Coffee review

How to confirm the best time to bake coffee beans? How to design the baking curve of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to confirm the best time to bake coffee beans? This question is actually asking how to design the baking curve of coffee beans. In fact, the best time point will not be the basis for final judgment. It doesn't mean that your baking degree or quality will be the same when you are exactly a few minutes and seconds poached beans. It also involves the characteristics of the raw coffee bean itself and the whole roasting process of the coffee bean.

How to confirm the best time to bake coffee beans?

This question is actually about how to design the baking curve of coffee beans.

In fact, the best point in time will not be the basis for final judgment. It doesn't mean that your baking degree or quality will be the same when you are exactly a few minutes and seconds poached beans. It also involves the characteristics of raw coffee beans, the heating rate of coffee beans in the whole roasting process and so on. So for this problem, if I simplify and simplify, regardless of other factors, you can do this on how to judge the baking factor of chop bean time (this is a simplified version, assuming that you already know the characteristics of raw beans, the temperature recovery point is normal, firepower and other factors are given):

The first step is to make assumptions.

Based on your usual baking experience, make a rough baking prediction. For example, generally speaking, it is about:

When does it go into an explosion?

How long will the explosion last?

How long is it between the first explosion and the second explosion?

Second step sampling

After the start of the first explosion, 30s, 50s, 60s, 25%, 50%, 75%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 75%.

Take 11g samples each

The third step is cup test

Cup test the sampled sample to determine which range is most in line with your expectations.

And then you can judge it!

Note: in the actual operation, you may need to try many times, pay attention to a lot of details, rigorous recording habits and the spirit of exploration can be really effective.