Coffee review

Is Arabica coffee beans suitable for cold extraction of Italian concentrated espresso American lattes?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Following Cafe (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that for many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is a good start to the day for a beautiful cafe to open its own shop. In order to refresh, but also to save time, simple and thick Espresso (Italian concentrate) is the best choice. "Section


For many coffee people, coffee has long been integrated into their lives and has become an important part of life. Drinking coffee is also a normal thing. Have you ever known about coffee? This article is about Arabica coffee that everyone drinks the most.

Why do coffee shops serve Arabica?

Arabica and Robusta are the two most common varieties in the market. Arabica belongs to small grain species, while Robusta belongs to medium grain species. Arabica has 44 chromosomes and 22 pairs of chromosomes, compared to the other 22 chromosomes of Robusta coffee beans. The double chromosome not only makes Arabica coffee more excellent aroma, but also brings it rich and unique sweet and sour flavor. So Arabica coffee tastes better than Robusta.


To show a variety of flavors, Arabica needs to be planted in 800~2200 meters and not frosted highland, the higher the altitude, the more significant temperature difference, thus delaying the ripening of coffee fruit, more conducive to coffee accumulation of flavor substances, aroma development is more full. Each coffee producing area has a microclimate that provides Arabica with a variety of growing conditions and unique flavors. At the same time, the higher the altitude, the more susceptible coffee is to pests and climate. Generally, coffee is planted at higher altitudes, with fewer fruits and slower maturity. High-quality Arabica coffee requires more manual management and picking, and costs more to produce.


The bitterness we taste when drinking coffee is mainly due to chlorogenic acid in coffee. Robusta has high caffeine, amino acids and chlorogenic acid content. So Robusta was born without the airy aroma of Arabica beans, replaced by a richer, deeper bitterness. Arabica is low in caffeine, ranging from 0.9% to 1.2%. 60% more fat than Robusta coffee. Compared to the strong taste of Robusta beans, Arabica coffee has low caffeine content and twice the sugar of Robusta beans, so Arabica coffee tastes soft, sweet and rich in sour aroma, so it has become the first choice for everyone to drink coffee.

With the continuous promotion of fine coffee culture, everyone will have more or less requirements for the taste, taste and quality of coffee, so only high-quality Arabica beans are more in line with the current fine coffee market. A variety of hand-brewed coffee on the front street bean list belong to Arabica varieties, which shows that compared with Robusta, people prefer Arabica with pure flavor.


What are the characteristics of Arabica varieties?

Arabica coffee originates from the Ethiopian highlands in Ethiopia, Africa. Arabica coffee was originally consumed mainly as a medicine, but later people developed the habit of drinking it after roasting. It was spread to all parts of the world by Arabs through trade in the 16th century, and gradually developed into today's popular drink. Many of the fine coffee beans we know belong to Arabica varieties, such as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, Panama Rose Summer Coffee, Ethiopian Coffee and so on.


Regular coffee drinkers should know that coffee is a tropical plant that needs to be grown in warm places. The main growing area of coffee trees is distributed between 25° S and 25° N with the equator as the center, this area is called "coffee belt". For example, Brazil, Colombia in Central and South America, Ethiopia, Kenya in Africa, Sumatra in Indonesia in Asia, Yunnan in China... are all high-quality coffee producing areas located in the coffee belt.

Arabica is a large shrub with oval, dark green leaves and oval fruits. It usually has two slightly flat beans. The bean body is round, the front is long oval, the middle crack is narrow and curved in S shape, and the arc shape of the back of the bean is relatively flat. There are two Arabica coffee trees planted next to the Dongshankou store on the front street. You may wish to pay attention to them when drinking coffee.


Arabica Coffee Bean Recommendations

There is a cost-effective ration bean series on the bean rack on the front street, which selects 7 excellent classic coffee producing areas, covering a number of representative producing areas, varieties and natural treatments. The so-called ration beans, as the name suggests, are varieties that drink daily without burden, price and flavor are very close to the people, front street selected a number of "facade representatives", so that everyone can identify the basic flavor of each major production area. Including Ethiopia's washed Yegashefi, Guatemala's washed Vivitenango, Colombia's washed Whelan, Brazil's semi-sun Xilado, Costa Rica's washed Tara Pearl, Indonesia's wet planing Linton Manteni, Yunnan, China's washed Baoshan.


Each ration bean is suitable for extraction by hand, cold extraction, French press pot, etc. If you want to taste the most original aroma of coffee, Qianjie suggests black coffee as the best form. No matter which extraction method is used, Qianjie believes that the freshness of coffee beans is very important, the aroma of coffee roasted for more than two months is likely to have been lost, and even the best extraction method is difficult to restore the aroma in the cup. In order to let everyone feel the best taste stage of coffee, Front Street only delivers freshly baked beans within 5 days, and when you receive them, you can almost start brewing.

If you want to make a rich, aromatic espresso with Arabica coffee, Front Street recommends using Italian-specific coffee blends. Because espresso coffee is finely ground, extracted at high water temperatures, and high pressures, espresso brings together a variety of flavors, and flavor compounds strike our tongues multiple times. If we use light roasted single-serve coffee beans for extraction, the flavor may be too strong and mask the aroma of coffee. Coffee, as a crop, will change with climate, soil, etc. Even if it comes out of the same place, the flavor of each batch of coffee beans will be different, and the blending coffee beans use the complementary way to ensure that each coffee bean can show a balanced and stable aroma and taste.


Front Street Here we recommend Front Street's home-baked "Sunflower Warm Sun Blend Coffee Beans", which is made from Ethiopian sun-dried red cherry coffee beans (30%)+ Honduran sherry barrel coffee beans (70%). Espresso made into the mouth is very strong dark chocolate flavor, with a strong caramel flavor, after swallowing the aroma emitted by the aftertaste is endless. Whether it's diluted American coffee or latte with milk, it's rich in aroma.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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