Coffee review

A complete knowledge of siphon pot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The working principle of the siphon pot How does it work: the main principle of Syphon is to use the ideal gas equation: PV=nRT, under a fixed volume, heat the boiling water to make the steam pressure of the boiling water, press the boiling water into the upper layer to brew the coffee through the glass tube, and then cool the lower layer in a similar vacuum state to absorb the brewed coffee from the upper layer, and filter the dregs with a filter in the middle. You can take it while looking at it.

The working principle of siphon kettle

How does it work:

The main principle of Syphon is to use the ideal gas equation: PV=nRT, under a fixed volume, heat the steam pressure of boiling water, press boiling water into the upper layer to brew coffee through a glass tube, and then cool the lower layer in a vacuum-like state to absorb the coffee already brewed in the upper layer, and filter the dregs through a filter in the middle. You can enjoy the coffee while watching the picking process, which is the charm of syphon. This method is suitable for single coffee and a small number of cups.

The usage of siphon pot

How to use syphon:

1. Pour hot water into the lower seat, the upper seat can be inserted obliquely into the lower seat, and then heated. This can avoid the occurrence of scalding when the water is too hot in the lower seat and then inserted into the upper seat.

two。 The blister becomes bigger, that is, straighten the upper seat.

3. After the hot water is completely raised to the upper seat, you can pour in the coffee powder that has been cooked before.

4. Gently stir the powder layer.

5. Practice smelling incense, observe changes in the powder layer, or start timing, whichever method you use, but avoid stirring all the time.

6. It's time to get the concentration, smell, or setting you want, and turn off the fire. At the same time, wipe the lower seat quickly with a wet dishcloth (evenly and quickly, do not fix the dishcloth in one place, lest the lower seat burst), so that the coffee can quickly enter the lower seat.

7. Gently shake the upper seat to pull out the lower seat.

8. Pour into the coffee cup (warm the cup in advance) and prepare to taste.

Think about Consideration:

There are many factors that affect a cup of coffee, how to control them and find the best way to cook them. The following is a list of several variables that can be used as a reference. If you are interested, you can try it yourself.

The relationship between the righting time and the temperature of the upper pot, the influence of the time of pouring powder on the extracted coffee juice, the way and times of stirring, the change of powder layer, flame size, thickness, bean character, judging stirring time and turning off time. Wait.

Characteristics of siphon pot

Siphon pot, also known as plug wind pot, is the homonym of English Syphon, is a very common coffee utensils, such as Misha there are three Syphon,Syphon cheap, easy to operate, widely loved by the public, and can brew simple good coffee without destroying the original flavor of coffee, brewed coffee is usually called black coffee. In fact, although Syphon is easy to operate, it is also knowledgeable and vulnerable to many factors, such as temperature, or water, the thickness of coffee powder, and every small detail has its decisive key to affect the taste. Therefore, if you use it casually, the taste will be quite casual. If you cook it carefully, you can get a lot of fun to play with coffee and get high-quality black coffee.

Matters needing attention in using siphon pot

1. The next bottle should be dried and there should be no drops of water.

two。 When you pull out the upper seat, tilt to the right and pull straight up, do not break it.

3. The spring under the middle filter should be tightened, the hook should be hooked and pulled to the center.

4. Plug it down tightly when you plug it into the seat.

5. Pay attention to water quality: pure water, pure water, magnetized water, distilled water, do not use mineral water.

6. The temperature is between 80 and 90 degrees Celsius.

7. Punch time: all 50-60 seconds (do not exceed the time too long).

8. Coffee beans should be fresh, do not be damp or keep for too long.

9. Coffee is best brewed and brewed.

10. Pay attention to the direction of the wind when brewing coffee, do not blow the source of fire directly.

11. Pay attention to the size of the fire source: strong fire, large fire, medium fire, small fire, slight fire.

twelve。 Beat the boiled coffee powder loosely, pour it out and then rinse the bottle with clean water.

13. The number of grinding segments is about 2.5-3.5. The basic principles are: rough grinding of acid beans, fine grinding of bitter beans, high in the new section and low in the old section.

14. The coffee cup should be warmed in advance.

15. The filter should be soaked in clean water or refrigerated to prolong the service life of the filter cloth.

16. When pulling out the upper seat, the focus is on grasping the handle of the lower seat with the left hand.

17. The water in the lower seat had better use hot boiled water, which can save boiling time.

18. The poking method should be correct, not the stirring method.

19. The remaining water in the lower seat had better be poured out, and the remaining foam will be separated when the coffee is almost finished.

20. When the stick is moved, just insert 2, 3, and do not scrape to the bottom of the filter.

21. Do not touch other moisture in the middle of boiling and then take it back to pull.

twenty-two。 Coffee powder and amount of water should be correct.

23. When cooking, cover the upper seat with your hand, smell it with your nose, fan with your hand, and then smell it with your nose.

24. Wipe the lower seat with a wet cloth, first wipe the bottom, then wipe the left and right sides, wipe the frequency and area evenly.

25. The recipe for coffee beans should be correct. (usually decided by the coffee beans purchased)

twenty-six。 Be sure to wait for the water to boil before you insert it into the upper seat. Editor's note: editors have different views on this point, and of course everyone's methods are very different. The editor's own method is to observe whether there are large blisters in the lower seat or whether there are continuous and rapid small blisters rising in the water of the lower seat.

Siphon coffee maker always has a hint of mystery in most people's impression. Siphon coffee maker plays an important role in the history of coffee development in Taiwan. In recent years, so-called ground coffee (Italian espresso) has become very popular. In comparison, this siphon coffee maker requires higher technology and more cumbersome procedures. There is a tendency to decline in today's business society, but the mellow flavor of coffee brewed by siphon coffee pots can not be compared with ground coffee brewed by machines.

Most people often have little knowledge of it, or even have the wrong impression, there are usually two extreme views, one is that some people are cautious and frightened about it, and what about the other? It is thought that using a siphon coffee maker is nothing more than boiling the water and stirring the coffee powder; in addition, some people think that the siphon coffee pot looks very dangerous, but as long as it is improperly used, every method of brewing coffee has hidden dangers.

When brewing coffee in a siphon coffee pot, we should pay attention to several points: water quantity, water quality, heat, dosage and thickness of coffee powder, mixing and time, which are explained one by one below.

Cooking skills of siphon pot

It is believed that many people have drunk this kind of clog, and boutique coffee shops often see a group of magical utensils like chemical experiments. The bartender observed the changes of the powder layer like a magic potion, the thickness of the aroma, careful stirring, and finally extracted the good taste at once, and there was a small hill symbolizing the profession.

Saifeng is so attractive, have you ever bought a group full of blood and went home, remembering that the clerk only taught you the steps of three laps on the left and three laps on the right, but always boiled it into a cup of bitter water? Here will share the secret of success! Only by reading it step by step, I believe you can also make good coffee of professional standard!

1. First of all, after everything is ready, wash the soup clean, do not use tasteful detergent, just water, the water can be heated in advance, do not boil, filter and top hook, adjust to the center. The amount of water under the sink is put in the right position, pay attention! No matter whether it is served for three or two, at least two must be cooked in order to fully release the essence of the coffee.

two。 After measuring the amount of water (according to the mark on the pot), the lower pan must be dried, otherwise it will be boiled, light an alcohol lamp or a small gas lamp, heat the lower seat evenly, then point the flame at the center of the lower seat, and put it gently into the upper part to preheat. Don't plug it in (make sure your operating platform is as horizontal as possible), or it will spout when the water is boiled. If your bean grinder is hand-operated, you can grind your coffee powder while observing the lower seat. If it is electric, it is best to grind it when it is about to be put into operation. 30 grams of coffee beans for two and 45 grams for three, ground into medium grinding, similar to coarse pepper. (in particular, this weight is a standard weight, and individuals can increase or decrease the weight and thickness according to their own taste)

3. When the water is bubbling, it is inserted into the upper layer, although the water is rolling below, but the actual temperature is about 90 degrees and will not be extracted at high temperature. when the water rises completely, observe the small bubbles emerging from the filter cloth, correct is a burst of regular and uniform emergence, if a large bubble rushes out from the side, adjust with a stirring rod.

4. The blisters in the glass tube below the top should be up and down, the position can be adjusted with the alcohol lamp, and the heat source can be reduced by moving to the side.

5. Pour the coffee powder into the pan, stir quickly and gently with a W-shape, soak the coffee powder completely into the water, stir again after 30 seconds, and prepare to turn off after about a minute. The same is true for three laps on the left and three laps on the right, but this is faster.

6. There are two ways to judge when to turn off the engine, one is to smell it, the fragrance will change constantly, and turn off immediately when you like the fragrance, and the other is to take a fancy to the floating powder layer, which only leaves about one centimeter or so, which means that the coffee is almost completely extracted. Don't overcook the coffee and turn it into bitter water.

7. After flameout, prepare a wet towel to wrap the coffee, which can quickly pull down the coffee, and the taste will be cleaner and transparent. when the engine is turned off, it will be stirred quickly and clockwise, and then there will be a professional hill.

8. If you pour more than one cup of coffee, first pour a little bit of each cup, and then fill it in turn, so that the taste of each cup can be averagely seen above, is it a bit troublesome? in fact, if you practice more than two times, you will be convenient and professional, and you will have a lot of face in front of your friends. When cleaning, pull out the powder with a stirring stick, which can be put in an ashtray or refrigerator. It is very practical. Never take it back and cook it again. Some books will teach you to put coffee powder on the top and then wait for the water, but this has two disadvantages: one is that you can't see the evenness of the fine bubbles. If there is a big bubble, the coffee will be overextracted, and the others will be undercooked. You can definitely drink it. Second, it is a pity that part of the coffee smell is volatilized when it is preheated. Drink the best if you give it to yourself.

The necessary props for siphon pot brewing

1. The commonly used brands are Japanese HARIO (commonly known as Harrio), Taiwan YAMI (Yami), Japanese Elephant Brand and so on. Beginners can use Tca-3 (for three) and Tca-2 (for two), which are cheap and easy to use.

two。 Bean grinder, a good bean grinder is a delicious must, uniform particles will not cook a strange smell, there is not much budget to choose a hand-held bean grinder.

3. Fresh coffee beans, the characteristics of Saifeng are most suitable for shallow to medium-deep roasted beans, such as Blue Mountain, Columbia, Mantenin and other selected beans, to show the original and clean flavor.

4. Fresh water, yes, it is best to have filtered water, do not boil, because of the lack of minerals, coffee is not so round.

5. Elegant space and leisure time, ha! Saifeng is not suitable for having a drink in the morning when you are in a hurry. It is best to chat and eat snacks with friends or your partner in the afternoon or evening, while performing magic skills.

Siphon pot SYPHON brewing depth

With regard to the smell of incense, in fact, this is one of the many methods, and its secret is:

First of all, you can try to smell freshly ground beans, whether it is very fragrant and slightly charred sugar, remember this flavor (as long as the beans are fresh, of course). Then when you go to cook SYPHON, try to smell it, give it a hard smell. When you feel the smell, give it a gentle stir. Then decide how long to cook according to the intensity you like (stir it several times), but because the taste is only very obvious the first time, and then it will be light, or even can not smell it, so you can use other ways to assist.

In addition, when smelling the fragrance, the aroma changes roughly in the following order:

First, it is very strong and fragrant (very miscellaneous, you can't smell anything like it), then it gradually turns to caramel (roughly similar to the smell of ground beans), then grass, then caramel, then semi-ripe (like raw peanuts), then caramel, and then you can't smell it, but note that as long as you smell it again, it's caramel.

Smell caramel is the best time to stir, but if the coffee is going to drop, don't stir it, because the sweet taste is gone, and when cooking SYPHON, what you smell is what you drink next, so it is very important to seize the opportunity. The method of smelling incense is generally like this.

Used to judge the timing of stirring:

The most common thing is to calculate time. If you smell it as time approaches, you don't have to stay there and suck. But it needs to be cooked several times to know the approximate time frame. Otherwise, there is another kind, that is, to look at the changes in the powder layer, that is, to observe carefully while cooking to see if there are any changes in the powder layer. People who have experience in brewing black tea should find that when the tea is ready and almost over, the tea will sink together. The same is true of coffee, when the sweet smell is about to come out, the powder layer will begin to move up and down, and it is easy to catch the sweet taste by smelling it.

About fire control:

Alcohol lamps can also control fire, and many people know that they can move alcohol lamps slightly outward, change the contact area between the fire and the lower seat, or prepare two kinds of alcohol lamps with different lengths. The key point is to make the air in the lower pot reach a certain balance so as not to produce too many big bubbles in the upper pot, causing the upper pot to heat up too quickly or scald the beans. With regard to the temperature of the upper pot, when the fire is under control, just boiling water, the temperature of the upper pot can be controlled at about 85 degrees, and will not rise too much, roughly moving upstream and downstream between a certain temperature.

The myth of the hill:

There is a magic saying that as long as the coffee grounds are in the shape of a round arch, commonly known as a hill, the coffee will be delicious. Oh yeah?

Try to stir the pot before you order the coffee, the bigger the whirlpool, the better, and drink it again to see if it is as the saying goes.

Siphon pot for more additions

Syphon, which is also translated as siphon coffee pot, is a common brewing equipment in Taiwan. Because of the pressure, the water ran from the lower pot to the upper pot, and because of the pressure, a cup of mellow coffee was pulled down from the upper pot, which also added a lot of interest.

The equipment of the competition style:

1. Lower seat: the glass ball below, with a scale to write several cups of water injection. You can refer to this scale for water injection.

two。 Upper seat: the tube-shaped glassware above, in the process of brewing coffee, water will enter the pot through its protruding glass tube.

3. Filter: round iron ring with a piece of filter cloth on the outside, and a spring with a hook attached to the chain below. When brewing coffee, put the filter cloth in the upper pot and use the spring to hook the filter tightly in the upper pot.

4. Handle: the shelf outside the race wind.

5. Alcohol lamp / gas lamp: a device for heating the pot.

6. Wet cloth: finally, it is used to wrap the pot so that the coffee can be filtered out at the most appropriate extraction time. There is also help to finally unplug the upper pot, because the upper pot will be a little hot, so the wet cloth will help pull it out.

The method of competition style:

1. Pour hot water into the lower seat, the upper seat can be inserted obliquely into the lower seat, and then heated. This avoids sudden boiling (when clean water boils, if there is no substance to provide bubble attachment, there will be no bubbles at the boiling point. If the upper pot is plugged down at this time, the chain provides air bubbles attached to produce a large number of air bubbles, hot water spatters out instantly).

two。 The blister becomes bigger, that is, straighten the upper seat.

3. After the hot water enters the upper seat completely, you can move the alcohol lamp to reduce the firepower to the condition of whether the bubble in the glass tube should be on or not. If you use a gas lamp, you can directly turn a small firepower.

4. Pour in the coffee powder and gently stir the powder layer to mix the coffee powder with water.

5. Practice smelling incense, observe changes in the powder layer, or start timing, whichever method you use, but avoid stirring all the time.

6. It's time to get the concentration, smell, or setting you want, and turn off the fire. At the same time, quickly insert the lower seat with a wet dishcloth (evenly and quickly, do not fix the dishcloth in one place, lest the lower seat burst), so that the coffee can quickly enter the lower seat.

7. Gently shake the upper seat to pull out the lower seat.

8. Pour into the coffee cup (warm the cup in advance) and prepare to taste.

The method of racing style looks complicated, but it will become familiar after a few practice sessions. The siphone is actually an easy-to-control appliance. After getting used to it, you can control several points to get the coffee you want.

1. Firepower: Firepower is very related to the temperature of coffee extraction. In order to avoid excessive temperature and excessive burnt taste, astringency and bitterness, it is necessary to avoid too high temperature. Therefore, it is recommended that the fire in the process of brewing coffee should not be too large. Commonly used heaters have gas lamps, gas stove holders, alcohol lamps.

Gas lamps and gas stoves can easily control the size of the fire, the general recommendation is to use a large fire to let the water go up and then slowly turn to a small fire. Fire just enough to keep the coffee in the seat, so it doesn't get too hot.

When there is only one alcohol lamp, it is recommended that the lamp core not be too long, so that the firepower will not be too large (you can first test the firepower with water). When the water reaches the seat, move the alcohol lamp slightly outward to adjust the fire power. Keep the fire just above the top. If you have two alcohol lamps, one can have a longer stem and the other a shorter stem. The long one uses a big fire to boil the water to the upper pot, and when the water reaches the upper pot, change the short lamp to adjust the small fire power.

2. Stir: The purpose of stirring is to mix the coffee evenly to facilitate extraction, but stirring will also increase extraction. There are several ways to stir, with bamboo stick back and forth or directly shake the handle to mix these ways are good. Stir to avoid using clockwise and counterclockwise, if necessary, cook this time with the same direction of stirring, to avoid extracting too much bitter astringent taste in the latter stage.

3. Time method: There are several ways to cook the game wind, usually stirring after just opening the powder, stirring for a second time after a period of time, and finally stirring for the last time before wrapping the wet cloth to let the coffee come down. Because the condition of beans is different, and want to extract the effect is not the same. Friends who use the time method suggest to try more, try their favorite methods and tastes.

If you want to cook siphon style for a fixed time, it is recommended that you find a cooking method that tastes best and reverse the same time (it is also a way to find someone to demonstrate and catch his time). Note that you must:

a. The same amount of beans and beans.

b. Same thickness.

c. The same amount of water.

d. Same cooking and stirring.

e. The time is measured by the time the water touches the coffee powder layer until it turns to fire.

4. Smell method: another way to judge is smell method, the same principle as cooking with smell to see how much food cooked to determine when cooked. Smelling method After the first stirring of the powder, smell and see the fragrance change to sweet fragrance. After stirring, the fragrance is different, and then when the smell is mainly sweet, do the last stirring and then wrap it in a damp cloth. Smelling method needs to try a few times, if possible, please will bring people will be faster.

5. Observation: Note the change in the powder layer at the upper seat. Usually, when the taste is cooked quickly, the powder layer will spread and the viscosity will change. Viscosity changes can be used bamboo stick test, bamboo stick inserted into the powder and then picked up to see the coffee powder attached to the bamboo stick, this is also a way to help judge (because the viscosity of each bean is somewhat different, so this method is mainly auxiliary judgment).

6. Judgment concentration: When the concentration is high, the color of the coffee layer will change, and the aroma will also change.

There are more than two changes, you can practice more records.