Coffee review

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  • Practice the heart shape on the basis of flower drawing

    Practice the heart shape on the basis of flower drawing

    Following Cafe's (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the practice of opening a small shop in Beautiful Cafe, step 1 and heart-shaped is actually similar to the circle, but with one more closing action, after mastering the circle, it should not be difficult to master. 2. put the milk pot close to the surface of the coffee when it is seven minutes full. 3. The foam will form on the surface of the coffee. 4. When it is almost full.

    2017-05-05 Pull flowers basics exercises heart shape attention cakes Wechat public vdaily
  • The basic practice of flower drawing leaves

    The basic practice of flower drawing leaves

    Following Ka Ping (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own-- Segmentation Line. Step 1, put the milk pot close to the surface of the coffee when it is seven minutes full, and see that the milk foam is formed on the surface of the coffee.

    2017-05-05 Pull flowers basics exercises leaves attention cakes Wechat public vdaily
  • What's the price of Rosa coffee?

    What's the price of Rosa coffee?

    Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened its own shop Geisha is an Arabica coffee variety from Geisha Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia, which has been transliterated as rosy summer in China; because the Japanese pronunciation of geisha is similar to Geisha, Geisha is called geisha coffee in Japan; the author thinks that Chinese is still transliterated Rosa.

    2017-06-29 Rose Summer Coffee Price how much follow Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • How is Kopi Luwak made?

    How is Kopi Luwak made?

    Following Cafe comment (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own Kopi Luwak-production method 1, civets love to eat red coffee fruits from coffee trees; 2, pick undigested coffee seeds from cat droppings, 3, remove the silver gray film of coffee seeds, wash them in water and put them in the sun to dry; 4, stir-fry Luwak coffee beans. cat

    2017-07-01 Cat shit Coffee how come out follow comment Wechat Public vdaily
  • What are the kinds of coffee in Yunnan?

    What are the kinds of coffee in Yunnan?

    Follow the caf é (official Wechat account vdailycom) and found that the coffee varieties in Yunnan are Arabica coffee beans, which are grown in Yunnan. The varieties were first introduced in 1892 in Zhukula area, Pingchuan Town, Binchuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Arabica bourbon and Arabica Tielka coffee beans were introduced, and then Kenny was introduced in 1991.

    2017-07-05 Yunnan Coffee what attention Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • Production date of Vietnamese coffee

    Production date of Vietnamese coffee

    Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop in Vietnam Coffee production date Vietnam pronounced as: day, month, year HSD:05.08.11 means shelf life: August 5, 2011 production date Vietnamese spelled: NSX. Vietnamese coffee, strong flavor, light sour taste, smooth and moist taste, mellow and slightly bitter

    2017-07-06 Vietnam Coffee production date concern Cafe Review Wechat Public vdaily
  • Colombian emerald coffee

    Colombian emerald coffee

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own, Mirador Manor is located in the southernmost Pitalito (Pitalito) producing area of Huila (Huilan) region, which is famous for producing high quality coffee. Elkin Guzman, the owner of the garden, is undoubtedly a pioneer in the coffee industry. This clever young grower

    2017-07-14 Colombia Emerald Coffee followers Cajun Wechat Public vdaily
  • Brief introduction of Bali Golden Rabbit Coffee

    Brief introduction of Bali Golden Rabbit Coffee

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Generally speaking, Indonesia coffee tastes like earthy and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is among the highest in the world. But Kopi Luwak (Kopi Luwak) has a stronger earthy flavor and a consistency similar to that of syrup, which has a very special flavor. After drinking, there will still be a touch in the mouth.

    2017-07-19 Bali Island Gold Coffee profile follow Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • What are the main ingredients of coffee?

    What are the main ingredients of coffee?

    Follow Kaibei (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Fairview Cafe opened a small shop of its own caffeine: it has a particularly strong bitter taste and irritates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system. Appropriate amount of caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote digestive juice secretion. Because it promotes kidney function, it is diuretic and helps the body to expel excess sodium ions from the body. But...

    2017-07-21 Coffee main ingredients which attention caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • Extraction elements of hand-brewed coffee

    Extraction elements of hand-brewed coffee

    Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the good Cafe opened a small shop of its own 1 the correct ratio of coffee powder to water according to the data of the SCAESCAA Fine Coffee Association the ratio of coffee powder to water 1 15ml 15 grams of powder and 1 gram of powder into the water of 225ml Water 2

    2017-07-19 Hand brewing Coffee extract elements attention Ka Review Wechat Public vdaily
  • Yunnan small grain Katim flavor

    Yunnan small grain Katim flavor

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Yunnan Xiaogi Katim flavor Yunnan now most of the beans are Katim, with 1/4 Robbist blood, not pure Arabica beans. As a result of Nestl é's acquisition, most coffee farmers have cut off the old Tibica and bourbon and planted Katim instead, so Yunnan beans are now popular.

    2017-07-17 Yunnan Xiaogi Tim Flavor attention Cajun Wechat Public vdaily
  • Ninety + candle boutique coffee

    Ninety + candle boutique coffee

    Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. With the popularity of Ninety Plus 90, candlelight from Hidamo region of Ethiopia has entered the menu of many cafes. Ninety Plus, translated directly means 90 +, or more than 90 points. Friends outside the industry may not understand that coffee with a score of more than 90 points

    2017-07-06 Ninety candle boutique coffee attention caf é Wechat public vdaily
  • Characteristics of variety producing area of iron pickup coffee bean

    Characteristics of variety producing area of iron pickup coffee bean

    Following Cafe (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Typica is a tall cultivated variety of Arabica species, derived from Yemen to Java, which began to spread in Java in the early 18th century. All Arabica, the oldest native variety in Ethiopia, are derived from Tibica. The top leaf of Tiebika is bronzed and the bean body is oval.

    2017-05-25 Pickup Coffee Features introduction attention Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • Cup Review of Antigua Coffee

    Cup Review of Antigua Coffee

    Following Cafe Review (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Antigua Coffee has opened a small shop in Beautiful Cafe: aroma 7.8; flavor 7.85; acidity 7.95; balance 7.63; overall 7.78; mellow 7.85; finish 7.60 delicate and balanced, with rich aroma and excellent sweetness. Antigua Valley (Antigua Valley) has the longest history in Guatemala.

    2017-07-08 Antioch Coffee Cup Review situation attention Cafe Review Wechat Public vdaily
  • How to make Vietnamese coffee?

    How to make Vietnamese coffee?

    Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Caf é Beautiful Cafe opened its own shop. Coffee is a popular drink around the world, while Vietnam, located in the tropical monsoon region, is the producer of premium coffee. The unique fragrance creates a unique Vietnamese coffee. After finely ground coffee, a cup of fragrant coffee is refreshing and refreshing to drink. Vietnam Coffee

    2017-07-26 How to Pao Pao Vietnam Coffee follow Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • The taste of manning coffee, the origin of manning coffee

    The taste of manning coffee, the origin of manning coffee

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened its own shop Manning Coffee, also known as Sumatran Coffee, is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia. Her flavor is very rich, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweetness. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, but it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee. The taste is rich

    2017-06-01 Mante Coffee Taste Origin attention Cafe Review Wechat Public vdaily
  • Introduction to the principle of losing weight with Black Coffee

    Introduction to the principle of losing weight with Black Coffee

    Following Cafe Review (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that a cup of 100g black coffee opened in a beautiful cafe has only 2.55kcal of calories. The experiment found that only four minutes after drinking coffee, fat decomposition can be accelerated. See below for details. Black coffee helps to eliminate edema, caffeine has a diuretic effect, can increase urination, expel excess water from the body, and improve water.

    2017-07-19 Coffee weight loss principle introduction attention Cafe Review Wechat Public vdaily
  • How do you drink candlelight? candle coffee flavor

    How do you drink candlelight? candle coffee flavor

    Following Kaibei (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the opening of a small shop in Beautiful Cafe is also an over-whitewashed coffee bean. Her real name is Yega Xuefei. Coffee beans in the traditional sun processing, it is extremely difficult to appear clean and pure coffee, and this bean, not only the pure freshness of washed beans, but also the charm and tenderness of traditional sun beans, complex flower fragrance

    2017-07-18 Candlelight how Coffee Flavor attention Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • How about Peruvian organic coffee?

    How about Peruvian organic coffee?

    Following Caf é comment (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that good Caf é opened a small shop of its own Peru is an internationally famous quality coffee producing area, regardless of grade, all of its producing areas are organically grown Arabica beans, without organic compound fertilizers and pesticides (the main coffee farmers are too poor to afford it), and generally fertilizers come from rotten or poorly grown coffee cherries. Peru

    2017-07-23 Peru Organic Coffee OK follow Caf é Wechat Public vdaily
  • What are the senses and coffee flavor?

    What are the senses and coffee flavor?

    Following Cafe (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. What is the sense of sense organ? the magical human body has organs that sense the stimulation of external things: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, etc., corresponding to vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. If you want to have a good cup of coffee, you need at least three senses: smell and taste.

    2017-07-24 What senses coffee flavor attention curry reviews Wechat public vdaily