Coffee review

[Recipe] The weather is getting cooler ~ Come and make a cup of coffee Mix strong liquor to warm your body!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) recently began, the weather turned cold ~ encountered typhoon weather, small editor living in Guangzhou unexpectedly also had to take off the order in advance, there is no way, must wear two pieces, one is really a little cold come, quickly learn to make a cup of coffee Mix spirits with small editor, warm up! Mixing coffee with alcohol not only

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Recently, the weather turned cold ~ in case of a typhoon, the editor living in Greater Guangzhou had to take off his order in advance-no way, he had to wear two, and one was really a little cold.

Come on, learn from the editor to make a cup of coffee and Mix spirits to warm yourself up. Drinking coffee mixed with spirits can not only promote blood circulation to protect against the cold, but also warm the body immediately, and the aroma of the wine also makes the coffee more intense!

For example, Sambuca, a traditional Italian spirits, has a slight flavor of star anise spice. Italians will add three coffee beans to a mouthful of Shot (single Espresso) to symbolize health, happiness and prosperity. Ignite and burn, so that the coffee oil and wine blend, full of aroma! The slight bitterness of coffee beans also fully demonstrates the sweet flavor of fennel wine!

Select five coffee and wine recipes, and it's very easy to do it in two steps.

Ice Kaffe

1 & 1 oz 2. Vanilla vodka

1 oz. Coffee wine

1/2 oz. Fresh cream

Pour all the ingredients into a wine mixer filled with ice and shake well.

Pour it into the cup, done!

It can also be replaced with coffee ice brick to make the flavor more rich.

The wake up call

2 oz. New Amsterdam Vodka

1 oz. Coffee

1/2 oz. Triple Sec orange wine

1 oz. milk

Pour all the ingredients into a wine mixer filled with ice and shake well.

Pour into a glass and decorate with coffee beans floating on the wine. Finish!

Haute & Steamy

1 & 1 oz 2. Chocolate vodka


Pour the coffee and vodka into the cup and stir well.

Add whipped cream and toffee syrup to the top, sprinkle with chocolate and cocoa powder, and finish.

Morning Glory

2 oz. Coconut vodka

1/2 oz. Espresso

1/2 oz. Coffee wine

1/2 oz. Milk wine

Pour all the ingredients into a wine mixer filled with ice and shake well.

Pour into a cup and garnish with ground coffee beans. Finish!

Irish coffee

2 oz. Milk wine

4 oz. Coffee

One teaspoon of pumpkin pie spices

Pour the milk wine, coffee and spices into the cup and mix well. add whipped cream to garnish and finish.


Oz= ounces (à ngs ounces), an imperial unit of weight equal to about 28 grams.

Spirits are good, but don't drink too much.

Also, don't drive after drinking!