Coffee review

Costa Rica Las Lajas Estate Yellow Honey Processed Coffee Flavor Taste Aroma Description

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style Costa Rica Las Lajas Estate is located in the central valley at the foot of Pos de Alajuela volcano. It has been operated by the Chacn family for more than 80 years. The estate has an altitude of 1,300~1,500 meters and an annual output of about 46,00 yuan.

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Description of Flavor and aroma of Coffee treated with Yellow Honey in La La Haas Manor, Costa Rica

Located in the central valley area at the foot of the Po á s de Alajuela volcano, La La Haas Manor has been operated by the owner Chac ó n family for more than 80 years. It is 1300-1500m above sea level and has an annual output of about 46000 jin. During the annual production season of La Lajas Manor from December to February, the owner insists on harvesting ripe and red fruits, and most of them use honey treatment and sun exposure to enhance the sweetness and richness of the coffee, and at the same time, it is placed in the African scaffolding sun field to ensure that the coffee can receive the sun evenly to avoid excessive fermentation. At the same time, the manor has also actively obtained international organic certification, which has been certified by USDA of the United States, JAS of Japan and NOP of Japan.

* Commodity specifications

Country: Costa Rica

Product name: Ras Lajas Manor Yellow Honey treatment

Producing area: central valley

Grade: SHB

Treatment method: yellow honey treatment

Altitude: 1300 to 1500m

Variety: Caturra & Catuai

* flavors: honey, tropical fruits, cantaloupe, maple syrup

* Baking: shallow baking