Coffee review

Characteristics of varieties and sources of Mantenin Coffee from Indonesia description of brewing taste and flavor of golden mantenin coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened its own shop, Mandarin Coffee: Sumatra, also known as Sumatran Coffee in Indonesia, Asia. He is very rich in flavor and is considered to be the most mellow coffee in the world. Mantenin Coffee Origin: Indonesia

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Mantenin coffee, produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatra coffee." Unique and rich coffee flavor, deeply loved by generations of coffee lovers.

A brief introduction to the origin of mantenin coffee

90% of coffee beans grown in Indonesia are Robusta varieties, and 10% of Arabica coffee beans are grown in Sumatra, Java and Surawesi. Mantenin coffee refers specifically to Arabica coffee beans grown on Sumatra Island, with timtim and Ateng as the main varieties.

Yes, mantenin is not the name of the coffee variety, but the name of the original tribe of Sumatra. The use of Mantenin as the name of the coffee bean is to make it easier for consumers to remember the coffee bean, and to make everyone think of Sumatra immediately when they see the name.


Traditionally, mantenin coffee is produced in Lintong, northern Sumatra, and in the Gayo Mountains, which is also a major producer of fine mantenin coffee. Both of the two mantnings currently on Front Street Coffee's shelves come from these two treasures.

Why is Sumatra's mantinin coffee so famous?

The main reason is that the highest altitude required for growing Arabica coffee beans on the island of Mantenin is 3805m. The best quality mantenin coffee will be grown at an altitude of 900-1600m, which is exactly what Lindong and Gayou Mountain produce. And these areas are close to lakes, providing plenty of moisture for coffee trees.

Lake Toba is located north of Medan, the capital of Sumatra, and belongs to an alpine freshwater lake. The average altitude is about 900m above sea level. The lake is rhombic, 100 km long, 30 km wide, with an area of 1,130 square kilometers and an average altitude of 1,100 - 1,600 meters.


The Gayo Mountains region is located in Aceh province to the north of Sumatra Island. Coffee is grown in the Gayo Mountains region on the hillside surrounding Takegon town and Lake Tawar. Planting heights average between 1,110 and 1,600 meters in the production area. Coffee is grown by smallholders under shade trees and processed by stripping to exhibit exotic flavors and deep and lively full-bodied flavors.

Mantenin Coffee Flavor Characteristics

Due to the climate and the unique Indonesian coffee bean processing method, Indonesian coffee beans in Sumatra will have the characteristics of low acidity and high alcohol, while having the characteristics of herbs and spices.

Front Street Coffee believes that a good boutique coffee bean is the characteristic flavor of the coffee bean itself. In order to make small partners feel the characteristic flavor of the main coffee producing areas at a high cost performance ratio, Qianjie Coffee has put 7 selected ration coffee beans on the shelves for this purpose.


The Mantenin coffee beans, which represent Indonesia's growing region, come from Lindong. After the Front Street Coffee Cup test, this Mantenin coffee from Lindong has roasted toast, nuts, caramel, pine, herbal flavor, low acid mellow, very suitable for the representative of the region.

The other golden mantinin coffee from Mount Yazigayo is a cleaner and sweeter mantinin coffee bean. The Golden Mandolin coffee beans bought in Front Street come from PWN Coffee Company and are also the highest grade Mandolin coffee beans in Indonesia.


PWN buys mantnin beans grown in Aceh for wet planing. After processing, the mantenin green beans are selected by machine for 1 time and manual selection for 3 times to ensure that the batch produced reaches the highest grade G1 in Indonesia.

The purpose of machine selection is to screen out beans with specifications above 18 meshes, and the subsequent multiple manual work is to eliminate irregular defective beans. The reduction of defect rate greatly improves the quality of mantning coffee. Because coffee beans are more uniform in size, coffee beans will be heated more evenly during roasting, resulting in better development and more sweet substances, and coffee will taste cleaner.


Because of their fame, many of the same carefully selected mantnin beans are sold under the name Gold Mantnin. However, gold mantning coffee beans are registered trademarks of PWN company, so consumers can identify true and false. PWN company will provide certification certificate, as long as it is the first-hand buyer, you can obtain the certificate, and the sacks loaded with raw beans are printed with the company logo. You can see the certification certificate and the raw bean sacks printed with PWN logo in the offline stores of Front Street Coffee.

Brewing taste of mantnin coffee beans Description

Front Street Coffee In order to give the mantnin coffee a low acid body, both mantnin beans sold are roasted to a medium deep roast before 2 pops. The longer the roasting time, the looser the structure of the coffee beans, and the faster the release of coffee substances, so Front Street Coffee recommends that the grinding degree of Mantenin coffee should be adjusted coarsely, and do not use too high temperature water to reduce the extraction of the coffee later and reduce bitterness.

Qianjie Coffee Store will use the following drip extraction parameters: filter cup: KONO, powder amount: 15 grams, water powder ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: China standard No.20 sieve pass rate 70%, water temperature: 88℃.


Three-stage water injection method: the first time 30g water injection, 30s steam-proof; the second stage small water injection to 125g, wait for the powder bed water to drop to half of the water injection, and then continue to small water injection to 225g, after all the drip filtration, the total extraction time of 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

Brewing Flavor: On the palate, it has a rich herbal aroma, dark chocolate, caramel, sweet back.

Front Street-PWN Gold Mandning Coffee Brewing Flavor: Coffee overall has varied layers, mellow and clean. Intense nutty and caramel aromas with chocolate notes, long lasting finish and balance.