Coffee review

Description of flavor and aroma of Panamanian geisha coffee bean Baru volcano lover manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Panamanian geisha coffee bean lover manor, of course, who has won the BOP championship (the number of finalists should be more than 10 times) except Jane who won the championship.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Panama Geisha Coffee Bean Manor, of course, also won the BOP champion (the number of finalists should be more than ten times)... In addition to the rare champion [Geisha/Rose Summer], the eye-catching [Geisha Seed] washing treatment method, there is also a very rare [Geisha Seed] sun double combination. Absolute instant kill!

* Geisha Aristar Washed [Geisha/Guixia] Washing Treatment

* Geisha Aristar Natural [Geisha/Rose Summer] Sunlight Treatment

Washed Geisha Awards:

2011 Best Panamanian Washed Geisha Champion

Best Panamanian Wash Geisha 2012 5th place

2013 Best Panama Wash Geisha 10th place

2014 Best Panamanian Wash Geisha 12th place

2015 Best Panamanian Wash Geisha 14th place

countries Panama (Panama)

producing areas Volcan Baru, Boquete

Manor Finca La Valentina

Producer Osorio Family Second Generation Brother

Treatment: washing, solarization,

varieties Geisha

altitude 1500 m to 1675 m

Jewish David Osorio.(Mr. David Osorio) was born in 1865 on the small island of Curacoa in the south of the Caribbean Sea. He moved to Panama in 1915 and started the family coffee business. In 2007, the second generation members of the family, Efraín Alberto Osorio Baxter and Efraín Alberto Osorio Baxter, took over the family coffee estate. The estate name is in memory of their mother Valentina Baxter de Osorio. Closely linked to the entire family of each person, but also represents a coffee family's self-identity and intimacy.

Casa de la Casa covers an area of about 12.5 hectares. It is a miniature small estate in Panama. According to the owner's dictation, 8.5 hectares of it are planted with varieties ranging from common typica to red carduai. Red Catuai, Pakamala Pacamara has everything, since 2008 a small number of areas began to grow Geisha varieties of coffee, now accounts for nearly half of the number; the estate is about 1500 meters to 1675 meters above sea level, in addition to coffee cultivation, there are 3.5 hectares of primary forest and various fruit trees, including alpine cypress, pine and eucalyptus trees, is a typical example of self-sufficient estate.

The estate is best known for winning the 2011 Best of Panama contest, with a cup score of 92.3 points, beating Emerald Estate, the most iconic and successive winner at the time, and breaking the record for the year to $70.25 per pound. In 2012, she was ranked 5th in the washed geisha group, 10th in the washed geisha group in 2013, 12th in the washed geisha group in 2014, and 14th in the washed geisha group in 2015.

Efraín also shared with us a lot of mental journey, such as the flavor differences between varieties, the detailed process of treatment, the natural climate conditions of the manor, etc. From these, we can feel the enthusiasm and persistence of the owner himself for a coffee business. This year, we obtained a series of geisha in the manor and launched two kinds of geisha coffee beans with washing and sun treatment methods. They are rare wonderful works. Don't miss it.