Coffee review

What's the difference between green mountain coffee and blue mountain coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that there is a difference between Green Mountain Coffee and Blue Mountain Coffee, which is a small shop opened by Beautiful Cafe. Oh, my God, no one knows how to compare the coffee brewing method with the coffee producing area, because Blue Mountain coffee beans can also be extracted by American coffee extraction! If you choose bitter, I suggest you extract Mann by high pressure steam.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

There is a difference between Green Mountain and Blue Mountain Coffee.

Oh, my God, compare the way the coffee is made with the origin of the coffee. No one knows what to say, because blue mountain coffee beans can also be extracted by American coffee extraction! If you choose bitter, I suggest you extract Manning coffee by high pressure steam.

Introduction of Blue Mountain Coffee beans

Blue Mountain Coffee is a kind of coffee, which is made from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and the second most expensive coffee in the world. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste.

Introduction to Green Mountain Coffee

Green Mountain Coffee is not a kind of coffee or beans, but the place where coffee is produced. Like Starbucks, Green Mountain Coffee roasting Company (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters) mainly produces "Krieger Coffee Machine" and matching "K-cup Coffee".

The company's share price soared nine-fold from 2006 to 2010, far surpassing Starbucks. Consumers can brew coffee with great export feeling conveniently and quickly through Green Mountain Coffee's "Krieger Coffee Machine" and matching "K-cup Coffee".

The so-called "K cup" is a patented product of Green Mountain Coffee, a container that looks like a paper cup with a smaller paper cup-shaped infiltration device that can only penetrate liquid and sealed with an aluminum foil cover to ensure that the aroma of the coffee will not be emitted.

Put the K cup into the coffee machine, press the button, and the pressurized injection pipe will break through the aluminum foil cover into the filter cup and inject hot water. Coffee can precisely control the amount of water, water temperature and pressure to maximize the aroma of coffee.

For consumers, put the K cup in the coffee machine, and a cup of fragrant coffee will appear in front of you a minute later.

No need to grind coffee beans, no weighing, no cleaning, no residue at the bottom of the cup, just one cup at a time, and never weigh whether there is too much material, it is more convenient than the traditional coffee machine, the coffee flavor is stronger, and the price is only 1/10 of that of Starbucks.

The coffee machine of Green Mountain Coffee sells for only more than 100 US dollars, which basically makes no money, mainly by selling K cups. 24-cup K-cups usually sell for 12 US dollars, equivalent to 0.50 US dollars per cup.

Interestingly, Green Mountain Coffee now has no coffee shop, and in 1998 they closed all their retail stores and worked with wholesalers instead, and they moved into ExxonMobil gas stations and Stop & Shop convenience stores.

Green Mountain Coffee has also entered Staples' 600th office supplies supermarket in North America and entered its mail-order catalogue, through which more than 450000 kilograms of coffee are delivered.

Later, Green Mountain entered thousands of offices in the northeastern United States. Most companies are happy to install Green Mountain coffee machines because it helps prevent employees from sneaking out for coffee on the grounds that "office coffee is too bad."

Today, homes and offices in North America consume more than 3 million K cups a day. Nearly 1/3 of Green Mountain's more than $2 billion in sales come from selling coffee directly to the office.

What is even cooler is that Green Mountain allows other beverage manufacturers to produce K-cups. Green Mountain has applied for several patents related to K-cups. With these patents, Green Mountain's K-cups are open to all beverage merchants.

Green Mountain allows other coffee, tea or hot cocoa producers to use K-cup packaging on Green Mountain's Krieger coffee machine, for which these companies only have to pay a license fee of 6 cents per cup.

In other words, Green Mountain has made K-cup into an open platform for the beverage industry. Generally speaking, peers are enemies, but Green Mountain Coffee has become a partner with many coffee brands through the opening of K-cup.

For example, in 2007, the well-known American coffee brand Carreb, through the concession agreement, joined the K-cup brand portfolio, Starbucks is also the partner of Green Mountain Coffee.

At present, there are many varieties of K-cup, with 13 brands and more than 200 kinds of coffee, tea and hot cocoa, which can meet the different needs of consumers.

Partners pay a license fee of 6 cents for each K-cup package. in 2008, Green Mountain sold 1 billion K-cups, or $60 million alone.

At present, the total installed capacity of Green Mountain Coffee in American households and enterprises has reached 16 million. According to the consumption of 1 cup a day, the total consumption of K cups per year is about 6 billion cups. Based on the royalties of US $0.064 per cup, the annual revenue from licensed royalties is about US $384 million.

Green Mountain's model is what the management community calls the razor model, just like Geely razors, the knife holder is cheap, but you need to keep buying blades. Green Mountain's coffee maker doesn't make money, but as long as you use their coffee maker, you can only use their K cup.

If more coffee machines are sold, they will attract other beverage manufacturers to cooperate with Green Mountain to use their K-cup technology. The more other beverage sellers, the more abundant K-cup products, more and more people will buy Green Mountain coffee machines.

Selling habits in the early stage and selling standards in the later stage, Green Mountain Coffee is worth studying and studying carefully.

Green Mountain is so awesome, of course, there is no shortage of imitators, such as domestic Jiuyang soybean milk. At the end of 2013, Jiuyang soybean milk launched an one cup soymilk machine with drinking cup. Unlike the traditional soymilk machine, it no longer needs to grind soybeans in the machine, but put them into a custom soy powder box and press a button. The needles in the machine will penetrate the lid of the soy powder box and pour water into the soymilk in 30 seconds, which is exactly the model of Green Mountain Coffee.

Relying on this green mountain model soya-bean milk machine, the share price of Jiuyang soybean milk has nearly doubled in a month, which shows the recognition and optimism of investors to the green mountain model.

However, after this soymilk machine came on the market, it was a little far from consumers' expectations. the price was 1999 yuan, almost $300, while the Green Mountain coffee machine sold for only $100. the average price of Jiuyang cups is more than 4 yuan, almost $7. The K cup of Green Mountain Coffee costs an average of $0.50 per cup.

In addition, consumers report that the Jiuyang machine is not very good in some details, and Jiuyang soybean milk is not open to other beverage companies, and the type of soybean milk is relatively single, so this attempt is not very successful so far.