Coffee review

Panama Casa #8231; Louis-Berlina Estate Information Materials Sunlight Iron Bika Coffee Wind

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style Introduction to Casa Ruiz Cooperative Panama Casa Ruiz Cooperative Founded in 1979, Casa Ruiz Cooperative Panama is one of the most famous cooperatives in Boquete District of Baru Volcano. Headquartered in the skirt valley of Baru Volcano, the family has been inherited for 3 generations and has more than 300 members so far.

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Introduction of Casa Louise Casa Ruiz Cooperative in Panama

Panama Casa Louise Casa Ruiz Cooperative, founded in 1979, is one of the most famous cooperatives in the Boquete district of Bharu Volcano, headquartered in the Balu volcanic skirt valley. The family has passed on more than 300 small family farms and estates from planting, processing to marketing partners. Most of the estates have a history of 100 years, including Berlina, Maunier, Panamaria and Cafe Ruiz. In contrast to the practice of other cooperatives to increase their acreage at the expense of the environment in order to increase yields, Casa Louise Casa Ruiz and his partners grow coffee in an environmentally friendly way that follows the ancient local tradition of the Boguet region, a rigorous system for improving the quality of beans, including planting, processing, layer by layer of detail, marking, preservation, is the winning manor in the Best of Panama best Panama competition.

* Commodity specifications

Country: Panama

Manor: Kasha Louise Bolina Manor

Producing area: Bogut

Grade: SHB

Treatment: insolation

Altitude: over 1600 m

Variety: Tibica

* Flavor: strong berries, strawberries and cocoa flavors are very obvious, with high cleanliness, strong taste and excellent sweetness in the finish.

* Baking: shallow baking

Bitter ●○○○○

Fruit acid ●●●●○

Sweet ●●●●○

Aroma ●●●●○

Yu Yun ●●●○○