Coffee review

Description of coffee flavor and aroma by Sulawesi-Tonaga rare "dry grinding" treatment

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas exchange please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) ■ country: Indonesia ■ Manor:-■ producing area: Sulawesi, Tana Toraja ■ varieties: Jember ■ treatment: Dry Hulled ■ Harvest time: 2016 Cup Test report: dry ground coffee in Sulawesi is very rare. In Sumatra, Indonesia, Su

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

■ country: Indonesia

■ Manor:-

■ producing area: Sulawesi, Tana Toraja

■ variety: Jember

■ treatment: Dry Hulled

■ harvest time: 2016

Cup test report:

Coffee treated by Sulawesi's "dry grinding" is very rare. Most small-scale farmers in Sumatra, Sulawesi, Flores and Papua New Guinea in Indonesia use Giling Basah "wet shelling" or "semi-washing". Translated directly from Indonesian, Giling Basah is called "wet grinding".

In this process, farmers mechanically remove the outer peel of coffee cherries. Coffee beans still have a pectin surface, and then store them for about a day. After this waiting period, the pectin surface is washed off, and the coffee will keep its shell and dry in the sun before sale to 30% to 35% of the water content. In other words, coffee is processed in a rather wet condition, which is dangerous, because it is easy to breed bacteria in such a wet state, which can lead to coffee spoilage and defects. "wet grinding" is also the main reason for the low acidity and heavy body of Sumatra and Sulawesi coffee.

This time we offer a completely different kind of Sulawesi coffee, which uses a really refined "dry grinding" method, from harvest to the completion of the strict monitoring process, I think it is better to drink the advantages and disadvantages of the coffee fruit itself. clarify the taste covered in the "wet grinding" process, clean, sweet -! A very sweet smell, like sugar, will appear in the dry aroma.

After adding hot water, the wet aroma is more obvious sucrose flavor, but then there is a change. It reminds me of black sugar, a little herbs, the smell of flowers. The performance in the cup is sweet, the taste of asparagus juice is light citrus acid, a little bittersweet chocolate aftertaste, with the smell of the earth, shallow roasting to medium-deep baking are very suitable, this is a very rare Sulawesi coffee, don't miss it! --

Cup test score: 88


■ taste intensity / flavor trend: medium strength / bright compared to Sulawesi coffee, sucrose, asparagus juice, flowers, quite rare Sulawesi coffee