Coffee review

Introduction of 90 + levelup rosemary Qingfu boutique coffee

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Following Cafe Review (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own recommended items: [NinetyPlus LevelUp Nistu Ruz] Flavor description: rich dry aromas of floral, lemon and orange peel; "elegant" taste of honey lemon and kumquat juice, juicy feeling of litchi in the middle, and taste of Dajizi tea in the latter part. Ninetyplus for the country

Pay attention to coffee reviews (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find a beautiful cafe to open your own shop

Recommended Items: NinetyPlus LevelUp Nistu Ruz

Flavor description:

Rich dry aromas of floral, lemon and orange peel; elegant flavors of honey lemon and kumquat juice, juicy lychee in the middle and Darjeeling black tea in the back.

Ninetyplus is an internationally renowned coffee bean production and marketing company and is known worldwide for providing rare and unique green coffee beans. His fame story is also one of the reasons why I like this brand...

Ninety + Legendary Background

In 2007, the founder and current CEO-Joseph Brodsky personally went to Ethiopia, the coffee native place, to find wild varieties of coffee trees, tested various processing methods, and finally let coffee speak with its own voice, so that the world heard, full of fruit aroma and rich connotation of sincere whispers, shocking. That wasn't enough, Joseph actively purchased a coffee estate in Panama of 134 hectares, planted with 80,000 gesha(rose summer) trees, which have been praised as the best coffee varieties in recent years.

Ninety + CEO Joseph Brodsky

Ethiopia has a variety of coffee cultivation methods: from wild coffee plantations and semi-developed land, to small plots of traditional farming, to modern plantations. About 50 percent of coffee is grown at altitudes of more than 1500 meters. According to the four different production methods mentioned above, Ethiopian coffee can be divided into nine coffee producing areas, including five fine coffee producing areas: Sidamo, Yejia Shefei, Harald, Lim, and Lekamp, and four general commercial bean producing areas: Gemma, Ilubabo, Tiebi, and Bebeka. Each district has adopted the method of sunning or washing, and different processing methods also affect the flavor. At present, solarization accounts for about 80% and washing accounts for about 20%.

Some people call it "90+," but the manufacturer formally asks: Please call us "90 +."

"90 +" does not mean all coffee rated above 90. Good coffee, one year, one year nothing. Sometimes it appears in different estates and has different taste characteristics. "Ninety +" refers to a 13-flavor range of premium coffee. These coffees come only from the American boutique coffee creator-NinetyPlus Coffee. All are Ethiopian Heirloom old varieties, cultivated in an ecological environment, processed under art standards to optimize taste. The processing process is 90 +'s specialty. It will separate these coffees one by one according to variety, microclimate and fresh harvest time, taste them one by one, design processing methods for each taste, achieve a taste characteristic, just like the design of big brands, carefully study and spend painstaking efforts to complete a handicraft close to art. Natural products go through a lot of refinement and improvement, and finally reach the most beautiful posture before presenting the content to everyone.

Excellent achievements

NinetyPlus, translated directly, is 90 +, or 90 points or more. Non-industry friends may not understand that a coffee bean with a score of 90 or more means that it is close to perfect for coffee lovers. Whether it's a cup score or a Coffee Review ( review score, it's a hard-earned honor.

2007-ArichaSelection7 Ninety +'s first coffee is released, with a high score of 95 points in Coffee Review (Roaster is also Ninety + founder NovoCoffeeRoasters)

2009-ArichaMicroSelection14 Wins 3rd World Coffee of the Year Award from the American Specialty Coffee Association

2009-ArichaMicroSelection33 with SammyPiccolo as world runner-up at that year's World Barista Competition

2012-PerciRed from Panama Manor debuts, earning Coffee Review's highest score ever of 97 (Barrington Coffee Roasting Co.)

In addition to the above 90 + coffee also appeared in the World Barista competition many times, accompanied by a number of players won the first prize. Coffee Review scores 93, 94, 95, 96, and 97. Because of the numerous achievements accumulated over the years, they are not listed here. If you are interested, you can follow the Ninety + blog news.

ProfileProcessing System

NinetyPlus also developed a ProfileProcessing system: tailored for each bean, planting, harvesting, processing and other processes, and through repeated cup testing and calibration, exactly let each bean seed play its unique fruit flavor. Coffee is classified according to "fruit flavor intensity", which is different from the traditional washed, Honey and natural treatment methods. It is also classified into three items W2, H2 and N2, but the fruit flavor level created by different treatment methods is different, so you may drink coffee beans treated by sun treatment or washing in the classification of honey treatment flavor "H2".

About processing

W2, H2, N2: can be understood as the traditional processing method of raw beans, and Ninety + also uses them as a distinction of taste.

NinetyPlus believes coffee is a fruit in itself, so it has its own exclusive processing method according to the taste of (W2),(H2), and (N2). When you understand traditional coffee processing, you will find that small adjustments can blur the distinction between them. For example, a little washing can be added at different stages of the dense-treatment process to achieve a lighter, brighter wash taste; by controlling the degree of fermentation of the pulp, a sun can be closer to the effect of a dense-treatment, or a dense-treatment can be more like a sun.

According to the influence of fruit flavor on taste during processing, it can be divided into W2, H2 and N2 from low to high. These three flavors can also be simply understood as processing methods: W2=WASH washing treatment;H2=Honey honey treatment;N2=NATURE sun treatment:

W2: Low fruit tone; emphasis on brightness, acidity, and floral fragrance.

H2: Moderate fruity tone; sweet, fruity (rather than fruity), and tea-like.

N2: High fruity notes; emphasis on bold, sour, jam and dried fruit flavors.

Solkiln: The so-called Solkiln method is a special treatment method patented by Ninety + Company. They dry the fresh coffee in a house originally used for drying wood. In this house, special equipment is used to control the temperature and humidity required to maintain the stability of the internal environment. At the same time, it eliminates the influence of the local humid climate on the coffee.

Red: The so-called "red treatment" is a special treatment performed by the Ninety + team through its own patented drying technology. This treatment process will make the color of the shelled coffee beans appear different degrees of red. This treatment will enhance the aroma characteristics of the coffee itself again, and it will show a strong sweet taste with obvious fruit flavor in the taste.

Ruby: The so-called "ruby" treatment is also a harder, more extreme way of treating red. The sweet and fruity flavor of the red processing is brought to an extreme, and if you are not careful, it will turn into an extremely bad area of bad fermentation flavor. This method also requires a lot of manual screening. Each green bean must meet the "ruby" standard in order to be called a "ruby" bean. It has been eliminated many times and tried many times, leaving the last point to reach the standard of "ruby", so it is expensive.

About LevelUp

Level Up is a sub-brand of boutique green bean processor Ninety Plus Inc., a line of Ethiopian green beans that the company launched with green bean trader Bodhi Leaf. Beans are not named after the region where they are grown, but after the flavor of the beans. Bean names are native to Ethiopia and describe the distinct flavor of each bean. Retains the amazing flavor of 90+, but the price is more approachable.