Coffee review

Yunnan iron card variety coffee bean flavor taste characteristics Description Yunnan small bean seed is iron pickup or katim

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pay close attention to coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom) and find that Meimei Cafe opens its own small shop. Typica is native to Ethiopia and the southeast of Sudan. It is one of the oldest varieties among many Arabica species. The top leaf is red copper color, called red top coffee, also known as old variety.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Iron pickup coffee beans (Typicati) are native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan. It is one of the oldest coffee varieties in Arabica. The top leaves are red copper, known as red top coffee, also known as the old variety of small grain coffee. Now we can see that there are two types of Yunnan coffee beans in Qianjie coffee, which indicates that Yunnan small grains are actually Katim varieties, because at present 99% of Yunnan is grown in Katim. On the other hand, Huaguo Mountain in Yunnan is an old coffee variety in Yunnan, iron pickup coffee beans, and Qianjie coffee has planted iron pickup coffee beans and a small number of bourbon seeds in Yunnan plantations.

Typic: the oldest native variety in Ethiopia, all Arabica are derived from iron pickup coffee beans. The top leaf of the iron pickup is bronzed, and the bean body is oval or thin in shape; the flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor, and the fruit yield is low. We all know that Ethiopia is the birthplace of Arabica coffee beans. Of course, the iron pickup comes from this place. Coffee was grown in Yemen around the 7th century AD. These coffee trees are covered with copper tops and produce oval-shaped coffee beans with a flat side. This is the kind of tin card, of course, the tin card is later people named this characteristic of the coffee variety.


Ypica has distinct characteristics, and it may be the most easily identified species. These plants are conical, with main vertical trunks up to 5 meters high. This height means that the distance between branches and nodes on the same branch of Typica is longer than that of other varieties.

The lateral branch forms a 50-70 °angle with the vertical trunk. The trunks and branches are not very strong, the leaves, fruits and beans are usually slender, the bud tips of the young leaves are bronze, and Typica has a smoother leaf surface and fewer wavy boundaries than other Arabica varieties. The typical Typica fruit is bright red when it ripens.


The bronze color of the top leaf of the iron pickup is one of the characteristics, with large beans, pointed oval or thin pointed shape, and some people call it "red top coffee". Iron pickup coffee has its unique quiet and clean flavor, as well as balanced features, high cleanliness, but the only drawback is insufficient production, altitude requirements, at the same time easy to infection with leaf rust, and resistance to diseases and insect pests is not strong. Iron pickup has created a lot of splendor, as early as 1958 at the International Coffee tasting Conference held in London, England, it was rated as the first class; at the National Coffee Conference in 1980, it was also praised as "the crown of Chinese coffee" by Chinese and foreign coffee experts, and won the "Eureka" gold medal at the World Coffee Competition Conference held in Brussels, Belgium in 1993. Typica, which is native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, is one of the oldest coffee varieties among Arabica species. Its top leaf is red copper, known as red top coffee, also known as the old small grain coffee. Because of the low yield and the difficulty of cultivation, the price is much higher than the ordinary small-grain coffee. But its taste performance is excellent, it is recognized as a boutique coffee variety.

The common varieties of tin cards are mainly Sumatra iron pickup in Indonesia, blue mountain species in Jamaica, old tree species in Yunnan, and Kent in India. After adapting to the local environment, these tin card species are called by other names by the local people. In essence, the species is still iron pickup.

[Qianjie Coffee 2013 Yunnan Iron truck] producing area: Lincang, China

Manor: front Street Coffee Plantation

Variety: iron pickup

Altitude: 1300m

Treatment: insolation

2013 is the opening of the Dongshankou store of Qianjie Coffee in Guangzhou, and it is also the first year of coffee cultivation in Qianjie. Qianjie from the beginning of the agricultural rookie, constantly trial and error, keep learning. The semi-primeval forest in the border area between China and Myanmar in Lincang, Yunnan Province has been selected to open the coffee cultivation. The altitude here is suitable for Arabica coffee growth, and the climate is also good. In the selection of planting varieties, Qianjie chose iron card species, because iron pickups were already planted in Yunnan more than 100 years ago, and predecessors have proved that Yunnan can grow good iron pickup coffee beans, of course, in 2013, high-yield Katim species are widely planted in Yunnan, and the performance of iron pickups is better than Katim in flavor.

Qianjie starts from raising seedlings, transplanting and forming trees, and it takes 5 years to bear fruit in a flash. It is not until 2020, the seventh year, that there is a relatively stable output. This bean, Qianjie named it "Qianjie 2013"!


Baking suggests that the Yunnan iron pickup in Qianjie is sun-treated. Qianjie only picks ripe and red coffee fruits, and then uses an elevated bed for exquisite sun exposure. Retain the sweeter flavor of the coffee.


The front street baker thinks that the moderate slow baking method can best reflect the round and smooth tin pickup coffee beans without losing the rich aroma of flowers and fruits.

Roaster: Yang family 500g semi-direct fire

Put the furnace temperature to 200 degrees Celsius, adjust the firepower 160 degrees after the throttle is opened for 30 seconds, the throttle remains unchanged, the temperature recovery point is 1: 33 ", adjust the firepower once at 168 degrees, at this time the bean table turns yellow, the smell of grass completely disappears, the dehydration is completed, the firepower is adjusted to 130 degrees, and the throttle is adjusted to 4.


8'45 ", ugly wrinkles and black markings appear on the bean surface, and the smell of toast obviously changes to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, listen clearly to the sound of the explosion point, to 9: 07" start the explosion, adjust the firepower to 80 degrees, the throttle should be fully opened 5 (the firepower should be very careful, not so small as to be free of cracking sound), 3 degrees 00 "after the explosion, 198 degrees into the pot. Cup test report

Within 8-12 hours after baking, a cup test was carried out in Qianjie. The cup flavor of Qianjie 2013 Yunnan iron pickup is as follows:

Aroma: nuts, caramel, toast

Flavor: plum, cream, sucrose, soft fruit acid

Yu Yun: caramel, black tea


The front street hand rushed the suggestion.

Filter cup: V60 filter cup water temperature: 90 ℃ grinding degree: 20 sieve pass rate 75%, EK43s scale 10.5

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Flushing and cooking technique: three-stage water injection

The first stage is injected with 30ml and steam for 30 seconds.

The second section is filled with 120ml water around a small circle; when the liquid surface is about to reveal the powder bed

The third section is filled with 75ml water in a small circle.

Flavor: the sweetness of toast, the sweetness of nuts, the acidity and sweetness of micro-fruit acid form a good layered sense, with a fruit-like aroma, the aftertaste of spices is very sweet, full-bodied and well-balanced.


For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925