Coffee review

Aroma description of 24H Coffee Flavor in NATIVO washing + Water rest in Eincht Manor, Guatemala

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, For professional baristas, please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) 389. Mr. Jesus Aguirre Panama of Guatemala acquired the estate in 1874. Sugar cane was planted to make brown sugar (locally known as panela), while corn, beans and tobacco were grown on the estate. Coffee was grown during 1900, and it was called this one.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

389 Guatemala

Mr. Jesus Aguirre Panama acquired the estate in 1874.

Sugar cane was planted to make brown sugar (locally known as "panela"), while corn, beans and tobacco were also grown on the estate.

Coffee was grown during 1900, and the area was called "El Injerto", named after a local fruit.

Incht Manor has always been a leader in quality and innovation in the Guatemalan coffee industry.

The current owner of the manor, Arturo Aguirre, is the fourth generation of the family. He studied agricultural management at the famous Earth University.

Eincht Manor is located in Vivette Nanguo, an amazing coffee producing area.

With steep sharp-toothed peaks and narrow valleys, it receives warm hot wind from the neighboring Mexican lowland valley, which warms the hillside.

It is impossible for coffee to grow at such a high altitude at northern latitudes.

The Incht family won 16 COE awards in 11 years and held a single manor auction.

The coffee quality of Eincht Manor has quickly become a world legend, winning a total of 16 awards in the 11 years of participating in the Cup Of Excellence Excellence Cup competition, the most award-winning estate in the world. Every year, the Aguirre family continues to improve the production quality of the estate, and the team pays attention to all the details of the whole process, including coffee fruit floating, fermentation, soaking, drying, proper storage, as well as the estate's own drying plant.


* Commodity specifications

Producing area: Vivette Nanguo (Huehuetenango)

Latitude and longitude: GMT 15.583697,-91.941919

Manor size: 680 hectares

Annual output: 4500 (69 kg in bags)

Altitude: 1500Murray 2000m

Treatment: washing + static 24H in water

Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai

Soil: soil clay

Certification: rainforest certification

* Flavor: natural old coffee tree, tropical fruit, lemon cheesecake, grapefruit, marshmallow, tropical fruit dried orange aroma, delicate chocolate flavor, red wine taste finish, overall layered feeling.

* Baking sharing: at the end of the explosion--