Coffee review

Coffee helps to keep fit and improve weight loss!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. In the new book "The Coffee Lovers Diet" written by health expert and journalist Bob Arnot, the author reveals that how much coffee you eat can speed up the body's metabolism, thereby accelerating fat burning, leading to weight loss. First of all, coffee can speed up the body's

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

In The Coffee Lover's Diet, a new book by health expert and journalist Bob Arnot, the author reveals that how much coffee you eat can speed up your metabolism, which in turn speeds up fat burning, leading to weight loss.

"first of all, coffee can speed up the body's metabolism." Arnot wrote in the article.

"if you drink coffee, you will burn more than 100 calories a day than people who don't drink coffee."

"second, if you drink coffee before exercise, you will consume more free fatty acids during exercise."

The article concludes that coffee can accelerate fat burning, inhibit hunger and speed up metabolism.

Paired with a healthy diet, experts suggest that people who lose weight should drink a cup of hot plain coffee after a meal or before taking a bath or exercise.

Nutritionist Kristen Beck told that coffee does speed up metabolism, but its effect is time-limited.

"caffeine can improve the performance of athletes, improve their speed, explosive power and endurance, and at the same time regulate their mood and make the game easier." Beck said.

"because coffee can improve physical fitness, coffee suppresses hunger, but it is important to note that these effects of coffee have a time limit."

Alex Hodge, an expert on gastroenterology and liver diseases, said in an interview with Herald Sun: "overall, coffee is good for health. Drinking coffee can prevent a variety of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, as well as type 2 diabetes. "

"in addition, there is evidence that coffee can prevent skin cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer and endometrial cancer."

Arnot says drinking coffee has a positive effect on the body's breakdown of fat cells.

"drinking coffee after eating high-calorie foods can inhibit the body's absorption of fat." Arnot said.

"if you eat too many high-calorie foods, the blood vessels of the body will be seriously damaged, which will lead to a series of health risks. Coffee, which is rich in phenols, can improve vascular function. "

As a loyal fan of drinking three cups of coffee every day, Beck reminds everyone that although coffee is a necessary "fuel" in our daily work and life, we must not drink coffee without restraint.

"especially for those who don't drink coffee themselves, I don't recommend that they start drinking coffee in order to lose weight."

"We must understand that drinking coffee is not all about losing weight. What is more important is to eat healthily and exercise regularly."

"in addition, you must pay attention to the way you drink coffee. Coffee with sugar and milk is high in calories and unhealthy."