Coffee review

Why Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is called the King of Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Following caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of Jamaican coffee: blue Mountain Coffee according to CIB standards, only coffee grown above 1000 meters above sea level is called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee; Alpine Coffee is called Alpine Coffee, second only to Blue Coffee, which is produced in Jamaica's Blue Mountain area below 1000 meters.

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Varieties of Jamaica Coffee:

Blue Mountain Coffee

According to CIB standards, only coffee grown above 1000 meters above sea level is called Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee;

Alpine coffee

Coffee produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica below 1000 meters is called alpine coffee, second only to Blue Mountain coffee in quality.

Choose coffee.

Growing coffee below 500 meters above sea level is called top-choice coffee.

Jamaica Coffee

Coffee grown outside the Blue Mountains is called Jamaica coffee.


1. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is produced very little, so if you want to taste Jamaica coffee, then Jamaica alpine coffee is also a good choice, of course, MoreFlavor has a small amount of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee every year.

2. Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are divided into four grades according to quality: NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB(round beans).

The annual production of what is really called Blue Mountain Coffee is less than 900 tons, and only 10% of it is supplied to the world outside Japan.

According to data from the World Trade Organization and China Customs, Jamaica's total global exports in the past five years are as follows:

842 tons in 2011

592 tons in 2012

692 tons in 2013

449 tons in 2014

555 tons in 2015

Among them, China's import volume in the past five years is as follows:

19 tons in 2011

17 tons in 2012

3 tons in 2013

2 tons in 2014

2 tons in 2015

(All official statistics are for information only)

Although China's import trade volume is very small, it seems that it hardly constitutes the size of a country... but! Its trade volume has also bravely entered the top 20, ranking 17th! After all, the unit price of Jamaica Blue Mountain was so expensive... A barrel was worth more than ten thousand yuan. Not all players could enter and transport the entire cabinet back to China.

The King of Coffee--Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain is the most famous and expensive coffee in the world. It has all the characteristics of coffee. It tastes rich and rich, with moderate and perfect acidity. It is refreshing and elegant. Very smooth and refreshing, mellow and strong, for the best coffee, it is known as the "king's coffee."

Blue Mountains of Jamaica

Like Rolls-Royce cars and Stradiva violins, when something acquires the reputation of being "the best in the world," that reputation often becomes its own identity and a myth that lasts forever.

What makes Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica so special? The answer is everything about it. Unique coffee aristocrat Blue Mountain coffee has both innate excellent pedigree and acquired excellent environment. From seed selection, planting, harvesting, processing and grading to packaging for export, Blue Mountain Coffee can be said to be a model in coffee. True Blue Mountain Coffee also has some of the best growing conditions in the world. The weather, geology and topography of Jamaica Blue Mountain provide an ideal location. The cool climate in the mountains extends the ripening period of coffee; in addition, the impact of temperature difference between day and night can slow down the conversion of starch into sugar in coffee beans, thus increasing the rich aroma of coffee. Blue Mountain is very uneven, the harvesting process is very difficult, and the coffee harvest is almost entirely female. All Blue Mountain coffee beans exported must undergo detailed vetting by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board. Only coffee that has passed the Cupping Test by professional quality control personnel can enter the world market.