Coffee review

Fancy Coffee | how to distinguish between latte, Cabo and Australian coffee Flat White

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Latte, Cabo, Mocha, must-order items in cafes, among these familiar faces, Flat White is the only drink that makes consumers and baristas scratch their heads, one by one, one by one. Accustomed to the latte is to pull flowers, mocha is a coffee lover with cream, when it comes to this drink, I am often confused. FlatWhite, what the heck is it? Distinguishing white

Latte, Cabo, Mocha, must-order items in cafes, among these familiar faces, Flat White is the only drink that makes consumers and baristas scratch their heads, one by one, one by one. Coffee lovers who are accustomed to "latte is pulling flowers" and "mocha is having cream" are often confused when it comes to this drink.

Flat White, what the heck is it?

Distinguish between white coffee Flat White and latte LATTE, Cabo Cappuccino

Deaton Pigot, chief barista of Australia's Toby's Estate Cafe, once called Flat White a "wet cappuccino", while the New York Times called it a "small latte". Levi Hamilton, a barista at Workshop Espresso, thinks both claims are wrong.

"the real difference is the foam on the coffee. Cappuccino translates to "foam hat", so cappuccino coffee has very thick milk foam. On the other hand, the Flat White has only very thin foam, so it is more delicious and flat. " According to wiki, it is a kind of latte art, similar to cappuccino and latte, but different.

The concentrated content is different.

Cappuccino (one 180ml) or like latte (one 200ml), single espresso

Flat white (one cup of 200ml) is based on two servings of espresso, and in some places esp will be extracted for a longer time, two portions of Ristretto (Ristretto:1:1 's Espresso)

The difference between milk bubbles

When the foam is micro foam, the loose foam at the top of the distillation container is discarded and the fine milky milk is poured into the coffee to form a smooth, soft texture, which is called Flat.

The treatment of milk shows that it is different from latte and cappuccino: the dry foam of cappuccino is of different texture, which is more like floating on the liquid, because of the different degree of heating. Compared with the cappuccino, which is directly used to boil the milk, the milk is generally heated to 60-70 degrees, which is 25% higher than the original quantity, and the Velvet micro-foam is used.

At the entrance of the latte, you will feel a thick layer of milk foam above 1cm, which makes the taste more soft. And Flat White although there are some bubbles, but more delicate, soaked in the 5mm below, milk and espresso fusion is very high, the taste is more silky.

The difference in taste

Cappuccino is supposed to be fluffy, while flat white is lubricated. More people will confuse the flat white with the latte. The bigger difference is that there is a layer of milk foam on the top of the latte, so it tastes more milky.

Flat white uses thick milk (micro foam) instead of sparkling milk (froth or bubble).

Caf é Mocha mocha coffee

The ingredients of mocha are relatively complex. On the basis of Espresso and milk, there is chocolate sauce, which is not foam at the top, but whipped cream, often squeezed with chocolate sauce, or sprinkled with cocoa powder and cinnamon powder to have a special flavor. Because "rich in content", the price is usually higher, but also relatively large cups. Both chocolate and cream taste sweet, so mocha coffee is an example of the combination of bitterness and sweetness.

Macchiato Macchiato

Macchiato is also translated by many cafes as "Macchiato", which simply means scooping a spoonful of milk foam into a cup of Espresso. The coffee is still strong, and you can enjoy the delicate milk foam. We often hear "caramel macchiato", which is said to be original by adding vanilla syrup to the milk, mixing it with Espresso coffee, and then covering the milk foam with a layer of caramel.