Coffee review

The function and effect of coffee and its scope of application

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The exchange of professional baristas please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee has become more and more popular in China in recent years. The charm of coffee lies in that it is full-bodied, mellow and relaxing in its proper bitterness. People who like it are easy to become addicted to it. Most people who don't like it come from the caffeine in the coffee. As for caffeine.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In recent years, coffee has become more and more popular in our country. The charm of coffee is that it is full-bodied, mellow and relaxing in the appropriate bitterness. People who like it are easy to become addicted to it. Most people who don't like it come from being worried about the caffeine in coffee. As for some side effects of caffeine. Pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, smoking, insomnia had better drink less coffee, in addition, for people with arrhythmia, we suggest that they had better find other fun. Friends with excessive stomach acid or stomach ulcers will have stomach discomfort, so it's best not to drink it.

Many people will say that drinking coffee hurts the stomach and is easy to cause nervous tension and palpitations. After drinking coffee, hands will tremble and dare not try, but it also has many unknown benefits. As long as you know how to get the right amount at the right time, you can give full play to the benefits of coffee.

Coffee ingredients and refreshing:

Coffee beans themselves contain vitamin B and nicotinic acid, and roasted beans contain more free fatty acids, caffeine and tannins than raw coffee beans, so coffee itself contains calories, but not much. The main calories come from the cream and sugar you add to your coffee.

The refreshing effect of the coffee fontanelle tells us in the simple representation below that the energy source in the body is adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short.

Drinking too much coffee may lead to rheumatoid arthritis

The delicious and refreshing effect of coffee, coupled with the rich cultural significance behind it, has made it the most popular drink in the world, but the way you drink and how much coffee is used may have something to do with your health. Previous studies have shown that regular drinking of unfiltered coffee may be associated with heart disease. The National Institute of Public Health in Finland recently published

"AnnalofRheumaticDi sease2000, 59631-635"

Articles in the medical journal point out that people who drink more than four cups of coffee a day are four times more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis. Many factors are associated with rheumatoid arthritis, such as heredity, smoking, high blood pressure, and being overweight may be associated with many eating habits, and the association of coffee was recently disclosed by Finland. They have studied the dietary health records of a total of 19000 people since the 1970s and found that coffee drinkers are prone to rheumatoid arthritis in addition to possible osteoporosis and heart disease.

But what ingredients in coffee and how they cause rheumatoid arthritis have not yet begun.


In addition, the way Finns drank coffee in the 1970s was different from what it is now. at that time, everyone drank boiling coffee, but now it is possible to filter out some of its ingredients with filter paper. so today's coffee does not necessarily cause rheumatoid arthritis, this situation has been proved in heart disease cases, as long as an extra piece of filter paper will reduce the risk of heart disease.

Drinking coffee also has many health benefits. Studies have pointed out that coffee contains anti-AIDS ingredients, regular coffee drinking can also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and prevention of gallstones has recently been found to reduce the incidence of Parkinson's disease.


Anti-HIV substances found in coffee beans

Scientists have found an acid called chicoric acid in unbaked green coffee beans, which can successfully inhibit "Intergrase", an important enzyme of the HIV virus, and thus inhibit HIV replication in laboratory tests.

How would you like your coffee?

Although coffee is good for the human body, it must be in the right amount no more than 4% per day.

Cup, about 800~1000cc is appropriate. It is best to drink coffee after a meal because it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion and decompose, and the high-calorie, high-fat foods you have just eaten are less likely to irritate the intestines and stomach by drinking coffee on an empty stomach. If you drink every day has a good effect on the improvement of constipation, it is best not to choose after dinner, for fear of affecting sleep, if you want to drink coffee to get through the sky, you may unwittingly drink a lot and be in poor health.

The skin blackens when you drink coffee.

Many people have the wrong idea that if you drink too much coffee, your skin will turn black. this is a very funny saying. In fact, the color of skin is determined by genes, and it doesn't change according to the color of the food you eat, on the contrary.

Caffeine can help blood circulation improve constipation and solve problems such as rough acne on the skin.

Drinking coffee can cause a heart attack.

Balzac, a French writer, drank about 50,000 cups of coffee in his life, and he wrote in his notes that coffee was his life. Running black oil is more important than eating and sleeping, and we don't know much about whether he finally died of a heart attack. We just don't think it has anything to do with coffee. Over the past 50 years, scientists have been paying attention to the connection between coffee and heart disease. Caffeinated or non-caffeinated coffee seems to find it difficult to get rid of this negative shadow, but there are also many studies have been reported. It is said that coffee, especially caffeine, is not associated with heart disease, and many antioxidants and anticancer substances are even found in coffee. Of course, for those century-old shops on the left bank of France, these rumors do not affect their business at all, because drinking coffee is a kind of culture, just as many people in central and southern Taiwan eat betel nut. This topic of Bourbridge flavor is by no means their concern. The reason may not be caffeine. According to research by Dr Michael L Klag of John Hopkin's University in the United States:

(published in the Insider section of IntelliHealth) caffeine is not directly associated with the incidence of heart disease, but mainly in the oily substance "terpenes", which is related to the way coffee is made. When brewing coffee with high pressure steam or hanging drop, because the hot water touches the coffee beans for a short time, so trpene

The amount extracted by the pawn is small, but if the soaking method (such as the Japanese Saifeng coffee machine), the hot water coffee beans are exposed for a long time, so it is easier to extract a large amount of terpene. Although the effect of terpene on cardiovascular disease varies from person to person, it usually causes blood cholesterol to rise about 12mg/dl. For a person with high cholesterol, we advise him to drink less. If you must drink like Balzac, it's best to buy a better expressor maker and add filter paper to filter terpene for your cardiovascular health. Don't forget that in addition to terpene caffeine is still a risk factor for arrhythmias, in addition to coffee, they are also found in cola, chocolate, tea … ... Waiting for food.

Drink coffee every day and worry about gallstones?

According to a recent report from the Harvard School of Public Health published by the authoritative academic journal JAMA (JournaloftheAm ericanMedicalAss ociation1999; 281 / 2106-2112), if you are worried about gallstones, the most convenient way is not to remove minerals from the water, but to drink more than four cups of coffee a day! Coffee drinkers are less likely to get gallstones, of course, but the lab studied 46008 subjects with high credibility. According to the study, people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day were on average 40% less likely to get gallstones than those who never drank them, while those who drank more than four cups of coffee a day were 45% less likely to get gallstones, regardless of whether you drank expresso,latte, brewed or instant coffee. All are effective, but if you drink decaffeinated coffee or tea, you will obviously not have this magical effect of preventing gallstones. Coffee is the beverage that has been used for the longest time but is most misunderstood by human beverages. Many new studies have proved that coffee is not harmful to human health as previously thought. On the contrary, other ingredients in coffee have many health effects on the human body, which have been slowly discovered by scientists. It has become a new coffee science, so drinking coffee has a lot of benefits.

How much coffee can pregnant women drink a day?

Drinking coffee can be addictive, if you like to go to Starbusks on weekdays, what if you are dying every day after you are pregnant? Can pregnant women drink coffee every day and how many cups a day is safe? In the past, there have been many medical studies on the problem of rain coffee for pregnant women, but there is no unified conclusion, so we can only say conservatively that pregnant women do not want too much coffee, but how much is too much for pregnant women? According to the report of the English Journal of Medicine in November 1999, according to the statistics from 1959 to 1966, the concentration of a caffeine metabolite called paraxanthine in pregnant women with miscarriage was 30% higher than that in ordinary pregnant women, which directly proved that there was a direct relationship between coffee intake and miscarriage. The researchers measured paraxanthine rather than caffeine directly because paraxanthine was more stable in the body, and the value was more credible. One or two cups of coffee a day is actually safe for pregnant women, but drinking more than six cups a day will greatly increase the risk of miscarriage due to unknown reasons. For safety reasons, pregnant women and lactating women are advised not to drink coffee.

The dietitian replied [A]:

The question of whether caffeine is helpful or harmful to the human body is interesting. It has also been debated by many parties.

So we suggest you look at caffeine and caffeinated drinks in a "relaxed" mood.

What are the benefits of caffeine for the human body?

1. Caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system and muscles, so it can boost the spirit, thinking and

Memory, restore muscle fatigue

two。 Acting on the cardiovascular system can improve heart function, dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation.

3. For the gastrointestinal system, it can help digestion and fat decomposition.

4. Recently, a new study in the United States shows that drinking coffee increases libido because it improves blood circulation.

Ring, speed up the heartbeat and stimulate the activity of the nervous system, so people who often drink coffee have a less sexual life.

Regular drinkers are more active, not only that, but also reduce the risk of impotence.

What are the physiological reactions of caffeine in the human body?

(1) stimulate the central nervous system of the brain, prolong the awake time of the brain, and make the mind clear and sharp.

(2) stimulate the heartbeat, (3) make the heart beat faster.

(4) it has the effect of diuresis, and (5) it increases the frequency of going to the toilet.

(6) stimulate gastric acid secretion.

There is no direct evidence that caffeine causes osteoporosis, but these studies suggest that caffeine increases calcium excretion, so it is recommended that attention should be paid to adequate calcium intake. A study of postmenopausal women shows that women who drink moderate amounts of coffee can supplement the calcium lost by drinking two cups of coffee if they drink at least one cup of milk a day.

Is coffee related to the incidence of cancer?

Researchers have been arguing that there is not enough evidence to show that caffeine is carcinogenic.

Drinking too much coffee may hinder the development of the fetus

Drinking too much coffee can hinder fetal development and fail to prove whether it can lead to preterm birth or underweight at birth. The Food and Drug Administration still advises pregnant women to drink less coffee, and enough studies have shown that caffeine reduces women's chances of getting pregnant, increases the risk of miscarriage and slows fetal development.

The right amount of caffeine will speed up metabolism

A moderate amount of caffeine will speed up metabolism, promote digestion, improve constipation, and may help improve skin roughness. Drinking coffee is a kind of enjoyment and can relieve stress, relax the mood, but also stimulate intestinal peristalsis, produce laxative effect, is also very useful for constipation. The absolute part of the caffeine is metabolized in the liver, and about 10% is excreted directly from the urine. Its half-life (the time it takes to reduce to half a dose) is about three to six hours, and the rate of metabolism varies from person to person and from person to person. For example, smokers metabolize very fast.

Pregnant people, babies, and the elderly decompose slowly, that is, the half-life is longer. Therefore, pregnant women due to the reduction of coffee

Drink because the fetus does not have an enzyme to break down caffeine. For smokers, coffee metabolizes very fast.

There is always a lack of coffee concentration.

Is the coffee safe?

As a drug, caffeine can enhance the effects of some painkillers; there is not enough evidence to show that caffeine is obviously harmful to the general population, and it does not seem to have a negative effect on the incidence of blood fat, blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Moderate caffeine intake should be harmless to the human body, and even the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Best anesthetic: caffeine

European and American industrialized countries consume a lot of coffee, but the world ignores the fact that bean-producing countries also have amazing consumption. 22% of the world's coffee is consumed by origin. Although Brazilians grow coffee and drink coffee, experts predict that Brazil, which produces the largest amount of beans, will sooner or later become a country where coffee imports exceed exports. Note: this is an interesting topic, but it is by no means alarmist. Brazil consumes 12 million bags of raw beans every year, so the annual output must be more than 26 million bags in order to maintain normal operation, that is to say, in addition to meeting domestic demand, there is spare power to export to earn foreign exchange. However, natural disasters occur in Brazil from time to time, and once the production capacity falls below 30 million bags, the Brazilian authorities begin to be nervous. From August to November 1999, there was no rain in Brazil for several months, endangering capacity in 2000. Experts estimate that annual output may fall below 26 million bags in the coming year. International coffee futures soared from 80 cents per pound to 1 in the shadow of soybean shortage. Five dollars. The Forgis series of coffee under the Baoqiao Group of the United States has also raised the price, and the international coffee industry in the middle and lower reaches is planning to increase the price. Fortunately, Brazil dropped rain in January 2000, and the official assessment report showed that the disaster was not as serious as expected. it is estimated that the production capacity this year will be more than 28 million bags, allaying concerns about the bean shortage, and international coffee futures began to fall back. As of March 2000, international coffee futures fell back to 1 per pound. One dollar. In addition, in recent years, in order to increase exports to earn foreign exchange, Brazil does not hesitate to import low-cost robusta beans for domestic needs, while better Arabica beans are used exclusively for export. )

Caffeine is the most commonly used mood reliever for humans, and coffee beverages are the most widely distributed caffeine channel. James, a writer who specializes in caffeine, wrote: "Today, almost everyone is exposed to caffeine every day, regardless of location, race, gender, age or culture. The world consumes an estimated 120000 tons of caffeine every year, equivalent to more than 5 billion people in the world, and each person drinks a can of caffeinated drinks every day. " More than 90% of the people in the United States have the habit of consuming caffeine. in addition to tea, cola and coffee, supermarkets even sell canned water containing high doses of caffeine, causing a lot of controversy in the United States. More than 60 plants are known to contain caffeine. Coffee beans provide 54% of the world's caffeine, with the rest through tea, cola or other drinks. The cartoon painter Serion's characters once shouted, "Coffee is my best anesthetic!" Point out the itch of the world.

What exactly is caffeine and what effect does it have on the human body? Experts have different opinions. Caffeine is a plant alkaloid, and many tropical plants produce caffeine for self-defense. There is no winter in the tropics, and diseases and insect pests are more serious, so plants have evolved many ways to defend themselves, and caffeine can be regarded as a natural insecticide. Although some bugs and molds, vice rises ten, adapt to a variety of plant alkaloids, caffeine affects the nervous system of animals to prevent them from gnawing on plants. Yes, humans are obsessed with the refreshing effects of caffeine.

Caffeine's chemical, C8H10N4O2, is a white, slightly bitter powder that was isolated from coffee beans as early as 1820. (note: there is an allusion that Goethe, a great German poet, drank coffee but was unable to sleep properly, so he asked his chemist friend Longie to analyze what was in the coffee beans that caused insomnia. In 1820, Longji separated the caffeine that interfered with sleep. Goethe can be called the enlightening ancestor of decaf coffee. The human liver tries to break down coffee because of the toxin, but some caffeine molecules flow to the brain to prevent adenosine from functioning properly. As adenosine reduces the electrical activity of the brain, it is time for the body to take a rest. Sleep every day may have something to do with the mechanism by which adenosine operates. However, caffeine interferes with the operation of adenosine and eliminates tiredness, so strictly speaking, caffeine does not have a refreshing effect, but at best temporarily shuts down the physiological "brake" system.

However, caffeine not only affects the brain, because all organs in the body have adenylate receptors, which are blocked by caffeine, which speeds up the heartbeat, contracts blood vessels and muscles, and relaxes the trachea. Caffeine also has a diuretic effect, and some doctors worry that bones will be excreted with the urine, but new research shows that only elderly women with very low calcium intake need to pay attention to this problem.

Caffeine has long been linked to many diseases, but subsequent studies have not been able to prove the guilt of caffeine. Stephen Braun, a caffeine writer, wrote in his 1996 book Buzz: "Breast cancer, osteoporosis, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and mental disorders may be related to caffeine. After careful study, there is still no clear evidence that moderate consumption of coffee can also cause these diseases." Caffeine scholar James, who published Cognition of caffeine in 1977, also agrees that caffeine is not clearly linked to the rumored disease, but he still thinks caffeine may cause heart disease: "Coffee without filter paper increases blood cholesterol levels. In addition, even if you drink only one cup of coffee, your blood pressure will rise moderately for two to three hours, which can lead to cardiovascular disease in the long run. "

Doctors advise people with high blood pressure, insomnia and depression to consult their doctor about their caffeine intake. People who drink coffee every day should also pay attention to the relationship between caffeine and drugs before taking medicine. In addition, caffeine stimulates gastric acid secretion, and doctors have thought for years that drinking coffee may cause stomach ulcers, which has not been confirmed.

Coffee shops in Taiwan

In the early days of retrocession, coffee shoppers in Taipei knew that there was a Chaofeng Tea Shop in front of Zhongshan Hall. It could be said to be the earliest coffee shop in Taiwan, and it was also the only place that openly called for coffee at that time. In 1949, the first fresh-fried and freshly ground coffee shop appeared in Taipei. at that time, the coffee shop was poorly equipped and could still attract a full crowd, but the quality of coffee was not so important. Five or six years later, similar cafes appeared one after another in Taipei. It was not until the mid-1970s, when the Japanese introduced their Dongyang teahouse to Zhongshan Road in Taipei, that the domestic coffee market took a revolutionary turn. In the late 1970s, when the world was in the midst of an economic recession, the coffee and western food industry in Taipei stood out, with luxurious decoration and grand scenes, and the service staff picked up young ladies in noble dresses. and there are piano instruments playing live and so on. After the 1980s, a trend of ground coffee sprang up rapidly. a cup of 35 yuan coffee greatly subverted the traditional impression of coffee in the eyes of the Taiwanese people. With cheap prices, self-service, bright and simple decoration, coffee should be available everywhere, which should also expand the level of the coffee population. In recent years, the craze of the so-called American coffee chain has spread from North America to Taiwan. This type of coffee shop is characterized by creating a comfortable environment. Even though the price is not cheap, modern men and women are flocking to it. It should be that "drinking coffee" is no longer the focus. As for the quality of the coffee? It seems that not many people will pay attention.

The evolution of coffee

At the beginning, the use of coffee is to mash the fruit and stir the oil to make balls to eat, and then gradually evolved to boil the fruit and leaves together into juice to drink, as now, coffee beans are roasted and ground into powder for use. it was formed in the 13th century. Coffee became a popular drink in Mecca, the holy place of the Arab Muslim world in the 15th century, and spread throughout the Muslim world through pilgrims from all over the world. In the mid-17th century, with the prosperity of Muslim countries, businessmen, travelers and Turks from Europe transplanted coffee to Central and South America, while the Dutch spread it to Indonesia and the Nanyang Islands. so coffee began to spread to every corner of the world along with European civilization.


The structure of different coffee beans is different, and the time and temperature required are also different. the temperature at the beginning should not be too high, lest the raw beans should be scorched off the surface of the pot immediately, and must be heated at a continuous and stable temperature. make the coffee beans keep rolling in the boiler. When the tissue of coffee beans begins to swell when they are heated, the sound of cracking will be heard, a bit like the sound of popcorn when we are making popcorn. The color has gradually changed from green to brown, and the aroma of coffee has been aroused. Coffee beans from different areas have different uses, and the degree of roasting is also different.


After the coffee beans are roasted, in addition to the individual coffee (the single coffee refers to the single variety of beans, which does not add other varieties, simply speaking, it is the coffee other than the comprehensive coffee). On the other hand, comprehensive coffee is that we mix different kinds of coffee from different places and varieties into different flavors according to their characteristics (including four or five kinds of single coffee). To meet the needs of different tastes and different cooking methods How to make a good mixed coffee? First, it is necessary to determine whether the taste to be blended is the neutral taste of Blue Mountain Coffee or the taste of individual special hobbies. Second, to study the characteristics of all kinds of individual coffee, before blending comprehensive coffee, we must have a clear understanding of the nature and taste of all kinds of single coffee before we can determine the proportion of each kind of coffee. At present, integrated coffee can be divided into two systems based on Baxi Coffee and based on Colombia. Third, correctly determine the degree of roasting and the coordination of coffee beans, in order to prepare a variety of different types of comprehensive coffee, it is necessary to choose a different degree of roasting coffee beans.


The grinding of coffee beans is also the key to affect the quality of a cup of coffee must be according to different utensils different cooking methods, grinding into the appropriate thickness to match, in order to give full play to the characteristics of coffee beans. In the process of grinding, we should also pay attention to the cleaning of the mold bean machine; no matter which kind of bean grinder, if we do not pay attention to the cleaning work, the powder of all kinds of coffee will remain in the grinder, and the taste will influence and interact with each other. it is unacceptable for a long time, obviously when the beans of a single product are ground, the powder may become a comprehensive coffee. In the author's personal experience, there are very few people who can pay attention to the details, including many coffee shops and business places. As soon as the bean grinder is dismantled, the powder and coffee dirt stuck in it are large enough to boil two cups of coffee. Therefore, if you want to accurately boil the taste of coffee, the work of cleaning the bean machine can not be ignored. There are three ways of brewing: 1 Italian coffee, 2 siphon coffee, 3 American coffee (filter).

Coffee producing areas and varieties

Common varieties of coffee at present

Elaraby plus seed (ARABICA): this is the earliest discovered coffee variety, developed from Ethiopia, the plant height is about 2-3 meters, it is characterized by relatively intolerant to low temperature and drought, low resistance to diseases and insect pests, need to be carefully taken care of, large particles. Generally speaking, the quality of Elaraby plus seed is quite good, the taste is fragrant #, rich in different degrees of acidity is its characteristic, of course, the price is much higher than Romda species, there should be many people like to emphasize that their coffee is 100% Elaraby plus seed, currently accounts for about 85% of the world coffee production, is now the main variety in the world. The main producing areas are: central and South American countries such as Honduras, Costa Rica, the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Baxi, Colombia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Geely Mangaro in Africa, Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula, Nanyang, Indonesia and other places.

ROBUSDA species: discovered in Congo more than two hundred years ago, it is characterized by high temperature, drought resistance, sturdy tree trunk, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, environmental requirements for climate, soil, etc., which are not as stringent as those of Elaraby, the fruit particles are round and small, and the taste is not as mellow as Elaraby, often with earthy taste and bitter taste, and the coffee shop has a high content. It is characteristic that it still has fragrance after it is cold. Of course, the price is much cheaper than that of Elaraby, which is often used to make instant coffee and iced coffee, accounting for 15% of the world's output. At present, the main producing areas are: Java of Indonesia, Congo of Africa, Uganda Dada, C ô te d'Ivoire and so on.

Liberia plus species (LIBERICA): first found in Libya, beans are long-shaped, particles slightly pointed, shaped like a boat, but poor quality, too acidic, rarely used to drink. But it has a tall trunk and strong disease resistance, and now it is only used for good varieties.

Elaraby add coffee

Central and South America

Jamaica: blue Mountain Coffee

The famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee (bluemountain) can be said to be the king of coffee, but only the coffee produced in Jamaica's Blue Mountains above 5000 feet above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee, while the beans also produced in the Blue Mountains but in low-altitude areas, or other producing areas in Jamaica, although they all come from Jamaica, they can not be called Blue Mountain Coffee. The reason why it is expensive, first, its quality is good, fragrant, sweet and mellow, sour and bitter are moderate, and it is the best of the best. Many people think that Blue Mountain coffee is good because it has a strong flavor. in fact, if you are used to heavy-flavored coffee such as Manning and Italian espresso, you are advised not to spend a lot of money to try it easily, or you will be disappointed. Its taste is slightly sour in the fragrance, that kind of acid is a kind of high-quality acidity of Elaraby and coffee beans, which will not disgust you, but it has endless aftertaste. It can be tasted without sugar or cream at all, and you will taste it one mouthful after another. Before you know it, you will finish it before you can add sugar or cream. Even you will think that adding sugar or cream is a waste. Second, the output is small, because only the coffee produced in the high altitude areas of the Blue Mountains can be called Blue Mountain Coffee of quality, and after strict screening, the quantity is limited; coupled with the fact that Japan has acquired a large number of coffee over the years, the quantity that Taiwan can obtain is even less, so the price is several times higher than ordinary coffee.

In the past, we often heard people say that there was no real Blue Mountain Coffee in Taiwan, perhaps in the past, but in fact, a very small number of pure Blue Mountain Coffee has been sold on the market, but it is not easy for experts to tell whether it is true or false. the market confuses the public with beans that look like Blue Mountain Coffee, or even has huge beans that call itself Blue Mountain Coffee from time to time. Really pure blue mountain coffee beans are actually only a little bigger than ordinary coffee beans, so how should consumers choose and buy them? We have to be careful about choosing reputable coffee manufacturers. Of course, its price is much higher than that of other coffee, and the prices of different coffee manufacturers are also very different, but consumers can not blindly measure it by the price. It does not mean that the higher the price is, the better or purer the coffee is. Otherwise, you will be wronged if you spend a lot of money.

And the blue mountain coffee we drink in the coffee shop, or the blue mountain coffee beans we buy, are not really blue mountain coffee? Yes, most of them are, so why is it called Blue Mountain Coffee? In the past, there was no pipeline to import real Blue Mountain coffee in Taiwan, and the price was much higher than that of other coffee, but there was still demand in the market, so other coffee beans were blended into a taste similar to Blue Mountain Coffee, so it should actually be called blended Blue Mountain Coffee. Of course, some manufacturers claimed that there were how many percent of the pure Blue Mountain coffee beans. However, this statement is not pragmatic, because if the cost of mixing pure blue mountain coffee beans is too high, but there is no such market on the market, it is not worthwhile at all, and if you really join pure blue mountain coffee, it will really spoil pure blue mountain coffee. However, the price of Blue Mountain Coffee on the market is still slightly higher than that of ordinary coffee beans. if you are a conscientious manufacturer, since the price is higher than ordinary coffee beans, you should mix coffee beans that are better than ordinary single coffee, and the cost is naturally higher. But if the so-called "Blue Mountain Coffee" is blended with ordinary single coffee, is it not the same as mixed coffee?

Hawaii, USA: volcanic Coffee (KONA)

Hawaii is the only place where coffee is produced in the United States. The coffee produced by KONA, located on the southwest coast of the island of Hawaii, is what we call volcanic coffee, grown on volcanic limestone, it is also a high-quality Elaraby species, coupled with Hawaii's excellent soil, climate and good processing, so it also creates its high popularity, if Blue Mountain Coffee is the king of coffee. So Hawaiian KONA coffee can be called the queen of coffee. Tourists who have been to Hawaii know that there are a lot of KONA coffee sold there, which is the biggest difference from other producing countries. In general, coffee is mostly used as a cash crop in coffee producing countries, and the average national income is not high. Therefore, the vast majority of high quality coffee beans are exported, and coffee drunk locally in producing countries is usually a secondary product that cannot be exported, while Hawaii is an exception. But it often happens that some tourists bring back KONA coffee from Hawaii, and when we are asked to grind it, we find that it is just a mixed coffee with 10%KONA coffee. In fact, it is marked on the packaging, but ordinary consumers are less likely to notice this and bring it back when they see the word KONA. Because it is also second only to Blue Mountain Coffee in terms of price, it is not easy to buy a real KONA or 100% KONA on the market. KONA tastes strong, mellow, slightly sour with a hint of wine, and the color of the brewed coffee is also red in color, with a red wine-like color, which is also one of its major features.

Brazil: Santos Coffee, Rio Coffee, Victoria Coffee, Bagaya Coffee

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, with a vast area of coffee farms, and its output is also the first in the world, accounting for about 35% of the global coffee production, so Brazilian coffee plays an important role in the world; once Brazil is affected by climatic factors (the most serious is frost damage), resulting in a reduction in coffee bean production, coffee prices will soar overnight. The Santos coffee in Brazil is famous for its export port, which is mainly produced in the states of Sao Paulo and Panama, and is one of the highest production and best quality in Brazil. Therefore, the blending of many mixed coffees is based on Brazilian Santos coffee, which is neutral and fragrant, with no irritating sour taste, slightly bitter, smooth and smooth. Santos coffee is also called Bourbon Santos, which has the sweet taste of mocha coffee, so it is also called Brazilian mocha.

Rio coffee, which is exported from the port of Rio de Janeiro, has larger granules than Santos coffee and has a strong taste that is irritating to the tongue. This flavor is called Rio Flavor. But after a long period of storage, the irritating taste weakens and becomes sweet, called Golden Rio; in addition to Brazil, there are Victoria Coffee coffee, Bahia coffee and so on, but the quality is mostly poor.

Colombia: Mandarin Coffee, Bogota Coffee, Meniselis, Bucamanca

The coffee produced in Colombia, also located in $Zhou in South America, belongs to the excellent Elaraby species, second only to Brazil, and is grown in the Andes Mountains at a height of 3600 to 6000 feet. Climate, soil quality, rainfall, etc., are very suitable for growing fine varieties of coffee. Because of its excellent quality, beautiful bean shape, large granules and looks like Blue Mountain Coffee, it is often used as a fake. It has a strong aroma and high acidity, so it must be handled accurately when cooking, otherwise it is easy to highlight its sour taste, but if it is handled well, its taste can be as good as that of Blue Mountain Coffee. This is the reason why most people think it is "sour", coupled with the fact that most Taiwanese consumers are afraid of acid, so very few people drink Colombian coffee. This is actually a great pity. In addition, like Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee is often used as a base for the blending of integrated coffee beans because it is rich in aroma.

According to different origin, Colombian coffee can be divided into: first, Medelin Coffee coffee is a high-grade product in Colombian coffee, fragrant and mellow. Second, Bogota coffee (Bogeta Coffee) and Mandarin coffee are both high-grade products in Colombian coffee, with larger particles. Others include Manicales, Bucaramanga and so on.

Mexico: Mexican coffee

Mexican coffee beans taste neutral, raw beans show a glossy green, fragrant and soft taste, with good acidity.

Guatemala: Guatemalan coffee

Guatemalan coffee is mostly grown on slopes between 900 and 5000 feet above sea level. High-grade beans show waxy luster and high acidity, so they are suitable for blending with other beans, while Antigua coffee produced at high altitudes is even more fragrant and powerful.

Costa Rica: Costa Rican coffee

Costa Rica is the southernmost country in Central America. The coffee is grown on the top of the volcanic ash soil. It has large particles, bitter taste and sour taste.

El Salvador: Salvadoran coffee

El Salvador is the largest coffee producer in Central America. El Salvador coffee tastes neutral, similar to Brazil's Santos coffee.

Middle East region

Yemen: Matalimoka

The world-famous Matalimoka (Mattari Mocha) is produced in Yemen, because it was originally exported from the port of Mocha near the Red Sea, hence the name, the particles are thin and weak, the taste is fragrant and bitter, there is a sweet potato flavor, unique flavor. Mocha coffee is produced in Ethiopia, Yemen and other places. After it first spread to Yemen from Ethiopia, it is famous for its development in Mocha. I believe that the name mocha coffee will not be born. Due to the rise of mocha instant coffee, the name mocha has almost become synonymous with coffee, and people's impression of mocha coffee is instant coffee; and in recent years, American coffee chains have brought a trend. The mocha coffee they provide refers to another meaning, which represents coffee seasoned with chocolate, and most consumers are easy to be confused.

Ethiopia: mocha, Halali mocha

Ethiopia is the birthplace of Elaraby coffee. Halali mocha, produced in the Halali hills in the east of Ethiopia, is turquoise, small and slender, with a taste similar to that of Mattai amaocha in Yemen, and is also known as Long Berry Mocha because of its slender appearance. Mocha beans are often of different sizes in appearance, and the proportion of bad beans is slightly higher, except for the higher-grade Halali mocha or Matalimoka. But even so, it doesn't affect its flavor or what coffee lovers think of it. From the mysterious Arab region, with a unique aroma and sour taste, many mocha coffee lovers are attracted by its distinctive.


Tanzania: Kreemangaro Coffee

Located on the east coast of Africa, the main producing area is Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. The Clemangaro coffee, which belongs to Elaraby, is grown in the highlands above 4500 feet. The particles are large and uniform, sour and sweet.


Kenya is located on the east coast of Africa. The quality of Kenyan coffee is similar to that of Tanzanian coffee, with the unique acidity of high-grade Elaraby coffee.

South Africa

Indonesia: Mantenin Coffee, Romsda, Java

Mantenin Coffee, produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, is a favorite of many coffee families. The most important feature of Manning coffee can be said to be that it has a unique bitter taste. generally speaking, Mantenin will mostly be roasted at a medium-fried level to highlight its unique bitterness and less sour characteristics.

Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee

Mamba Coffee is not actually a coffee variety or origin. Literally, it refers to Mantenin Coffee plus Brazilian Coffee, which is usually mixed at 5:5 with half deep-fried Mantenin Coffee and half lightly fried Brazilian Coffee. Of course, it can also be mixed according to personal preference. Mamba coffee also tastes like Manning, but with the blending of Brazilian coffee, it is not as bitter as Manning coffee and has been quite popular in recent years.

Romda grows coffee


Romsta accounts for 90% of Indonesia's national coffee production. Romsda, which is produced in Java, Indonesia, can be said to be the representative of Romsda coffee beans. The bitter taste of Romda coffee is its main characteristic, it is not as fragrant as Elaraby plus seed, or even with an earthy smell, that taste is not a fragrance, and some people even think it is monotonous coffee. Even so, it is often used to prepare mixed coffee because it can increase the richness of the coffee, and it is rare to drink it as a single product.


90% of the coffee produced in Uganda is Romsta and is one of the world's leading suppliers of Romsda coffee.

C ô te d'Ivoire

C ô te d'Ivoire is a major producer of coffee in the West Bank of Africa and a major supplier of Romsda coffee, with small particles and heavy bitterness, mainly used as a raw material for instant coffee.

How to choose the coffee that suits you

At present, in Taiwan, where the coffee population is growing rapidly, it is no longer difficult to buy coffee beans. All kinds of coffee are sold at the coffee counters of many department stores, and retail coffee is also on display in many cafes. Generally speaking, the price of coffee in department stores is higher, but the price of coffee imported from abroad is much higher. However, we should pay attention to the fact that "do not blindly believe in famous brands or boast original imported coffee." the quality of coffee beans is not based on price or packaging, especially the consumption habits of Chinese people are often superstitious imports. We think that imported coffee beans with famous brands are of high quality at high price. As a matter of fact, famous brands or high prices are not equal to quality, especially when imported roasted coffee beans are shipped to Taiwan from abroad and entered the customs, the freshness remains to be questioned, especially after being ground into powder. Of course, this is not always the case, but the sky-high price of imported coffee beans is an indisputable fact. The most important thing about coffee is freshness, so consumers should try, compare and find out the correct use of coffee. Taiwan's local roasting technology is not inferior to that of foreign countries. In the case of Lanshan Coffee Company, it only takes about two to three days from the roasting of coffee beans to the hands of consumers, because our products have large sales volume and high turnover rate. Therefore, coffee beans can be kept in the freshest state, so they can provide coffee of good quality, fresh and reasonable price.

But the question is how to choose the coffee that suits you? Generally speaking, if there is no special preference or taste, you can choose mixed coffee made from a variety of individual coffee beans, but people often think that mixed coffee is not a mixture of poorer beans. In fact, this is not always the case. In our comprehensive coffee, all kinds of individual coffee have their own functions. The comprehensive significance is to combine the excellent characteristics of all kinds of single coffee, and to blend out the all-out taste purpose represented by Blue Mountain Coffee. In addition, comprehensive coffee is also the best choice for coffee beginners, not too sour, not too bitter, suitable for most consumers, but it does not mean that its quality is worse than other individual coffee, consumers should establish this concept.

So if you want to try to compare individual coffee with obvious special flavor, you have to choose according to your personal preference. For most Chinese, for those with sour taste! Coffee is difficult to accept, so Colombian coffee and mocha coffee with acidity are not suitable, while Mantenin coffee with strong bitter taste

In comparison, Brazilian coffee is more acceptable to Chinese people, while Blue Mountain Coffee, which is moderately sour, sweet, fragrant and mellow, is also a good choice. Only in China, most of the Blue Mountain coffee is prepared by other individual coffee, but the taste is similar to the Blue Mountain coffee.