Coffee review

Vivette Nanguo-El Injerto Eincht Manor Nativo batches of sun-treated coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Eincht Manor introduction Eincht Manor is located in Vivette Nanguo, an amazing coffee producing area, with steep sharp-toothed peaks and narrow valleys, receiving warm hot wind from the neighboring Mexican lowland valley, the hot air warms the hillside, making coffee possible at such a high altitude

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction of Eincht Manor

Eincht Manor is located in the stunning coffee-producing area of Vivette Nango, with steep sharp-toothed peaks and narrow valleys, receiving warm wind from the nearby Mexican lowland valley, and the hot air warms the hillside. it is usually impossible for coffee to grow at such a high altitude. Eincht Manor quickly became a world legend for the quality of its coffee, winning a total of 16 awards in 11 years in the Cup Of Excellence competition, far more than any other estate in the world. Every year the Aguirre family continues to improve the production quality of their estate. They pay attention to all the details of the whole process, including floating, fermenting, soaking, drying, proper storage, and their own drying plants.

Introduction of Nativo batch Solar treatment

Each Nativo batch is set in a fermentation tank for 36 to 48 hours, and then moved to the terrace to dry for about seven days or the equivalent of 70 hours of sun exposure. After a rest of at least 45 days, professional cup surveyors take samples from them to drink and evaluate. The NATIVO selection comes from the oldest coffee farm in Eincht and is a mixture of bourbon, Kaddura and Kaduai, which are more than 40 years old. The elegant style, classic varieties and the careful care of the three generations of the manor give this batch as delicate as red wine, rich layers and sweet fruit-like coffee flavor.

After a splendid batch of solarization first exposed at a private auction in 2015, this year Eincht Estate crafted micro-batches of solarization in the popular NATIVO batch. After a series of special treatments, such as water selection, pre-soaking, square sun drying, and finally drying in the greenhouse, ERGOS is honored to recommend this batch of Einhutna Tiff sun-cured coffee to you.

[Eincht Manor Nativo batch Solar treatment of Vivette Nan Fruit El Injerto, Nativo Lot, Natural process, Huehuetenango] flavor introduction

Manor: Eincht Manor

Certification: rainforest certification

Producing area: Vivette Nanguo

Planting altitude: 1500m-1800m

Shade trees: Inga, 13-year-old natural trees

Soil: soil clay

Treatment method: solarization treatment

Varieties: bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai

Water content:

The size of the tree:

Flavor description: ripe Borromi aroma, blackcurrant, chocolate milk, cream flavor, finish with citrus and caramel almonds, very rich and high sweetness and cleanliness