Coffee review

Why Starbucks uses Yunnan coffee beans Fengwu Xiangyun coffee story Yunnan coffee beans quality

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Pay attention to the coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find out how to open a good coffee shop in Yunnan. The quality of coffee beans produced in Yunnan is mainly the iron pica, Baibang and Katim among Arabica. Among them, the good ones are basically exported to Europe. Nestle, Starbucks, Shangdao, Maxwell's coffee beans are all taken from Yunnan, taken from Simao, refused to Baoshan.

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What is the quality of Yunnan small coffee beans?

The main varieties of coffee in Yunnan are Tibika, Baibang and Katim in Arabica. The good ones are basically exported to Europe, Nestle, Starbucks, Shangdao and Maxwell. They all got coffee beans from Yunnan, from Simao, and Baoshan rejected Starbucks. As for why, Yunnan coffee beans won the gold medal in London in the 1950s and the Eureka gold medal in Belgium in 1993. This is the international influence, but it is relatively old.

Yunnan coffee has the smallest output and the most expensive Tiebika, and it also belongs to the best of Arabica species in the world, of which the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and Kona of Hawaii can be said to be Tibica. Due to changes in origin and some planting conditions, Tiebika in Yunnan is softer and sour is not as heavy as Blue Mountains. But overall, Tibica tastes light (it should be very light), but it has a long aftertaste.

Baibang is a variety second only to Tiebika, which has a higher output and a stronger flavor, and it is not easy to buy on the market. Katim is a variety introduced later, with relatively stable output and strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. It is planted in a large area in Yunnan. Now it is easy to buy Katim beans on the market, and Katim aa beans are also exported beans, which is not bad on the whole. Not to mention in China, even in the whole of Asia, Yunnan's beans are very excellent.

As for cat droppings, Manning and so on, coffee beans alone cannot be compared with Tibica. These are the basic varieties in Yunnan. Generally speaking, they all belong to Tibica and the later varieties under Arabica, which is different from Robusta in Hainan. As for quality. It is suggested that you can try it first. Generally speaking, in addition to Tiebika, Katim and other beans can be said to be the price of cabbage.

Tiebika medium roast taste individual coffee and then believe that you have your own comments, if you like the blue mountain flavor, I think I should like Yunnan Tibika. The taste is lighter and the aftertaste is long and fruity. But the first sip may disappoint you because there is no strong taste of coffee. Baibang, mellow and soft.

What is the difference between Yunnan coffee beans and ordinary coffee

Compared with other large-grain coffee, small-grain coffee is different from other large-grain coffee. For example, small-grain coffee in Yunnan belongs to small-grain coffee, which is mainly Arabica coffee; coffee in Vietnam basically belongs to medium-grain coffee, mainly Robusta coffee; and coffee beans grown in many countries in Central and South America have large particles. The size of the particles depends on the variety of coffee beans, latitude, humidity, altitude, and so on. Due to different factors, the taste of coffee is different, some are bitter and light, some are heavy and bitter, some are mellow, some are sour, and so on, because countries around the world have different coffee drinking habits and coffee cultures. so you will choose different varieties of coffee. Yunnan coffee belongs to the type of strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, and good sour taste, which is very suitable for Chinese taste.