Coffee review

The origin of the name of Mantenin coffee beans A brief introduction to the characteristics of Manning Coffee how to make Mantenin in Indonesia tastes good

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened its own shop, Mandarin Coffee: Sumatra, also known as Sumatran Coffee in Indonesia, Asia. He is very rich in flavor and is considered to be the most mellow coffee in the world. Mantenin Coffee Origin: Indonesia


Mantenin coffee from Indonesia is called "the gentleman in coffee" because of its unique fragrance of spices, herbs, pine and mellow taste. Qianjie today to introduce this unique flavor of coffee beans, and talk about how to cook the classic Mantenin flavor.

The origin of Manning's name

Unlike many other coffees, the name of Manning Coffee is related to a long-standing story, mainly due to the mispronunciation of an indigenous ethnic group in Indonesia.

During World War II, when a Japanese soldier was drinking coffee in a shop in central Indonesia, he asked his boss what kind of coffee he was drinking. The boss thought he was from, so he answered "Mandailing". When the Japanese soldier returned home after the war, he remembered that the coffee with a special flavor at that time seemed to be called "Mantenin." in 1968, Nomura Trading Company in Osaka, Japan visited the Indonesian company N.V. Pawani Medan and imported 15000 kilograms of Sumatra mantenin coffee, which became very popular in the Japanese market. Since then, Manning Coffee and Pwanni Coffee have gained great fame.


Where does Manning Coffee come from?

Indonesia mainly grows Robusta varieties, while Arabica varieties produce less than 1/10 coffee, among which Mantenin coffee produced in Sumatra is the most famous, so it is also called Sumatran coffee. Traditionally, Mantenin in Sumatra is mainly produced in Lake dopa in the Lindong region of Jiangsu Province and Lake Tawa in the northernmost Aceh region.

The Lindong producing area is close to Lake dopa, which is the largest volcanic lake in Indonesia, with an elevation of 1000 to 1500 meters above sea level. The volcanic ash soil makes the Mantenin coffee here absorb more nutrients. The tropical rainforest climate brings abundant rainfall, and coffee trees can flourish without much irrigation and fertilization.


Aceh is located in the northernmost part of Sumatra. Due to years of political instability, the development of the coffee industry is not as good as that of Lindong. It is precisely because more primitive old trees are preserved, and local coffee farmers grow green and organic, coffee trees are planted on the slopes next to the scenic Lake Tawa.

Wet planing treatment

Sumatra, located near the equator, has a high temperature and rain all year round and often has typhoons, so it is impossible to widely use African sun and Central and South American washing to treat raw coffee beans. In order to avoid mildew and deterioration of raw beans during treatment, local people shorten the fermentation time and drying time of raw beans, so as to adapt to the local weather.


The coffee fruit is fermented for a few hours after the peel is removed, and then dried in the sun. When the water content of the shell bean is 30-50%, the shell bean is still semi-dry. The local people will use a special shelling machine, use friction to peel off the hard sheep skin, and finally continue to dry the shelled beans to reach the moisture content standard. Since each step is done in a humidity of 70-90%, and the sheep skin has been removed before the final drying step, the "naked" raw beans are easy to absorb moisture in the air, so the Mantenin coffee is more woody and herbaceous. Qianjie believes that this is the unique flavor of Sumatra Manning coffee, so Lin Dong Mantenin is also listed as a cost-effective rations bean series in Qianjie, so that everyone can have a try.


The boutique grade of PWN gold Manning coffee

Due to the wet planing process, raw beans are easy to be extruded and deformed under greater strength, after the final high temperature sun stage, coffee beans will crack when tested, which is our common sheep's hoof beans. Wet planing brings unique flavor characteristics, but also improves the defect rate of coffee beans. If you want to improve the quality of coffee beans, you need to remove these defective beans.


When it comes to high-quality Mantenin coffee, we have to mention the Indonesian "gold" brand-Golden Manning coffee. PWN, a famous raw bean purchasing company in Indonesia, uses 1 machine selection + 3 manual selection of wet planed Mantenin raw beans to ensure that the batches reach the highest grade G1 in Indonesia. The purpose of machine selection is to screen out that the specification of beans must be more than 18 mesh, and the follow-up multiple labor is to eliminate irregular defective beans. The reduction of defect rate greatly improves the quality of Mantening coffee.

The front street bean list often keeps this PWN gold Mantenin coffee bean for fans of Mantenin, so that everyone can drink the exquisite classic flavor of Mantenin.


What is the classic Manning flavor?

In order to highlight the high alcohol thickness of Golden Manning and retain more herbal flavor, Qianjie bakers use medium-depth baking. Freshly baked manning coffee takes 7 to 10 days to exhaust and nourish beans before it enters the best taste period. Qianjie hopes that every guest who places an order can enjoy the full aroma of the coffee and only ship the coffee beans freshly roasted within 5 days, so that everyone can enjoy the full taste period of the coffee when they receive it.


The roasted coffee beans are swollen and loose, so they absorb more water and release various substances more quickly after grinding. In order to avoid over-extraction, Qianjie uses a medium grinding degree and a lower water temperature to reduce the release of bitter macromolecules from the extraction.

For this brewing, Qianjie barista hopes to highlight the mellow, clean and fragrant characteristics of Golden Manning and extract it with KONO filter cup. Also a tapered filter cup, the KONO filter cup has more than half less diversion ribs than the v60, and the upper part is divided into a smooth curved surface, making the filter paper more suitable. Limit the air flow up, hot water can only flow down, forming the effect of siphon extraction, so that coffee powder aroma substances released more fully, so as to improve the mellow taste.

Golden mantenin coffee hand brewing parameters: 87 °88 °C medium grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 70%) Coffee powder: 15 g powder water ratio 1:15 three-stage water injection


Moisten the powder bed with twice as much water as coffee powder to form a drum and steam for 30 seconds, then fill the small water circle from inside to outside to 125 g, wait for the powder bed to drop to half of the filter cup, and continue to pour the same fine water into the third section to 225 g, until all the coffee liquid has been filtered and the filter cup has been removed for about 2 minutes. Finally, the coffee liquid in the shaker can be enjoyed.

Hand-brewed PWN Gold Manning Coffee is varied, full-bodied and clean. Nutty and caramel aromas with chocolate aromas, long-lasting finish and high balance.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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