about 2 minutes. After removing the filter cup, shake the coffee liquid in the sharing pot and start tasting.


The amount of water injected into each section is not fixed, and we can regulate and control according to the understanding of coffee beans according to our accumulated hand-washing experience. Qianjie understanding of coffee brewing is a basic scientific experiment. If we want to learn hand brewing well, we need to understand the true meaning of each brewing parameter. In this way, it is easy for us to find the experimental method and establish a suitable cooking framework.


The Yega Chuefei is bright lemon, citrus and green tea. With the change of temperature, there are raspberries, cream and sugarcane in the aftertaste.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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